The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0627, Sa Ji lives in my house?

Time passed, and the cool autumn was slowly over.It was time to prepare for Christmas, and it was almost a year since Nie Kong came out of the world of the King-Russian in the blink of an eye.In front of the TV, Lala is holding Shilinu and watching the TV show with gusto-a special chapter of Kyouko Fierce Magic.For the weekly magic Kyoko time, Lara really never gets tired of it.

"Hey! Jun Nie, come over and take a look, Lunchan actually participated in Magic Kyoko's performance..." Lala suddenly exclaimed with excitement as if seeing something unbelievable.

Nie Kong, who was clearing the table, looked at the TV following the voice of Lala, and saw Lun Zheng appearing in the TV series of Magic Kyoko.And her role is a villain, opposite to Magic Kyoko.

No wonder she didn't tell Nie Kong and the others about this, because she was afraid that Nie Kong would lose face when she saw it.At this time, she was dressed in strange clothes and gave Kyoko a KO to the flames.The film ends, and then the ending song sung by Lun is played.

"Really, Lun is getting more and more famous." Nie Kong praised.

"It's great, it's great to be able to play Magic Kyoko..." Lala stared at the TV with her eyes tightly, wishing to replace Luren.Nie Kong is speechless, Lala, you are really a big fan of Magic Kyoko.

"Maybe there is a chance in the future, you can ask Ren to take you to the shooting scene to see Kyoko with your own eyes." Bla said casually.But Lala took Bla's words seriously, and her eyes sparkled.

"Ding Dong..." As Nie Kong was about to tell Lala to take a bath, the doorbell outside the door suddenly rang.

"It's already past eight o'clock, who would come so late?" Nie Kong looked at the wall clock on the wall. It was already 8:20 in the evening. No guests would choose the current time to be a guest.

"I'll open the door." Bra stretched lazily and walked straight from the sofa.But after opening the door, she found that Sha Ji, who lived on the opposite side, was standing in front of the door out of breath.After seeing Bula open the door, Sa Ji hurried into the room.She came alone by herself, and the two attendants did not follow her.

"Shaji, why are you here?" Nie Kong asked strangely, and seeing that anxious look seemed to have something important.

"Master Nie Kong..." After seeing Nie Kong, Sha Ji threw herself into her arms and cried aggrievedly.

"Don't cry, what happened?" Nie Kong was busy pulling Saji to the sofa and comforted her.

"Actually I... I ran away from home." Sai Ji intermittently said.

"Run away from home?" Sitting on the sofa, Shaji's first words made them all stunned on the spot.You should choose a place farther away from home, it's too close.

"No, you can't run away from home." Lala said to her.But Lala really dare to say that she is a habitual offender.

"But, why are you running away from home?" Bula asked confused.

"Dad suddenly asked me to study abroad. Although I said I don't want to, but my dad is someone who doesn't have a second when I say that. But in any case, I won't regress in this matter, so I just escaped without saying anything. There are tears in Sha Ji's eyes, she seems to be really sad.Although sometimes what they did was very boring, but now she Nie Kong and the others met for the first time.

"I want to stay here for a few days temporarily. If you have Master Nie Kong, you will be able to protect Sa Ji." Sha Ji looked at Nie Kong pitifully, her pitiful appearance made people unable to refuse.

"No problem, you can live here. If you want a planet farther away from home, I have a lot of good suggestions." Seeing a scene similar to her, Lala, of course, patted her chest and agreed. .Moreover, she and Sha Ji are already friends, and they will naturally help if they are in trouble.

"Great, please take care of Master Nie Kong during this time." Sha Ji finally recovered her smiling face, and being able to live with Master Nie Kong was a blessing in disguise.

Gu Gu... the sound of his belly screamed, making Sa Ji's pretty face flushed.Although it was already past eight o'clock, Shaji and his father had a dispute that there was no time for dinner.

"You're waiting here, I'll cook some food for you." Nie Kong smiled while looking at her cute face.

"Hmm..." Saji looked at Nie Kong. She didn't expect Master Nie Kong to cook for her personally. She was so happy.

The simplest omelet rice in Japan, but Saji thinks it is the most delicious food in the world.Although it was because of being hungry, Nie Kong's cooking skills accounted for a big reason.

After eating, Sha Ji took a hot bath comfortably.But when she just walked out of the bathroom in her bath towel, two more people were present in the living room.

"Master Shaji." It turned out that while Shaji was taking a bath, two of her attendants, Kujo Rin and Aya Fujisaki, rang the doorbell.Of course they can easily guess where Shaji is.Her range of activities is very small, with only two or three friends.And she was willing to let Shaji rely on, only Nie Kong she liked.

"Rin and Aya are here, are you looking for me because you are worried about me? I'm really sorry, I didn't notify you before leaving." Shaji looked very moved when she saw her two friends.

"No, we followed your father Liu Wo's order to take you home." The silent Kujo Rin said without expression.

"Rin?" Sha Ji took two steps back in disbelief. She didn't believe her good friend would betray her.

"You are Saji's friends, why do you do this kind of thing?" Lala Yi rightly stopped.

"I know very well that Lord Sahime is unwilling to leave Japan, but this is my job. For generations to serve the Kujo clan of Tenjoin, he can only obey the orders of the contemporary Patriarch." Kujo Rin said bitterly.

"Sorry for interrupting your life, Master Saji, please leave us with us." She firmed her eyes and pulled straight towards Saji's wrist.

Nie Kong didn't interrupt them, but it didn't mean that he would agree to Saji's departure.He stood in front of Saji and said aloud: "Please tell Saji's father that she is temporarily living with me. If you have any questions, please come to me personally."

"Master Nie Kong..." Saji's eyes were filled with emotion. There were two reasons why she did not want to transfer. One was to leave Nie Kong, and the other was that Aya couldn't go abroad with her.

To lose two important people at the same time, she resolutely resisted.

"Teacher..." Looking at Nie Kong in front, Rin's eyes were full of complex emotions.Want to do it, she couldn't do it against Nie Kong.

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