The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0665, Tiyayo is here

It was time for the Shuangxiu Divine Art to begin to take effect. After the pure energy recovered Lun, Nie Kong pulled away from the python and launched a fierce offensive against her.It was stuffed again and again, which brought Lun the highest happiness.

Half an hour later, Nie Kong finally sent his first experience Lun to a happy heaven.Her body shrank sorely in Nie Kong's arms.The surging energy burst, giving Nie Kong the supreme soul of enjoyment.After being satisfied, Lun had a slightly satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth.Her pretty face is less innocent and more mature after watering.The two hugged each other, enjoying the aftermath of intense exercise.Especially Lun, whose body was already paralyzed, couldn't recover from the super refreshing comfort that Nie Kong Shuangxiu brought to her.

"Nah...Nie Jun, I want to ask you a question." Lun, who drew circles in Nie Kong's arms, interrupted the good seclusion.

"What's the matter?" Nie Kong said casually, playing with her breasts.

"I hate it! Nie Jun waits for Lun to play with you, listen to me now." She groaned.

"Well, let's talk about it." Nie Kong raised her body with high pressure on his own, and said warmly to her.

"Nie Jun and Lala have done it, the kind of happy thing just now."

Nie Kong did not deceive her, and nodded.

"Eh... I still lost to Lala, but now I don't mind. Hehe, I already know what Nie Jun really wants." She smiled charmingly, her face full of happiness.

She is easily satisfied, as long as Nie Kong remembers her.In this regard, Wei and the inner yarn are the same.Only silently like Nie Kong, I hope Nie Kong can pay more attention to them.

"Lun, I will give you happiness." Nie Kong said firmly, perhaps the same to the girls in the ring.

"Well, I believe you." Lun was buried in Nie Kong's arms, squinting with satisfaction.

Staying in the trunk, looking at the dreams of the two men with red ears, discovered for the first time that H did it like this.Seeing Lun's obsessive appearance, Mengmeng knew how happy it was. It must be a hundred times better than touching her own tail.

But after hearing the conversation between the two, Mengmeng was stunned again.Unexpectedly, the brother-in-law awakened earlier than she expected, he had already been pushed to the sister.It's no wonder that some time ago, I found that my sister has become a lot more beautiful, a little more intellectual and beautiful.It was really careless that I didn't notice it.I finally understood why the brother-in-law refused to get into his bed. It turned out to be accompanied by my sister H.

The brother-in-law, who was originally in love with her elder sister, didn't seem to be able to withstand Lun's temptation.Hey, just blame Lun for being too direct.It seems that Brother-in-law's harem plan has reached 50% of the progress.

She blushed and glanced at Nie Kong's body last, before dragging her weak body back to the villa.

After the weekend was pushed to Lun, it was finally over.On Monday, Nie Kong discovered that Ryoko was finally willing to return from the universe.In the health room, the two once again had an act of super friendship.

I haven't seen Nie Kong for a while, Ryoko really yearns like a she wolf.After waiting to comfort Ryoko, Nie Kong learned from her mouth that she had brought Tiayou to Cainan.

At the same time, Cainan's second-year Class A classroom welcomed a new biology teacher.

"Students, today's class is over here. If you have any questions, you can ask me questions as much as possible." The mature elder sister in teacher uniform in front of the podium showed her beautiful figure perfectly.

"Tiayo teacher here..." Saruyama braved his nostrils and raised his right hand eagerly: "I have a question. Is the teacher still single now?"

His words drew a booze from the boys around, and they looked at Tiayo with the same eyes.Only Li Dou was dissatisfied. He pulled La Yuanshan and said, "Yuanshan, you already have Mrs. Tanuki."

Saruyama smiled awkwardly: "It's just... just out of habit, I... I have nothing to do."

It seems that Saruyama with the M attribute is very obedient to the civet cat.

"Yes...yes." Tiayo didn't expect to ask such a question, and answered their questions with a blushing face.

"So does the teacher have a lover?"

"What are the measurements?"

The male classmates spouted rough air, and kept asking questions that belonged to their personal privacy.

"Shut up, don't you see that the teacher is troubled. I will never allow you to do shameless things." Wei stared angrily at the male classmates in the class.

"What nonsense are you talking about, we are only interested in the older teacher, is it wrong?" the boys began to resist Wei, yelling.

A few tic-tac-toe appeared on Wei's forehead, which seemed to be on the verge of an explosion.

"Then... that... everyone calm down, I didn't think..." Looking at the classmate who was arguing for her, Tiayo was just about to stop, but his right foot hit the podium.She knelt down and hugged her calf in pain, tears in her eyes.

After rubbing her calf, she was about to get up but her head touched the corner of the podium again.She exhaled in pain, and put her hands around her head.

The boys’ eyes came out with hearts, “The teacher of the big blonde X-glasses reckless mother, so... so cute.”

"Don't set such a weird definition for the teacher." Wei snarled, pulling the boys' collars one by one and throwing them all out.With a combat power of more than 1,000, the scums that dealt with those 5 combat powers were simply handy.

Risha was a little surprised, but how could she have the same power the teacher bestowed on her?After that night, Risha's heart had completely fallen.Like Lala's fiance, she feels guilty.

"Speaking of which, why did we suddenly assign a deputy head teacher?" Wei Young asked strangely as she looked at Tiayou who was gasping.

"I know I know, it seems to be to help Teacher Guchuan, whose low back pain is worsening. I was shocked when I saw the teacher's face, exactly like Xiao An." Lala raised her hands and said enthusiastically.

"I took a look too." Haruna agreed.

"I do unconsciously think she is the adult version of Golden Shadow." Lun said in confusion.

"Hehe... Compared to that, the pair of giant Xs shocked me more." Risa rubbed her hands, looking forward to how she felt.

"Hmm..." Wei Yang squinted and lit his head vigorously.

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