The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional text 0715Special neutral beauty

Usually restrained and looked flat, but Nie Kong guessed that he would not be able to hold it completely with one hand.

The black pants are very eye-catching because they are hollowed out.She clamped her legs lightly and put her hands in front of her.

" see... have you seen enough."

He lowered his head to face Nie Kong, his heart throbbed and throbbed, and the blush on his face could not be erased for a long time.She couldn't wait to wear her menswear back to cover Nie Kong's fiery gaze.

Like kissing himself that time, how could he be so domineering every time, what a badass.

Nie Kong directly hugged her slender waist and whispered in her ear: "How come, King is so beautiful, I will never see enough or like it enough."


King's eyes were flustered, she pushed Nie Kong with both hands, but she felt tighter and tighter.

"King, I want you to be my woman, and I can't object."

After hearing Nie Kong's overbearing words, she was shocked.She had accidents, but also some shocking surprises.

From childhood to age, although he was born in romantic France, due to his younger brother’s illness, he started Muay Thai training as a child and failed to enjoy the romance that the French should have.After meeting Nie Kong, he began to have an inexplicable affection for him.And under Nie Kong's strong strategy, she has slowly fallen.She often thought that one day she would be able to accompany Nie Kong in women's clothing.

King stopped resisting in his arms, his moving body limp in Nie Kong's arms.Ever thought that I could have a lover like a girl...

Nie Kong pushed the unpowered king onto the bed, and the two rolled into the white sheets.Nie Kong kissed her lips again, taking her breath greedily.

"Ah, it hurts..." The tearing pain eased her soreness.She was stiff all over, and her hands tightened Nie Kong's neck tightly.

The pure energy hit his bottleneck, and the absorbed energy made the soul slowly reach completion, and the power of faith in the ring was also speeding up refining.However, Nie Kong wanted to keep some breakthrough dimensions, because even if he broke the King of Fighters, he might not be able to gather the power of faith to break open.

"King, I finally got you..." Seeing Nie Kong's contented expression, King suddenly felt very happy.The future is like this, why do you want to escape king?

The girl had kept her purity for more than ten years, and she finally gave it to Nie Kong.She has no regrets, she is happy.Nie Kong hugged her body and gave her tender happiness.The two cuddled, like a beautiful picture scroll,

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