The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 0682, untitled

Nie Kong understands Chuncai, and it is beyond Nie Kong's expectation that Chuncai, who has a gentle and small personality, can do it here. She will definitely not be as bold as Lun.The atmosphere is now good, so there is only one way to take the initiative to attack the body before getting married.

The smooth skin touched Nie Kong's fingers, and the smooth and tender hand felt like freshly made water tofu, as if it would squeeze out water when pinched hard.

Eyes met, all resistance and shyness disappeared with Nie Kong's movements.

"Haruna, is that okay?"

"I...I don't care, if...if it's the teacher." Chun Cai lowered her flushed cheek, her little hand already grabbed Nie Kong's wrist forcefully, as if to prevent him from leaving.

Slowly filling up instead of pain, Haruna finds herself longing for the paralysis caused by the peristalsis.

"It...the pain is gone, teacher." Haruna whispered

Half an hour later, Nie Kong finally brought Chuncai to the pinnacle of happiness.

"Thank you teacher, I will always remember the happiness the teacher brings to Haruna." Haruna reluctantly opened her eyes, with some obsessions in them.

"Chuncai, I believe we will live happily forever." Nie Kong gently stroked Chuncai's hair and comforted softly.

"But... but teacher, there is already a lesbian, can I snatch the teacher with her." Haruna complained.

"It doesn't matter, Lala and you will be my lovely wife." Nie Kong had already planned, if he would give them a grand wedding before leaving the love-law.

My daughter Bra will definitely support it, and we will always live happily in the future.He will leave here sooner or later, and then go to other worlds, but he can still spare time to accompany them.

You can jump to 1:5 for the time in your own fixed heaven ring.Five days inside is equivalent to one day outside.With that condition, he is confident to give them happiness.

" be the teacher's wife together." Chunca felt like she was crazy when she heard Nie Kong's words.

The two of them had spent half an hour with me, when Haruna suddenly thought of something and hurriedly jumped out.

"Oops, I will be discovered by Lala if I stay here again. Teacher, I...I'm going home...As for our agreement, wait until the teacher becomes King Debby Luke." She hurriedly dressed. The clothes that had been dried fled and left Nie Kong's villa.When the spring vegetables went out, it was strange to find that the sky was still very clear, and there was no sign of rain.What happened just now, could it be an illusion?

After watching Haruna move away, Nana chuckled.

"Unexpectedly, Chuncai, who was originally gentle and timid, would become so bold when she pushed her. However, as a girl who is pregnant with spring, that is what she should do." Mengmeng said with a smile.

"Haruna likes brother-in-law, didn’t we already know it. So, it’s normal for Haruna to do that kind of thing. Actually... what I care about is what the brother-in-law said-Haruna and Lala I’m so excited to be his wife together..." Nana twisted.

"Hehe, yes. It seems that the brother-in-law has the consciousness to open the harem. I am looking forward to the day when he and the brother-in-law will be married in a dignified manner." Meng Meng said idiotically.

"Well, let's marry your brother-in-law together." Nana nodded her head seriously. Their sisters did that kind of thing just for that great ideal.

Ten minutes after Haruna left, five or six girls returned to the villa with a smile.They talked about the interesting things they saw in the Magic Kyoko Doll Show, but they didn't notice Nie Kong's strangeness.

However, Nie Kong noticed that the two sisters didn't seem to accompany them. Could it be that the two of them saw what happened just now?Nie Kong really had a headache, and the two sister-in-laws were a little strange.

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