The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0637, Christmas Eve game

Christmas is here, and the first semester of life is ready to end.

Nie Kong’s villa is full of Christmas decorations, especially the huge Christmas tree in the living room.Homemade 10-layer cake, surrounded by delicious food.Tonight is going to be a party, and of course more food must be prepared.And Lala and the others secretly concealed that Nie Kong prepared champagne for celebration.By the way, you are underage, can you drink.

As for the invited guests, the third daughter of Saji didn't need to say, they had already lived on the opposite side.Haruna, Xiaojing, Risa, Weiyang, and Furukawa are the only five girls who must be invited to pull their classmates and friends.Although the showbiz's Ren had a tight schedule, she readily agreed to take Kyoko to join.

Meigan and the little dark girls didn't forget, they sent out the invitation, but they told me to check the time.

Nie Kong invited Ryoko Mito, who is a health care teacher, and the girls did not consider her in it.But I'm a little lonely to spend Christmas alone.Since the party is going to be held, then make it lively.

"Oh, teacher Nie Kong, would you say it again?" Ryoko was very surprised when Nie Kong offered to invite her to spend Christmas.

"Lala and they are hosting a lively Christmas party, can you join Ryoko?" Nie Kong asked.

"Why would Teacher Nie Kong want to invite me?" Ryoko stared at Nie Kong.

"I'm afraid you will be lonely by yourself. Of course you have to spend Christmas happily." Nie Kong said.

"I understand." Yumen Ryoko smiled sweetly, watching Nie Kong in front of him with a touch of warmth.It's been a long time, living alone.

But after meeting Nie Kong, his life really changed.But that feeling doesn't seem to be bad.

"Did you agree?" Nie Kong was a little confused by her vague answer.

"Since it is the invitation of Teacher Nie Kong, how can I refuse it."

Yumen Miaozi hugged Nie Kong's arm and replied with a smile.

Nie Kong took Liangzi to the nearby commercial street.The two strolling like a couple attracted the attention of many people.Ryoko's smile never disappeared, as if she was already very happy to be able to walk with Nie Kong.

Although troublesome, he wants to buy some Christmas gifts to prepare.Cute dolls, exquisite jewelry, all kinds of clothes... Nie Kong purchased a lot.

Anyway, the Christmas party on the evening of the day officially started.Most of the girls who sent out the invitations arrived, and Lara was not too excited after seeing the live version of Kyoko.

The four girls of Haruna Risa can melt into the atmosphere, but they are more shy than before.Especially when his eyes met Nie Kong's eyes, he would blush inexplicably.

She turned around Kyoko, saying, "So happy, it's really Kyoko." Meikan looked a little scared when she saw so many strange faces.

But through the introduction, she learned that most of them are classmates of her brother.Haruna and the others were even more surprised. They didn't expect Li Dou to have such a lovely sister.

"Ahem...Before the party officially starts, let's start with some wonderful foreplay. The four of us made a game specially for today. I think everyone will have a great time playing." Said with a smile.

Nie Kong suddenly realized that they were actually making games when they hid in the house the other day.

"Could it be a brave RPG like the last time?" Haruna hesitated.

"The principle is the same, but there is absolutely no danger, it is very entertaining." Nana blinked.

"Oh, that sounds interesting." Ryoko said with a smile.

"It should be okay." It seems that Meigan shrinks as he thinks about getting smaller last time.

"Then let's get started quickly, first put your player authentication bracelet on your wrist." Lala used her mobile phone to throw out a dozen bracelets.And when Nie Kong and the others put on the bracelet, there was a spatial fluctuation.

As happened some time ago, it was probably made with the same technique.And with Bra and Lala, the game should be perfected.

The movement of space, they all came to a strange space.There are dotted lines, grids with numbers written on them, all over the space, like a giant monopoly game.

On the screen of the sky, the pretty faces of Nana and Mengmeng appeared.

"Hehe, this is a game made by referring to Monopoly. The rule is to roll the dice and then advance according to the points. The one who reaches the end first wins. We have prepared a great gift for the winner, so please come on. Of course lose It doesn't matter if you drop it, there are still gifts, but your brother-in-law specially selected and bought them for you." Mengmeng said with a microphone in his hand.

"Then please roll the dice for the first player, Haruna..." Nana pointed to Haruna.

"Eh... did it start with me." A super big dice appeared in Haruna's hands, and she could only throw it out with curiosity.

The dice rolled a few times and then stopped at position 5.

"Then please take five steps, Haruna." Nana gave the instruction of the game.

Haruna looked at the grid on the bottom of her feet and jumped forward five steps.

Then a dark scene appeared in the sky, "I got sexy underwear at the underwear shop."

"If the player stops in the grid, the corresponding event will be triggered." Mengmeng said with a smile.

"Is it..." Haruna didn't have time to react, and her slightly weak figure appeared in front of them.Seeing her abnormality, Haruna yelled and covered her front.

"Quick... change back quickly."

"I will keep doing this until it's the next time to roll the dice." Mengmeng said.

"No... I don't know the shame." Wei blushed and cursed secretly.

"I... I hate H." The same is true for Xiao An, perhaps thinking of how she was wearing these clothes.

"Oh, it's an interesting game." Ryoko is quite high in nature.

"Oh ha ha, the champion must belong to Sa Ji. Master Nie Kong, please watch my style." Sa Ji smiled complacently.

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