The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0642Mengmeng’s plan

The first semester of Nie Kong's arrival is over, and the holiday is gradually coming to an end after Christmas.

In the room, Mengmeng was humming a tune to straighten her slightly curly hair, so she felt that she would mature a lot.Seeing Haruna and the others on Christmas Eve, she realized that there should be many girls who like the brother-in-law.

"But even so, my heart hasn't changed. After all, I didn't care where I was positioned. It doesn't matter whether it is second or third, as long as the brother-in-law gives me a little bit of his love. "

She turned around in the front mirror, and after she was satisfied with her dress, she hummed a song and left her bedroom.Came to the living room and found that the brother-in-law was preparing their loving breakfast.

"It is really hard for you to trouble your brother-in-law to take care of you every day. Would you like me to help your brother-in-law?" Mengmeng said to him with gentleness when he appeared in front of Nie Kong.

"Thank you for Mengmeng sauce, in this case, help me bring the plate with the food to the table."

As soon as he handed the plate to Mengmeng, Nie Kong noticed her change and said in surprise, "Hey, Mengmeng, you changed your hair style."

"Yes, it's changed a little bit." She brushed her straight hair and smiled very sweetly.She was very happy that Nie Kong was able to notice her small changes.

"Not bad, it looks much cute." Nie Kong praised.During the conversation between the two, the food was brought to the table.Seeing that there was no one in the living room, Nie Kong said: "Lala and the others may not be awake, please help me wake them up." His daughter likes to sleep late, and Nie Kong is used to it.And Lala may have dealt with Nie Kong's onslaught alone last night, sleeping a little late and supplementing sleep is a matter of course.

"By the way, Lara is in my bedroom."

Hearing that the emperor sister got into Nie Kong's bed again last night, Nana was very envious: "Sure enough, I am a lot worse than my sister. This is a big problem before becoming a lover."

Coming to Nie Kong's bedroom with distress, she found that the emperor was awake stretched out.As her body tightened, the huge breasts appeared in her eyes.Although I think I am more proud of than Nana, but compared to my sister...

"Good morning, Mengmeng. Ah... your hairstyle has changed, it looks good." She said to Mengmeng with a dazzling smile on her pretty face.

"What's wrong, my sister looks good." Mengmeng asked strangely.

"Hey... can you see it, something is wrong." A happy expression flashed across Lala's pretty face, swaying Mengmeng's inexplicable charm.

"Actually, Master Nie Kong did something very intimate to Master Lala last night, so Master Lala is in a good mood." Pei Kai, who was beside the bed, explained to Mengmeng.

Hearing Pei Kai's words, Nana's eyes almost protruded.Could it be that the emperor sister has successfully stepped to the adult ladder.

"Peikai can't talk about it, can you say that kind of thing casually." Lala blushed and preached to Pekai.

"But, I like my brother-in-law like Haruna." Mengmeng said with a daze.

"Wow, Mengmeng, you know. Actually...I like Jun Nie. Chunca has liked Jun Nie a long time ago." Lala said with a smile.

"That's the case, but sister, is this something to be happy about?" Mengmeng murmured.

"Of course! Because in this way, Chunca and I can marry Jun Nie, and then everyone will be happy? After all, Jun Nie will become King Debby Luke in the future, so it has nothing to do with the rules of the earth." Lala said purely. With happy laughter, she suddenly felt that her sister was so great.

"Everyone will be happy?" Mengmeng was surprised when she heard her sister's words.Sister-sama is really sister-sama, and she moves forward purely at all times.It is true that the system of the side room is not a big deal no matter which royal family is on which planet.My father, the current King Debby Luke, did not have a side room, but there was an exception-he was transformed into a child with his own strength, so he did not marry the side room after the universe was unified.If the brother-in-law owns the side room as King Debby Luke, it is possible to bet his love on multiple women at the same time.Then as long as I join it, I can be favored by my brother-in-law.Compared with being a mistress secretly, that's the way to go.It was decided, to fight for the way of the brother-in-law's harem.That being the case, I must first directly contact the relationship between the brother-in-law and the woman.

"Okay, sister hurry up and get up, brother-in-law said that she is going to have breakfast." After Nana said this, she rushed out of Nie Kong's bedroom, leaving only a questioning face.

"Really, the brother-in-law...has done that kind of misunderstanding. He definitely saw my breasts. Hey, what a shame." Thinking back to the Christmas Eve, Nana's pretty face flushed. .She hugged the doll, turning her pretty thighs tightly around it.She just woke up, wearing only cute underwear.Poor Nana, she couldn't wear Bra because her chest was so flat, she was just wearing a yellow camisole.

Just as she remembered, the door slammed open with a clang."Hey, Nana." Mengmeng appeared in front of her, scaring her to death, for fear that Mengmeng would know what she had just thought.

"Mengmeng, why didn't you knock on the door and broke in suddenly?" Nana patted her flat, careful liver, and shouted at her dissatisfied.

"Hey, Nana. Are you interested in transferring to Cainan College where your sister is studying?" She squinted and asked Nana.

"What..." Nana was stunned, unexpectedly Mengmeng would make such a suggestion.But it’s better to live with the emperor sisters than to stay at home...

"But because of our age, I am afraid that we are not the age of the university." Nana frowned and said to Mengmeng.

"It's okay, I will find a way to fix the transfer." Mengmeng blinked playfully.Seeing that the second semester was ready to come, it was just right to transfer to school.

Hehe...There should be many girls in the school who like the brother-in-law. If it succeeds, then everyone will be happy as the emperor said.

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