The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0662, the stunned Nemesis

Dedicating herself to the dark world by following her master's words all her life, she suddenly felt disgusted with the previous killings.Now there is something more that she has not been able to figure out, it is an emotion that has never been experienced.The purpose of my own life is not just the same weapon that the master said, only to fight, so is it so meaningful in life?

With a lingering expression, Ya Ya finally showed an innocent and cheerful smile.She looked at Nie Kong she was holding with joy in her eyes, and whispered: "Teacher Nie Kong, just so comfortable."

Although Nie Kong reformed her, it did not affect her memory and personality.The current performance of Mia is the lively and lovely woman in the school.But if you count your own strength, it is a hundred times stronger than before.

Nie Kong stroked her crimson hair, "If you like Yaya, you can call the teacher to do it at any time." Although they are artificial weapons, their body structure is no different from human beings. There are only More implanted the ability of nano transformation.Nie Kong was even very happy, her bearing ability was much better than that of ordinary girls.

"Ah...really, then... can Naya bring her master together? Yaya wants her master to enjoy the same happiness as Yaya." Infinite surprises appeared in her big eyes, looking shiningly Nie Kong.

For the intimacy of her master, Ya Ya is as always.So she wanted to bring Nie Kong's happiness to herself and share it with her master.

"Yes, as long as she wants to." Nie Kong looked at Ya Ya weirdly, never expecting that she would say such a thing.If Nemesis heard it, he would probably be furious.

"Hehe, the master will definitely be happy when he hears it. Thank you, Teacher Nie Kong." She gently nestled in Nie Kong's arms, enjoying the warmth of that moment.

After resting for about half an hour, Nie Kong finally left with Yaya's reluctant gaze.Back at the villa, Nie Kong found that the girls had returned.Asked a little dark about the situation and learned that her injury should be able to recover soon.

"Maya, how are things going?" After seeing Mia come back, Nemesis, the little dark-skinned girl in the room asked her.She wanted to know whether Yaqinta could help Golden Shadow restore its fighting nature.

Due to her own personality, she doesn't want to show up in front of people for the time being, for fear of causing trouble.Otherwise, she had already transferred to Cainan by herself and had personal contact with Golden Shadow.

"Master, sister Xiaoan performed very well." Ya Ya squinted happily.

"Oh, tell me what happened." Nemesis was a little curious, could it be said that Golden Shadow really killed Yaqinda as he wished and restored his fighting nature?

But Ya Ya's answer surprised her.

"Sister Xiaoan is really great, in order to protect the friends threatened by Yaqinda..." Yaya said to her master what had just happened.Nemesis' brows became more and more frowning just looking at the frowning Mea.What the hell is going on, it's not time to be happy with the performance of the golden shadow.

"I said Ya Ya, you don't have a fever, right." Nemesis reached out the back of his hand and put it on Ya Ya's forehead, carefully looking at her.After observation, Nemesis found that Ya Ya had changed a little.She couldn't tell the specific changes.

"I'm talking to you very seriously, Master." Ya Ya was reluctant, like a coquettish girl.

"Have you forgotten our purpose, to bring your little dark sister back to the dark world, and then accompany us back to the universe to start fighting life." Nemesis said coldly.

"Lord...Master, do you really want to do such an excessive thing to Sister Xiaoan?" Ya Ya looked at Nemesis pitifully.

"Too...too much?"

Nemesis's eyes widened, and everything was incredible.If you don't know Yaya yourself, you would really think of her as someone else's ability to change like yourself.

"Do you know what you're talking about, Geya..." Nemesis' expression slowly turned cold, obviously angry.

"Master, shall we stay here to live with Sister Xiaoan? Compared to the dark world, I...I think life here is happier." Yaya panicked.

"Shut up, don't say anything like that." Now Nemesis is finally sure that she has really changed.The dark weapon Yaya that he had tuned so hard had already disappeared without a trace.What is the difference between you now and ordinary humans?

In the past, if someone could influence Ya Ya in a short time, she would never believe it.But now that the matter was before her eyes, she still couldn't accept it.

"Naya, tell me what happened to you today, without missing a word." She thought for a while, and could only judge the cause of the matter by understanding her actions.

It's horrible to make Mea that she has worked so hard to irritate herself like that.Nemesis exploded.

"Yes, it's the master." When she saw the angry master for the first time, Ya Ya was a little flustered.She finally said Nie Kong, and said what the two had just done, even the posture of the two H and how long they did it, she did not miss a word.

"Master, if I can, I want to share that happiness with you. The desire of nature, that feeling is really wonderful." Mea said to Nemesis with blurred eyes.

After listening to Nya's words, Nemesis could finally be sure that Nie Kong had caused the ghost.It's really a powerful role to be able to train her Yaya into this way through the desires of nature.

But how could I admit defeat? Since the core of the two sisters is on you, things have become much clearer than before.Xiaoan's darkness, she must do it imperatively.

"Huh, it seems that I must show up. Nie Kong, really a super strong opponent." Nemesis did not give up, she planned to brainwash Maya again.Then, meet the so-called teacher Nie Kong.

It seems that I can't just rely on Mia's contact with the golden shadow to change her, I can only deal with them.Like a wild cat, Nemesis's eyes burst with wild light.

The black hand hidden behind the scenes finally decided to show up.

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