The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0635, the three sisters of Lala

How can I take off my pants because my dual hands can't work?Seeing that the urination was unbearable, Nana was anxious to cry.

"Please help... Help me take off my pants." After saying that, Nana was ready to lose face in front of Nie Kong.With some arrogant attributes, although she has a boyish personality, she is more innocent and shy than any girl.

"It was Nana who told me to take it off. Don't blame me for being rude in a while." Nie Kong stretched his hands toward the casual three-quarter pants she was wearing, and his thumb hooked into the belt, feeling that there was still a layer of fabric covering it.

"You...what are you touching, birds...birds...beasts." Nana felt soft and blushed with mist.Her little tiger teeth bit Nie Kong's shoulder with excessive shame.

It's just that Nie Kong's body is so strong that she almost broke her tooth.

"Mistakes and mistakes." Nie Kong was a little embarrassed, because he just didn't pay attention to his pants.He hurriedly hooked his trousers with his thumb and slowly pulled them down.

After sensing that her trousers were taken off, Nana blushed and stared at Nie Kong fiercely: "Remember, you must never peek." After she finished speaking, she squatted on the toilet.

Due to the height difference between the two, Nie Kong could only squat in front with her.When seeing Nana's eyes full of shame and anger, Nie Kong smiled and closed her eyes.

Nana's tight heartstring eased, and her tightly squeezed urination was released.Nana felt ashamed, she had the urge to hide in the quilt and never come out.I knew it, and let him plug his ears by the way.

After all there was no sound, Nana said like a mosquito: "It's all right." Nie Kong stretched out his hand again and pulled her pants back, and then opened his eyes.

"You... Did you just hear something?" Nana asked with a fierce expression.

"Well, I didn't see anything, I didn't hear anything." Nie Kong stretched out his hand to touch her head and said warmly.

"Hmph, count you acquainted. But, don't let your sisters know what happened just now." Nana raised her tiger teeth and warned Nie Kong.

"Well, it's a secret belonging to the two of us." Nana felt sour and sweet in her heart when she heard Nie Kong's intimate words.Could it be said that this is the so-called love that Haruna had said to herself.No, how could I like him.

Half hugged Nana and returned to the living room, and found that the three women were talking about them.Seeing them appear, Mengmenghu questioned: "Where did you just go?"

"No...nowhere, by the way, have you found a way to separate us." Nana hurriedly changed the subject.

"Sorry, Nie Jun, you can only take care of Nana for a while."

Nie Kong looked at Lala's dazed thinking, he probably didn't find a way to separate himself and Nana tonight.

"Huhu...Fortunately, I have already taken a bath." Nana said to herself, what if there is to be a shared bath.

"Oh... so speaking, will Nana sleep with her brother-in-law tonight?" How could this be so, I really envy Nana.

"That's nothing, I can only hope that the effect will disappear before going to bed." Lala said without paying attention.

"Fortunately, Nana is still young, and it has not been able to trigger Dad's crime for the time being." Bla saw Nana's flat body, and couldn't help but sigh with relief.If Dad insists on doing that, please let go of that loli and come to me.

Nana is in a panic, do you really want to sleep with him for one night?Although he and Mengmeng had slept with him some time ago, but now they are the only two of them.Could it be that the brother-in-law would do something like getting a kiss after getting married? How could it be possible?

As time moved slowly, the hand of time was aligned more than ten o'clock.Mengmeng yawned, said goodnight to Nie Kong and they returned to her bedroom.Just before leaving, no one could notice the movement of her eyes.

The two still couldn't separate, Nie Kong could only sleep with Nana.But it feels good to sleep with such a cute loli.

"I... I warn you, don't do those criminal things." She blushed and said, she closed her eyes and shrank into Nie Kong's arms.She felt very comfortable when she was with Nie Kong before.It seems that it was not my own illusion that time.In his arms, it was really warm... the turbulent mood was strangely calm.

The two ponytails are now scattered behind, and her appearance is not much different from Mengmeng now.As expected of twins, they look alike.

"Well, let's go to sleep." Nie Kong hugged her soft body and slowly closed his eyes while smelling her unique smell.

It's just that when the time was twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, Nie Kong's door squeaked slightly open.Looking at the two sleeping people, Mengmeng let out a grunting laugh.She was wearing a large shirt and it was empty inside.She lay down on Nie Kong's left, hugging his arm and smiling contentedly.Nana-chan, don't want to monopolize your brother-in-law alone.

When Mengmeng appeared, the door opened again.Lalachan, who was not wearing clothes, smiled and pressed Nie Kong's other side and hugged Nie Kong.The night is too lonely, I miss Nie Jun playing H game with him some time ago.

So that now Nie Kong is lying on top of him is Nana, on the left is Mengmeng girl, and on the right is Lala.

Debby Luke's three queens actually slept with Nie Kong for one night.Nie Kong, who was asleep, didn't even notice that the other two women had arrived.It's a pity that the scene of three girls serving in the same bed, he has not been able to experience that exciting situation now.

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