The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 0674, pseudo

Nie Kong lay on his bed as usual, waiting until after 11 o'clock in the middle of the night.I thought Lara was asleep, but the door of the room quietly opened.Sure enough, it was Lara who secretly pushed the door, and she sneaked in without Bula as always.

In the dim night, Lala came slowly in a spacious half-open pajama.

In the past, she always came with her transformed robot Pei Kai, but how could she suddenly become so emotional tonight?

She gently pads her toes, and slips into Nie Kong's bed with a squeak.

"I miss it, my brother-in-law embraces." Mengmeng moved her body, and slightly propped up and fell into Nie Kong's arms.He stretched a hand across Nie Kong, and hugged Nie Kong's strong body.

"No way, I am becoming more and more obsessed with my brother-in-law." She was completely lost, both physically and mentally.

On the other hand, Nie Kong felt a little strange.

"Lala, ready to come."

Just skip the pain of the first experience, Mengmeng enjoys the ultimate happiness in life.

"Sister... Brother-in-law, slow down, Mengmeng is the first time... It won't work."

But what she said unconsciously shocked Nie Kong.The girl in front of me is obviously Lara, but how could it sound like my sister-in-law Mengmeng?

"You...what do you call me?" Nie Kong wanted to ask her clearly about the situation. The plump body is his familiar Lala, but after scanning with a powerful soul, Nie Kong found the fluctuation of her soul. Nie Kong found that it was not Lala. , But the sister-in-law Mengmeng.

The two women actually exchanged bodies, what are you going to do?Although it is not Mengmeng's own body, it is equivalent to actually pushing Mengmeng.Nie Kong only felt an inexplicable excitement when he accidentally pushed to the sister-in-law.

After half an hour, Mengmeng finally woke up in dizziness.She opened her blurred eyes and found that the brother-in-law was looking at herself with a very strange look.

"What...what's wrong,'s not right, Nie Jun." She was used to yelling, but found that she had called the wrong name.But if the brother-in-law can find out who she is, that would be what she meant.

And all that was brought to him by the brother-in-law.

"Are you Mengmeng?" Nie Kong asked in confirmation.

"Hmm... Brother-in-law, Mengmeng likes you." Mengmeng said blushing.

"But how can your body become a Lala?" Nie Kong asked.

"We used the invention of Sister-in-law to completely exchange the body. We didn't expect that brother-in-law would do something like Mengmeng. However, if it is brother-in-law, Mengmeng feels very happy." Mengmeng smiled shyly. .

"What a naughty girl, she will definitely be angry if she finds out for Lala." Nie Kong touched her head and said to her.

"It doesn't matter. As long as the brother-in-law inherits our King Debby Luke, he can marry us all. My sister is very enlightened, and she will agree. Only the brother-in-law can bring happiness to everyone and create one Paradise." Mengmeng looked at Nie Kong with shiny eyes, and said her own harem plan.

Nie Kong was very happy. He was so happy to have such a sister-in-law who was thinking of himself.

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