The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 0708, willing to bet

The distance of only ten meters is almost in the blink of an eye. Perhaps her speed is estimated to be comparable to a real ninja.Her elbow was aimed at Nie Kong, and when she rushed towards Nie Kong, a terrifying flame burst out of her body.In midair, it was as if a fiery sun appeared.

"That girl, can you actually use Shiranui's nirvana - is Ninja bee?" Shiranui Hanzo asked in surprise.

However, just as Shiranui Wu was coming to Nie Kong's side, a weird smile flashed at the corner of Nie Kong's mouth.

"Tianjin Fan, I'm sorry to borrow your tricks, haha..."

Immediately afterwards, Nie Kong's hands were placed on the left and right corners of his eyes and temples, his fingers separated!

"That's it!?" The audience on the ground was puzzled, watching Nie Kong's tricks.The moves in Dragon Ball are very simple, as long as they can control the emission of qi, Nie Kong will have Sun Fist, Turtle Style Qigong, Dongdongbo, Shadow Fist, Qi Yuanzhan... the basic skills of Dragon Ball fighters, Nie Kong mostly Can make it.

"Sun Fist!" In an instant, the dazzling golden glow exploded, like another round of the sun hanging high, the dazzling light radiating like needles!The tiny gymnasium fell into the shroud of radiant light, everything was lost, everything became blurred.Nie Kong in the midair is like the sun, not right, it is more violent than the sun's rays, it deprives everyone of sight.

"Wow, it hurts, my eyes." Sakazaki Takuma, who had originally watched the game, they all covered their painful eyes, absolutely unexpected that it would happen.

The situation of Shiranuiwu who attacked Nie Kong was very bad, and she was forced to stop her half-killing and rubbed her eyes.Nie Kong came to the back of Wu Shiranui with a vague figure, and stretched out her hand to hold her two long red cloths covering her thighs and ass.By simply wrapping around, Nie Kong used her special clothes to tie her up.

Shiranui Mai, who lost her sight, only felt that her thigh was touched, and the hidden position of her crotch felt a shy tightness, as if something got stuck in her lips.

"Ah..." When Shiranui Wu wanted to resist, but her hands and feet were tightly bound by something.

Sakazaki Liang never expected that Nie Kong would have a weird trick.

The power of the Sun Fist gradually dissipated, restoring the clear sky in front of him.

Everyone removed their arms in front of them and blinked hard.After adapting to the drop of light, they saw Nie Kong holding Wu Hua Da tied Shiranui Wu.She leaned in Nie Kong's arms in a strange posture.

Shiranui Hanzo had to give a secret compliment to Nie Kong's restraint skills, good craftsmanship.

Xiao Wu whimpered, staring at Nie Kong with shame in her eyes.

"You... mean, I'm not convinced."

"Enough Xiao Wu, if you lose, you lose, don't lose our Shiranui face." Shiranui Hanzo said with a calm face.

"Hehe, don't take the child seriously, just play with her." Nie Kong untie Shiranuiwu and said with a smile.

"No, she is a challenge issued in the name of Shiranui, so she must be responsible for her own words. Xiao Wu, you must listen to him within a week and work for him seriously." Shiranui Hanzo said in a deep voice.

"Hey, don't teach her Hanzo, she is still young. She would definitely be afraid of going to a stranger's house. Since I am the host, let Yuri accompany her by the way. The two of them are not very different in age. , Very suitable for being friends." Sakazaki Takumo smiled.

Shiranui Hanzo had no time to speak, Sakazaki Yuri had jumped in front of Mai Shiranui happily.

"Well, please give me your advice." Yuli excitedly held Xiao Wu's hand.Seeing Nie Kong's strength, she put her desire to become stronger on him.If she wanted to learn fighting rashly, the two fools who looked down on women, father and brother, would certainly not agree.

I do not know that Huo Wu gave Nie Kong bitterly, but she could only give in.

At the end of the competition, Nie Kong chatted with them for half an hour.Through their respective introductions, Nie Kong got to know them a little bit.However, Nie Kong was very surprised that Shiranui Wu didn't start to like Andy.The time he traveled through seemed very suitable.

Saying goodbye to Shiranui Hanzo and the others, Nie Kong took Liana, who liked to be silent, and left, but was followed by two pretty and lovely girls, Yuri and Mai Shiranui.

Shiranui Wu tasted her own bitter fruit, but she failed to become a maid to clean the huge castle for Nie Kong.

Terry and Andy are both adopted sons of Jeff Bogard, who shoulder the responsibility of avenging their father.In this way, Tang Fulu would bring Terry and Andy under his family. It couldn't be more obvious what his intentions were.Tang Fulu is counting on Terry and Andy to carry forward the Baji Shengquan and inherit Jeff Bogard's last wish!But Andy was not suitable for Bajiquan, so he went to the dojo of Tang Fulu's friend Shiranui Hanzo to practice.

After Nie Kong and the others left, Andy and Terry talked about the enemy Jace.

"Andy, our enemy is dead. What do you think now, do you want to continue practicing?" Terry asked.

"I don't know, I feel that getting stronger is meaningless." Andy said in confusion.

"In that case, do what you like. My willingness to become stronger is stronger than before. I like fighting and will not change because of Jace's death..." Terry's eyes sparkled.He wants to become stronger and defeat Nie Kong and Sakazaki Liang who are like a mountain pressing him.

"Terry, thank you for letting me wake up. I also like fighting very much. To become stronger is not just for revenge." Andy also, after being baptized by his adoptive father since childhood, likes fighting.

"But, if you want to become strong, you must not only integrate what we teach, otherwise you will stop at the same level as us. Just as Nie Kong said just now, you must create your own path of practice and breakthrough. The predecessor's concept of restraint..." Tang Fulu said.

"Yeah, it's a pity that we are old and we are now in the age of young people. If you are born twenty years later, I must practice harder to defeat him." Sakazaki sighed with emotion.

"We understand." Upon hearing their words, the Berg brothers each planned to start their practice.Terry intends to surround the world and find his own fighting skills.

On the contrary, Andy likes to stay in a cruel environment and understand to break through himself.

Originally, Sakazaki Ryo was also very eager to leave, but Sakazaki Takuma asked him and Robert to bear the burden of the limit current.

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