The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0700, the challenge of extreme flow (it says 700 chapters)

That night, Mary sent a letter to MR·BIG, the content of which was written about the information collected.

Name: Nie Kong; Gender: Male; Relatives: A younger sister named Lianna; Strength: Unknown; Origin: Unknown... There are many unknowns at the back, without any substantial value at all.What angered MR·BIG the most was the line "Your investigation into him has been exposed, please proceed with care.", and the naughty painted a crying face behind.

MR·BIG roared and tore the paper to pieces, and now it seems that he might have shot himself.Jace couldn't stop him, and neither could he.The only one who can fight him is the one who can defeat Jace in that town.

"Pass my words and start executing the plan." MR·BIG said solemnly to the hand behind.

"Yes, BOSS." The undercurrent surged, and a strong vibration occurred in Nanzhen at night.He has accepted more than half of Jace's power, and he can call the wind and rain in South Town.

Finally in the early morning of the next day, an angry roar came from a distant dojo.

So after half an hour, three masters came to Nie Kong's castle.

"Nie Kong, come out to me."

Although the sound was not loud, it spread to the castle very clearly.Shimen separated automatically, and Nie Kong finally saw someone who dared to speak so arrogantly to him.

There were three people in total, the one on the right was wearing an orange karate uniform, but the sleeves of his arms were ripped off.His short golden hair couldn't cover his two black sword eyebrows, his body was full of muscles, and he looked like a master.

The one on the left is wearing a tight T-shirt with an orange waistcoat, and decent white slacks. His long black hair is combed into a ponytail and hangs behind his back. He looks like a handsome young man.The two of them were fourteen or five years old, and their faces were a little green.

The man in the middle is dressed in a white traditional Japanese karate suit, and his staid face is full of majesty.

Looking at the familiar outfits of these three people, Nie Kong immediately called out each other's names from the bottom of his heart-Sakazaki Ryo, Robert and Sakazaki Takuma.Several people in his mind finally joined together.

"It's actually the world of the King of Fighters, then the sister I adopted--isn't it the real Lianna?"

In order to confirm the result of his thinking, Nie Kong asked: "Who are the three of you?"

"Old man Sakazaki Takuma, as the curator of Xtreme Current. The two of them are my proud apprentices, Sakazaki Ryo and Robert. Our purpose on this trip is to challenge you, and the loser will get out of South Town." Sakazaki Takuma Gritted his teeth and said.

It was really them, Nie Kong's eyes flashed with surprise.It was an unexpected surprise for him to be able to come to the King of Fighters.And now it's 88 years, the plot has not started!!The strongest person or the only god, there is only one-the serpent.No wonder there is so little faith, the King of Fighters is already lonely.

"Since the two are here to challenge, I will naturally accept it. Are you three together or one by one?" Nie Kong found that the strongest of the three was Takuma Sakazaki, who was stronger than Jess. a lot of.But it seems that he didn't provoke them, how could he provoked himself?It was strange, but Nie Kong had already planned to teach them.

Seeing there is excitement to watch, the crowd is increasing.The area that had been enlarged and widened was already full of spectators, and many people climbed on the big trees, trying to look inside.

Some of them wore black suits and resolutely acted like a wicked party. They were responsible for monitoring Nie Kong's every move.

"To deal with you, the old man is enough. Come on, let me see your true strength." Takuma Sakazaki posed, ready to fight at any time.

Nie Kong shook his head, and said: "If you let me attack first, you might not have any chance to shoot..."

"Very well, the old man accepts your kindness." Through the battle between Nie Kong and Jess, Sakazaki understood Nie Kong's toughness.

Although he didn't find anything special, he was just an ordinary warrior.Even from his body, he is definitely a hidden super master.

"Hu Huang Fist!" The shot was his own proud skill, and the wave containing strong vigor rushed towards Nie Kong's face at an extremely fast speed.This trick has the same magical effect as Jace's Wind Breaking Fist. It seems that Jace has challenged the limit current and learned the tricks of the limit current.

"It's good." Nie Kong turned sideways slightly, simply avoiding the wave of air.Behind Nie Kong, there was a pit several meters in size where the air wave hit.

Sakazaki Taku's eyes flashed, and his feet rushed to Nie Kong who was dodging.

"Feiyan Swift Foot!" A triumphant trick that thought it would hit, but actually penetrated Nie Kong."It's a phantom, so fast."

"Hey...Huhuang Fist, let me give you a taste of it." Nie Kong appeared behind him with a light smile, and there was a wave of air exactly like him in his right hand.It's just that the air wave that Nie Kong condensed on his right hand was ten times stronger than Takuma Sagasaki.

The blue air wave blasted at him gently, how could it be bigger than his mortal king Xianghouquan.He was in a cold sweat, and things were incredible.

Just seeing that he has used it once, he can use it completely.No, it is more perfect and more powerful than my own.What a terrible talent, what a terrifying strength.

Sakazaki Liang's eyes lit up and he seemed to perceive another level of power in Nie Kong's Huhuang fist.If you can comprehend that level of power, you will definitely help yourself break through the current level.

Sakazaki couldn't avoid it, and the speed of Hu Huang's boxing was so fast that he could only force his own stunt.

"In that case, I can only use the kill, hoping to block his move. The ultimate skill-Bawang Xianghouquan!" At the moment of accumulation, he closed his hands like a turtle style qigong and sprayed out a blue line Colored air wave.The diameter reached half the Hu Huang fist issued by Nie Kong, and the two violently collided in midair.

"Boom..." With the dazzling light, a huge explosion sounded.A hundred-meter-wide pit appeared there, and the aftermath of the explosion almost knocked the audience down.With the collision of the two strokes, Nie Kong's Tiger Huang fist took advantage.Sakazaki Takuma spouted a mouthful of blood, and his body flew out more than ten meters.

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