The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0680, Nana participated in the plan

"Are you ready to go home, Xiao Chuncai." In front of the teaching building, Nie Kong's familiar name called Chuncai's footsteps.

"Teacher one... alone? Where are Lala and Bra and the others." The familiar name caused Haruna to stop immediately.With surprise on her face, she turned and looked in the direction of the voice.Behind her, Nie Kong was approaching her with a smile.There is no such thing as usual with Lala and them, and I rarely see myself alone.

Since that time she twisted her foot to the teacher, it has been a long time since Chunca had the opportunity to accompany Nie Kong home alone.

"You said to pull them, it seems that there is something important to leave. Xiao Chuncai goes home the same direction as me, how about we go home together?" Nie Kong invited.

"Yeah." Chun Cai said in a low voice, gently standing on the left of Nie Kong.Compared to the hustle and bustle of going to school together in the early morning, Haruna felt inexplicably nervous now.What Lala had said to her before came out-supporting herself to confess to the teacher.What's more, when I learned from Mengmeng's mouth that the cosmos had a side room, the teacher could marry her and Lala at the same time.

What should I do, do I really dare to confess?The girl's panic and shy emotions made Haruna buried her head and stared at her toes.Due to her character, she didn't have the courage to tell her true inner thoughts.

"My sister is really true. She said that there was something important, so she followed. I didn't expect it to be a magical girl's doll show." Floating in the air, Nana muttered.

"Hey, I knew I should go home with my brother-in-law. Only if we are alone, we can do something like that to spend a fulfilling time." Mengmeng wiped her saliva, her tone full of regret.

"You... can you think of something else that will only seduce your brother-in-law to do... do that kind of thing." Nana blushed and said.

"Ahhhhhh, I don't know who often sneaks into my brother-in-law's office while the older sisters are in class?" Mengmeng said with a smile.

"How do you know..." After she finished speaking, Nana immediately covered her little mouth, really not telling herself.The matter of stealing food by herself and Ya Ya is obviously very secret, how could it be discovered?

"Hehe, but having said that, it's the rarest thing in the world that your brother-in-law would like your poor breasts." Mengmeng tutted.

"Hmph, brother-in-law said that girls can't decide what is good or bad only by their breasts." Nana said proudly.

"My brother-in-law is so gentle, he said that against his conscience to comfort you." Mengmeng said, covering his face.

"Wow, what are you talking nonsense." Nana became angry, and the two women began to frolic in the air.Suddenly Mengmeng's Yu Guang caught a surprise. She stopped her figure and said, "Hey, are you brother-in-law and Haruna? Are they going home together, but a good opportunity to promote the harem plan."

"Well, Haruna seems to like brother-in-law very much." Nana nodded.

"Considering the location of Haruna's home, they should be ready to separate. I must figure out a way to create a beautiful atmosphere, hehe..." Mengmeng smirked.

"Mengmeng, what wrong idea are you making?" Nana suspiciously.

"You see the principal on the corner, you can only use him to disrupt your brother-in-law's route, that will prolong the two people's time alone." Mengmeng pointed to the principal who appeared happily holding the H book.

Nana, who had agreed with the dream harem plan, could only watch her actions like a prank.

"The Dao that can be used has this adrenal flower. As long as the user smells it, the emotion will be extremely high." She took out a flower in the twisted space, and then quietly appeared behind him and placed the flower on his nose. before.

"'s hot, it's not time to put on clothes now." He flicked hard and took off his clothes clean in an instant.The pig face was red, and his wretched eyes scanned the surroundings.

"Anyone can, let me lick it all over." He opened his hands and rushed to Nie Kong's position at a very fast speed.

"Hehe, Brother-in-law, you have to protect Haruna." Mengmeng squinted and smiled after finishing it.

"Mengmeng, you are really bad." Nana said silently.

The headmaster rushed out at the corner of the street, without clothes.Chunca thought that Nie Kong was going to be separated immediately, and regretted that time flies quickly.At this time, the appearance of the principal interrupted her thinking.

"Principal, why is he here?"

"It's not the time to say that, let's run away." Nie Kong took Chuncai's little hand tightly and hid in the only street on the left, where Nie Kong's villa was located.

The principal behind was chasing, it seemed that H was at the extreme.

"As expected to be my brother-in-law, it is too romantic to run away hand in hand. Basically, it has been induced to our house, and the principal can already be stopped." She used the flower of a sage that can calm people to restore the principal.The principal looked around in confusion, not knowing what happened to him just now.

"Then it's your turn to play, Mr. Yuhua." The laughing Mengmeng held a huge shower-like flower in both hands, which sprayed a lot of raindrops toward the sky.

The sound of dripping water covered a radius of several hundred meters, and the two people holding hands got wet.

"There are so many ghost ideas. The two are already soaked. I don't know if Brother-in-law can really push the long-awaited Haruna." Nana said.

"Hehe, I guess it must be like that-the two of them romantically came to the bathroom and helped each other take a bath, and then the beastly brother-in-law enjoyed Haruna's body." Mengmeng YY.

"But if the older sisters come back and find out, it will be troublesome." Nana worried.

"To avoid such a situation, we have put a defensive cover around the villa." Mengmeng said so, revealing his invention of transforming Lala.With them on guard outside, I believe it can give Nie Kong some time.

Sister's words didn't matter, but the point was that Sister Bra was much more difficult to deal with than her sister.Seeing that she cares about Nie Kong's appearance, she is probably controlled by a brother.Will your brother-in-law admit her feelings? I guess he will oppose it.

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