The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0651, Saji became a cat

The perverted principal didn't stop his perverted behavior after getting Li Dou. Seeing that cute Xiaoan would take the initiative to ask for a transfer, he immediately became excited and wanted to pounce on Xiaoan.

Xiaoan was very skilled at turning her golden hair into a huge fist, and blasted the principal into the wall."Please don't be frivolous right away." She said that, and left the principal's office.She actually became a first-year student in Cainan College, she was full of complexity.Since when did you want to throw away the past and start a new life?I don't know how I want to treat Nie Kong.The encounter with him was a turning point in my own change.By their side, I felt the warmth beyond the darkness.

Class B of the first year happened to be the class of her "sister" Kurosaki Mea, and perhaps she could learn information about her master from her.

When he arrived in the classroom, the male students in the class were immediately defeated by Xiaoan's cuteness.The degree of popularity is comparable to a dream of pretending to be obedient.

Seeing Xiaoan's performance, Mengmeng let out a smirk.Xiaoan has a good impression of brother-in-law, and it seems that she can be regarded as a candidate for the harem of brother-in-law.

Time passed quickly, and there has been no major incident since Xiaoan transferred to Cainan.Kurosaki Mea behaves like an ordinary girl, and she became very good friends with Nana.As for Ryoko, he had been away for nearly four days.

After the unsuccessful invention of turning the pear bucket into a girl, Lala thought of her mistakes and began to hide in the room and said that she would invent a flawless tool for them to use.Mengmeng and Bula directly refused, only Nana Kendang Lala's experimental mouse.

"Lala, are you going to start researching new inventions?" In the outdoor cafe near the villa, Saki Tenjoin looked at the machine in Lala's hands and asked strangely.

"Well, that's right. It's a prop that can be freely transformed into an animal to play with. It was specially invented for Nana. However, it has not been adjusted smoothly now." Lala said.

"Yeah..." At this moment, there was a girl's scream outside the door.

"Xiao Jing?"

"There is a group of dogs chasing me, help me." I saw barking wild dogs chasing Xiao Jing in the white nurse uniform in the street.If she continues, she will definitely cause confusion in her mind due to excessive fear.How much taunting ability is necessary to make so many dogs chase you.

"Wait, I'll save you now." Without a word, Lala dropped the invention in his hand and chased it.

"Aya, Rin, let you two go and help. She may not be able to handle so many dogs." Sa Ji ordered.

"Yes, Lord Saji." After listening, the two women rushed out of the coffee shop behind Lara.As for Lala's unfinished invention, she rolled on the table with a few clangs and came to Saji.

"Lala, your invention..." Sai Ji just picked up the round and cute machine, which radiated dazzling light as if it had touched a switch, drowning Sa Ji.

When the light disappeared, the huge Saji disappeared out of thin air, but her clothes were still there.Fortunately, the cafe is already reserved, otherwise it will definitely scare many people.

At the same time, a cute cat with pale blonde hair appeared. She looked at herself in a panic, but she didn't expect that she would become a cat.

"Meow meow..." She exclaimed Lala's name, but the cat's voice came out of her mouth instead.Without a countermeasure, she could only go out to look for Lara and ask how to restore it.

Coming to the street for a stroll, she called Lala but no one could understand her.

"Wow, what a cute cat, come here." The familiar words reached Saji's ears, and she looked forward in surprise, and in front of her was Furukawa Yui smiling and waving to her.

"Meow meow..." She screamed and said, hurry up and pay attention, it's me.But in Wei's ear, it was a screaming meow.

"Woo...I'm disgusted." Xiao Wei fled and disappeared in front of Saji with tears in her eyes..

"Ah...Because it's a cat, I can't speak the language, how can this be good? By the way, if it's Nana who can communicate with animals..." Thinking of this, Saji immediately rushed to the location villa with excitement.Speaking of a few miles, Saji is really exhausted.

Sneak into the villa and found that Bra was repairing the flowerbed with Xilinu.Saki didn't find Nana, so she sneaked into the room through the window.

"Sorry, I broke in without permission. Nana, where are you..."

As soon as I slipped into the living room, I saw Nie Kong lying on the sofa drinking coffee and reading the newspaper, and at this time Nie Kong had already spotted her.

"Cat, cute?" Seeing the cat with light golden Huashun hair, Nie Kong reached out and grabbed it.

"But...cute, Master Nie Kong said I was cute?" Saji's pretty face was red, and she couldn't help herself.

"It's weird. A few miles around the villa is the territory of Tiantiaoyuan. There should be no one to live. Is it Saji's pet cat?" Nie Kong hugged her in his arms, hands on its smooth hair Stroking.

"Haoxingfua, if this can become empty Nie adult cat that support is also very good. Ah ...... No, no, it is important to find Nana, then discovered his true identity." She mewing, Vigorously jumped out of Nie Kong's arms.

But Sa Ji's foothold happened to be Nie Kong just put down the coffee he was holding.Meow, Saji turned into a cat.The brown coffee stained her beautiful blonde hair.

"Really, you are really daring. It seems that you can only be sent back to Saji's house and let her bathe you." Nie Kong thought that the cat was raised by Saji, so he hugged her and came to the opposite of Saji. Villa.

When I was about to knock on the door, I found that the door was half-covered.Maybe she didn't have the slightest warning about Nie Kong, and she welcomes Nie Kong to sneak attack at any time.

Nie Kong opened the door and found that Sa Ji had not returned.

"Your master hasn't come back. It seems that I can only take a bath for you. Although inexperienced, it should be easier for a kitten to bathe than a baby." Nie Kong didn't care and pushed Saji away. Her bathroom.

Having said that, Saji's villa is really more luxurious than Nie Kong's, and Nie Kong thinks more about practicality.Having visited Saji once, Nie Kong was very familiar with the layout of the villa.

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