The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 007, Dilu beast yielded

"Dill the beast of Dilu surrendered so soon? I thought it would be like in the memory, and there was no reaction at all." Nie Kong felt an unparalleled sense of accomplishment, and he had just arrived as an original blood-sucking monster. Big things that can't be done.

"Don't call me the Vampire Beast King, call my master!" Nie Kong's demon blood whip drew on the white neck of Dilumon, and tightened her neck tightly.Dilumon felt difficulty breathing, and his gloved claws caught the blood whip.

"Lord...Master, please forgive Dilu beast!" Dilu beast's weak voice came out, sounding so pitiful.Nie Kong felt a little regretful, why wasn't the holy celestial beast beneath him.But the evolution of Dilumon has no other choice but to use the sacred plan of Jiaer and the light badge.

Nie Kong pulled the blood whip forcefully and pulled the Dilu beast close to his side, stretched out his left hand to hold the tail of the Dilu beast, and lightly raised it.Nie Kong's petite body was lifted up by Nie Kong.

"Since you know that you are wrong, let me keep the ring on your tail first. This is the punishment for you." Nie Kong put away the hand of the demon blood whip and put it on the tail of Dilu beast The divine aura took off.

After taking off the halo, so as not to be taken away, Nie Kong put it in the ring space.No one can take it out except him.

Dilu beast only felt as if he had lost something, his eyes looked at the halo disappearing in Nie Kong's hand with fear.She felt that all the secrets in her body were seen through by Nie Kong's eyes.Lost, afraid... everything is not enough to express the mood of Dilumon at this time.

"Okay, continue to recruit for me. I will go to the real world to find the eighth selected child in the past few days!" Nie Kong flicked his cloak and turned and left here.

At this time, Dilumon's snow-white body was covered with red welts, but Nie Kong made a decent move. Dilumon didn't suffer any serious injuries, just a little skin trauma.

"Lord... Master has changed so much, it's really not the previous blood-sucking monster. Now I really can't figure out what he thinks. I say that he has become cruel, but his attack seems not as heavy as before." If it is the previous blood-sucking Beast, if it is taught, Dilu Beast may have to rest for a few days to recover.

Dilumon watched the Vampire Beast disappear in front of him, then sighed and got up, walking out of the dim room with a complicated expression on his face.

Nie Kong, who walked out of the basement, seemed to remember that there was still Jia'er's bright badge inside, and hurriedly returned to the bedroom to find it and put it in the space ring.He didn't want him to be as tragic as the original Vampire Beast, the light badge hidden in it was stolen by the betrayed Dilumon and Wizard Beast.

After everything was done, Nie Kong had the mind to walk out of the dark city and see the legendary Digimon world.The Digimon world is very beautiful, making Nie Kong seem to be in a fairy tale world.But it seemed that the time for him to appear was not the right time. Not long after he walked out of the dark city, he only saw a fiery ball of fire slowly rising at dawn, and the sun's rays shot towards him.

For him in his previous life, it was such a warm sunshine, and at this time it was an extremely venomous poison for him. When it hit him, he felt a fiery pain.

More than half of the strength in his body had actually disappeared, which made his confidence shake. If Dilu Beast really evolved into a celestial beast, he didn't know whether he could resist the sacred bow and arrow of the celestial beast.

If according to his current strength, it is really a bit of a hang, as long as he can't evolve into an ultimate body, it is a mermaid.Even if they were lucky enough to beat the selected child, they would not be able to beat the four dark kings and so on.

Nie Kong, who was feeling increasingly uncomfortable, couldn't help but automatically transported the gift "Huangdi Nei Jing" given to him by his predecessor Huang Xuanyuan. According to him, he could cultivate the power of the soul of the gods!

Because Xuanyuan Lingxi, who has a very high level of cultivation, gave him guidance and enlightenment, he has saved a lot of time for him to comprehend this exercise, so he can easily operate now.

After carrying out the exercises, Nie Kong felt the hot and uncomfortable feeling of being exposed to the sun, and was slowly recovering, but his strength was still greatly weakened.

"The exercises given by Renhuang Xuanyuan are really not covered. I just started to practice, and I can already feel it working. It's just that there is no double practice with girls, and the speed of cultivation is really too slow." Nie Kong felt his own soul. He shook his head directly at the speed of his power increase, his expression a little regrettable.

The contents of this Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine are only part of the practice for cultivating the power of the soul. In short, it is the goddess skill, which is a kind of double cultivation.But it was created by the emperor, and its power is naturally extraordinary.

With such a reduced strength, he did not dare to move around, and the habits of blood-sucking beasts could not be changed in a short while.He could only walk back to the dark underground castle unwillingly, where the light could not shine.

Naturally, he would not hide in the coffin again to sleep, how unlucky.Reluctantly, Nie Kong could only use the daytime to improve his proficiency in the skills of Vampire Beasts while practicing the exercises.

Everything has to wait for the arrival of the selected children. Nie Kong is not the experience of the selected children, nor is he to provide them with tools to upgrade!He wants to subvert the two-dimensional world of the devil, so he is unwilling to stop in this Digimon world.

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