The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0710Mary's information

He came out of King's bar contentedly, and Nie Kong felt funny when he recalled the cute appearance of King running away in a hurry.Although he was impulsive just now, he did not regret it.

If it weren't a bit violent, how could it be possible to break through the innocent King.However, the development of the situation is not bad, she is not angry, more shy.

Back at the castle, Nie Kong found that the three loli had returned to their respective bedrooms to rest.There are many things happening today, and they are probably tired.

Nie Kong had just opened the door of his room, before turning on the light, a dark figure suddenly rushed towards him from the side.Nie Kong was stunned for a moment, and when he was about to kill someone, the fragrance of the girl came from his nose.Nie Kong's movements paused for a while, allowing the dark figure to pounce on him.

"Hehe, you're finally planted in my hands. No matter how strong you are, you still don't let me fish?" The voice was familiar, and a triumphant laugh came into Nie Kong's ears.She pounced from the sky above the room and threw Nie Kong back to the ground.Two beautiful legs squeezed Nie Kong's neck, his hands and legs tightly locked Nie Kong's joints, making it impossible to move.

The back of Nie Kong's head did not touch the floor, but pressed tightly on the chest behind him.Although the neck was clamped, the elasticity of the thigh gave him an unprecedented experience.

Nie Kong has already understood the identity of the visitor. She was the Brue Marie who MR·BIG sent to investigate her two days ago, playing the role of a detective.

She had a pretty face with pride, as if she had already felt that she had truly won, and reported the shame Nie Kong had given her that day.Nie Kong turned sideways slightly, completely ignoring the joints of his body and turned to face her.

"Do you want to beat me with your simple articulation skills? It's still far away." But it was precisely because of Nie Kong's turn that Nie Kong's face was facing Mary's lower abdomen.Between the two layers of clothes, there was still a breath that made Nie Kong's blood boil, and the two formed a very awkward posture.

Nie Kong bit Mary lightly, squeezing her teeth together.

"Ah..." Mary jumped away from Nie Kong like a catapult, covering her hands.She stammered at Nie Kong with shame on her face and said, " are too bad, can you bite me... where is mine, bastard..."

"If you attack me again in the future like just now, then I won't just bite it." Nie Kong said with no air.

"You remembered it for me, the third time I will definitely let you surrender." Mary refused to admit defeat, it seems that she will be in trouble in the future.But for Marie's articulation skills, Nie Kong can only be enjoyed.

She hummed, patted the dust on her clothes, and was about to leave.But when she reached the door, she suddenly retreated.

"It was all your fault, so I almost made me forget what was going on. There is information about you, I wonder if you are interested?" Mary's eyes were playful.

"What information?" Nie Kong asked.

"Hehe, if you want to listen, please pay me one million dollars in intelligence fees, or do you want to listen."

"You are blackmail." Nie Kong dissatisfied.

"You can choose not to listen. It's about your safety. 1 million is not expensive." Mary said with a smile.

"Well, tell me, the money will be given to you later." Nie Kong was interested.

"You killed Jace, it was about Jace. According to the information I found, Jace had a half-brother. His name is Wolfgang Krauss. ·Von Strohheimke, known as the Dark Emperor. The new patriarch of the ancient nobles from the Middle Ages to the present, the city lord of Ogheim, the descendant of the shadow family who manipulated European history, and the emperor of the world. His fighting talent Amazing, with the title of a child prodigy, he is the strongest person in the family history. At the age of nine, he gained the status of Patriarch by killing his father Rudolph. His own strength may be three or four times stronger than Jace, maybe Ten times." Mary said.

"It doesn't matter how strong he is." Nie Kong shook his head.Although the King of Fighters is considered a high martial arts world, there is no threat to him.

"Then you are wrong. Jace's son Billy fled to him and told him the situation of Jace and South Town. There was Jace in the past, and he didn't intend to dye Guide Town. But now Jace Si is dead, he will try to take the opportunity to take control of South Town in the name of revenge, and take revenge for his brother by the way. But in my guess, he mostly wants to fight you. Krauza has a very high kingly dignity. , Fair duel is his life rule, he pursues pure fighting art and fierceness. If you are not careful, you will definitely be killed by him. How about, my intelligence is worth a million dollars." Mary wrinkled Nose, hummed at Nie Kong.

"It's really useful to me, but talking about money with our feelings hurts peace." Nie Kong smiled.

"Who has feelings for you, hurry up and pay." Mary stretched out her hand to Nie Kong, and looked at Nie with suspicion, thinking that he was going to run the bill.She was actually grateful to Nie Kong for avenging her grandfather, so she came here to tell Nie Kong the information.

"I have no money, I owe it first." Nie Kong joked.

"No..." She glared at Nie Kong madly, like a frog, so cute.

Nie Kong chuckled lightly, then shook his head and said, "As compensation, I will pass you a very powerful trick." How could Nie Kong be willing to beat Mary with that articulated skill, so he hoped to change her genre .

"What trick?" Mary asked curiously.

"Dancing air technique." Nie Kong said.

As a basic trick after venting the air, Wukong is very practical.Of course Mary hasn't started practicing Qi now, Nie Kong doesn't care how long it takes her to learn.

He only demonstrated in front of Mary three or four times, and then explained the basic principles to her.It was the first time that Mary saw someone flying out of gravity, staring at Nie Kong closely.

She found that she became more and more curious about Nie Kong, wanting to find out everything about him.

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