The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 0677, expand

After enjoying a warm dinner, it was already past eight o'clock.The two women, Nemesis and Naya, did not intend to leave.Seeing the appearance of their two girls, it is estimated that they will live here, and I hope Nie Kong can accompany them.

Nie Kong understood Nemesis's boldness, and he seemed to be satisfied with that wild cat.

Nana took Yayala to the bath room, where she rarely took a bath with her friend.Lara and Nana extended a warm welcome to the two of them staying here.Mengmeng bit her mouth tightly, and said vigilantly to Nemesis, who was shaking the S attribute.

"Wow, Geya's figure has improved a lot..."

"Really, I didn't think it." As a weapon figure, Ya Ya has been set to be the most suitable body shape for combat, but under the influence of Nie Kong Shuangxiu, she has influenced her body's original intention, so she hopes her figure will become Better for Nie Kong to enjoy.

"Hey, I really envy you." Nana looked a little depressed, probably because she was affected by Mengmeng's words rather than caring about her figure before.With his flat figure, would my brother-in-law like me?No, his figure is something to do with him.

"It's okay, Nana will definitely become as big as Senior Lala in the future." Ya Ya comforted.

"Forget it, I'm used to it. Na Na Ya, I ask you a very strange question." She lowered her head, her pretty face didn't know if it was due to the warm water or shyness.

"You know how to open the harem. It's just a man who is entangled with many women. What do you think of such ridiculous things?"

"Ah, did you mean that the man would belong to Teacher Nie Kong?" Ya Ya asked in surprise.

" did you know?" Nana's eyes turned into peas, and she looked at Ya Ya dumbly.That silly look, indescribably cute.

"Hehe, it's easy to see it. There are many cute girls around Teacher Nie Kong who are paying attention to him." Ya Ya narrowed her eyes and whispered "including herself and her master".

"But... But Mengmeng said that as long as the brother-in-law inherits the position of King Debby Luke, it can bring them all happiness. How could that kind of thing exist." Nana narrated to her friend. Own troubles.

"So that's how Mengmeng thinks." Yaya said softly.

"Well, it's silly, right."

"Isn't it good? Mengmeng’s harem plan sounds very interesting. In this way, I might be able to spend every day happily with Teacher Nie Kong in the future. Many planets in the universe have the tradition of side rooms." Ya Ya said with a chuckle.

After hearing Mengmeng's plan, she felt that Mengmeng was too understanding.As long as the teacher becomes the harem recognized by King Debby Luke, he and his master will have the opportunity to be with him.

"Happily spent, what would it be like?" Nana was in a daze, indeed, she was really happy to be with her sister and Nie Kong.

"I think about it, it's probably that way." Yaya's forehead pressed tightly against Nana's forehead, and the skin she touched was lightly milky white fluorescence.Her mental power began to connect with Nana.

After double repairs, her soul is several times stronger than before.Now like Xiaojing Nianli, it is easy for her.

In a daze, Nana seemed to be trapped in a strange space.She understood Ya Ya's abilities, and quickly thought that it was Ya Ya who made a ghost.

In the illusory spiritual space of Naya, Nana is undressed as in the bathroom.At this moment, a figure appeared behind Nana.She hurriedly turned around and found Nie Kong's eyes piercing her body.

"Ya, you...what are you doing?" Nana hurriedly backed away, but Nie Kong stretched out his hand and hugged her tightly.The skin of the two touched each other, producing a touch that Nana could not imagine.

"Nana, I'm about to start. Compared to pulling them, I prefer a flat figure like Nana." Illusion Nie Kong unfolded without extra movement.

", that...that kind of thing..." Ya Ya took Nie Kong's feelings at that time and forcibly attached to Nana.That wonderful happiness only allowed the innocent Nana to fly for nine days.

"Don't...don't let me look at those strange imaginations, it's shameful." Nana pushed away Yaya, her face blushing like a big ripe apple.Nana is still sour and soft after the stimulus.What a strange behavior, how could there be anything more indecent than a kiss.

"Hehe, that kind of life is happy." Ya Ya said with a light smile.

"Always...I have to say, I...I strongly oppose the harem plan. I...I've been washed, Ya Ya, you continue..." Nana ran away in a hurry, for fear that Ya Ya would find something strange about her. .

Back in her bedroom, Nana closed the door forcefully.She leaned against the door and panted quickly, her body softened slowly to the floor.What Nana had just seen to her shocked the pure heart of Nana girl.

Although she didn't admit it, Nana had an extraordinary affection for her brother-in-law.His tenderness, his sunshine clearly reflected in her mind.

"Is it really only done like Mengmeng said, but...but the three of our sisters married him together, it feels...feeling so embarrassing." Nana's face burned.

Nana recalled the days she spent with Nie Kong, and gradually her eyes were completely blurred.If I really would leave my sister and him, would I really be able to give up that kind of life?It's like the one in the palace, boring without any vitality.Most of them can't bear it when they run away from home.

"Then...Mengmeng will be very positive about that kind of thing, if it really develops like what she said, I might agree..."

But that was just wishful thinking of herself and Mengmeng, and Nana felt it necessary to ask Nie Kong's mind.She gently opened the door and quietly walked towards Nie Kong's bedroom, hugging the soft pillow.

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