The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 0660, Nie Kong begins to retaliate

Now that Hei Saki Mea's traces have been discovered, how could Nie Kong let her go easily.Haruna and the others are in danger because they are all responsible.Nemesis trained Heisaki Mea into a weapon, so Nie Kong could only treat her in the same way.

There are two ways to purify the darkness of the soul. One is to use warm affection to prompt her to dilute the darkness, and the other is to directly use strong spiritual power to disperse it to achieve the purpose of purification.The first one takes a long time, and the second effect is immediate.The two respectively correspond to the same relationship between Chinese medicine and Western medicine, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.Xiao An has gradually recovered, only the core part.Maybe when Tia You arrives, she will open her heart to Nie Kong and the others.

But Heisaki Mea was trained by Nemesis, and a few women had little contact with her. Nie Kong wanted to implement the second method on her.Nie Kong really wanted to see what would happen to that pretty face when Damne Meses discovered that the dark black Saki Mea became a normal girl.

Some time ago, from the memory of Kuro Saki Mea, he had already clearly understood what kind of person Nemesis was.The body is a loli physique like Xiaoan, and the character S has the attributes of a black-bellied little demon.The nature is not bad, just like pranks to teach others.Unlike Xiao An and the two of them, her transformation has no limitations.It can be said that if she wants to change, she can become any living body like Monkey King.For example, human beings who look exactly the same, various animals.Very strange and powerful ability, using it in the assassination is simply adding wings.Her ability to exist may be really suitable for killing and fighting.

Saying goodbye to Lala and their daughters, Nie Kong appeared in front of Heisaki Mea with teleportation.At this moment, her expression was confused, and she might be concerned about Golden Shadow's move just now.She once told herself that she wanted to feel the warmth of the human world, but Kurosaki Mea didn't care about her words.Unexpectedly, Sister Xiaoan was really influenced by the atmosphere of the people here and became so strange.I am obviously looking forward to meeting my sister and living together in the dark world.

"It seems that what happened just now is really what you did, classmate Heisaki Mea." Looking at her with slightly hollow eyes, Nie Kong's voice interrupted her delusion.

"Teacher Nie Kong, how did you find me?" Her eyes returned to their original tranquility, and she smiled at Nie Kong.

"She told me all the cause of the matter, including what your master told her about the secret intelligence." Nie Kong said aloud.

"What an annoying guy, he actually told the master. Then, does Teacher Nie Kong want to deal with me?" Her expression was cold, but the student group turned into a black battle uniform like the golden shadow before.

"Your dress is really conspicuous." Nie Kong said.

"This is my original posture. It's not Mea Kuro, but Mea who has turned into a weapon. Although there is no chance of winning, I still have to try." Her expression is very cold, without any emotion that humans should have.

Ya Ya's right hand changed into a cannon-like barrel, and it launched a dazzling beam of energy at Nie Kong.Nie Kong stretched out his hand and grabbed it lightly, and the light beams scattered like fireworks.

"Come on to fight." Her body flashed out, her right hand turned into a murder weapon and attacked Nie Kong.The speed is very fast, at least much faster than Yaqinda.

Nie Kong didn't move, as if he hadn't reacted.The huge machete draped Nie Kong's chest, but instead the transformed weapon shattered.Naya was shocked again, and her powerful transformation ability could not hurt him at all.So how tough is his physical strength.Sure enough, even if he attacked with all his strength, he still couldn't hurt him at all.

"Don't make unnecessary resistance anymore." Nie Kong grabbed her slender arm, and she couldn't break free from the force of that force, she could only stay in front of Nie Kong.

"Actually, you should learn from Xiaoan to understand more about the warmth and emotions in the world." Nie Kong sighed.

"Huh... the master has already said that we are weapons born to fight, so the world we live in is just in the dark, and no other emotions are needed." She was unwavering and deeply brainwashed by Nemesis.

"Did you say you have no feelings, I don't think it is necessarily." Nie Kong shook his head.

"I only believe the master's words, and I will do what the master wants me to do." Ya Ya was taken aback and said directly.

"Your reliance on your master, your expectation of Xiaoan, and your closeness to Nana... those are all feelings, don't you dare to deny it. Just imagine if one day you will lose your master forever, what would you do?" Nie Kong's words were like thunder and lightning, severely smashed into her delicate heart.

She stayed for a while, she had never thought about that before.If the owner really leaves herself and lives alone, she will really lose the reason to continue living.Teacher Nie Kong is right, he has the same feeling of dependence on his master.

Xiao'an's eyes were confused and hollow, and Nie Kong's words overturned her previous thinking.Seeing her like that, Nie Kong directly pressed her collarbone and said softly: "Come on, let me feel the warmth and beauty of the world for you. Your master can't teach you things, I will do it for her. ."

So as not to be brainwashed by Heisaki Mea again, Nie Kong intends to purify her darkness while giving her deep memories to transform her.Purification of oneself can be done easily by the soul, and the warm memories for her can only be used as a weapon to perform dual cultivation magic.

Nie Kong wanted to give her the good things he gave her, forcibly carved into her memory.With a smile, he was very concerned about Nemesis's performance behind, let's see who of us can train Mea to be more obedient.

Yaya can only wrong you and rushed to the pawn between the two of us.Nie Kong has no bottom line when it comes to dealing with Ya Ya.The game of the superior often sacrifices the inferior.God is not benevolent, and it is the truth that everything is a dog.

Seeing that she dared to put herself together, Nie Kong was already angry that Chuncai and the others were in danger.As a means of revenge, he can only accomplish his goal by sacrificing Heisaki Mea.

Only then, she would feel crazy.She was going to recover Xiaoan, but her loyal Kuro Saki Mea appeared and her unexpected changes were as emotional as a real human being.

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