The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0717, kof invitation letter

Nie Kong usually doesn't care about the passage of time, so KOF was held from the mouth of Yuri and Mai Shiranui.They are full of expectations for the upcoming fighting competition, clamoring to register for the competition and experience the results of their practice in the past few years.From Yuri’s words, he understood that their Extreme Stream received an invitation letter from representing Mexico.As long as they beat the team selected by Mexico to sign up, they can compete with the national teams for the first championship and three million dollars in prize money.

And when he was surprised that KOF didn't invite himself, a familiar frequent visitor greeted the castle.

She was wearing a red halter top, which could only cover the rough waves.With tight-fitting elastic deep purple cotton trousers, the youthful beauty and absolute sexiness are fully displayed.

Although the summer sun is very fierce, why can't her exposed white skin be tanned.Compared to five years ago, she has matured a lot and is much more beautiful.Shaking one step three times, Xiaoman's waist turned around with the apron hanging there like a spring.The exposed pinkish white and tender belly button really few men can stand it.

Brumari, a master of articulation, sneaked near him many times to tease him.

"Mary, I said you are not sick, right?" Xiao Wu's tone seemed to see a ghost, her eyes widened at the people.

"Why do you say that?" Mary was startled and asked strangely.

"Could it be that the sun came out from the west, or I was dreaming, and you are actually coming in from the entrance of the hall?" It seems that her way of playing has been taken as a habit by the three girls.

"Hate, I'm like a thief." When she saw Nie Kong, she squeezed away Yuli who was sitting next to her, causing Yuli to pull her straight.

Nie Kong smiled lightly and said, "Is that right, so behaved today, is there something wrong?"

"Can't you come if you don't have anything? With a beautiful girl like me, dressed sexy, your eyes should learn to enjoy."

"Look at it."

Mary Jiao smiled and said, "Of course it's fine. It's called a beautiful meal. I'm not showing it to someone else. Look, it's so close, I've shown you everything."

"Please don't be self-righteous." Shiranui Mai compared her and Mary's bust, rather dejected.Although Xiao Wu's figure is very slim, her chest is one size smaller than Mary.However, Xiao Wu has the advantage of her figure, her hips are much larger than Mary's, and she has a fleshy urge to make people knead.

"Enough trouble." Nie Kong understood her personality, so he asked directly about the purpose of her trip.

"You should have heard, are you ready for the upcoming KOF world-class fighting competition?" She said with a change of tone.

"Forget it, I haven't received an invitation letter, and I don't plan to take the initiative to sign up." Nie Kong shook his head.

"Hehe...If there is an invitation letter, I will participate, right. Guess what is in my hand?" She didn't know where to take out a letter and smiled at Nie Kong.

"Could it be that……"

"Yes, someone asked me to give it to you." Mary brought a long-awaited news that he was invited to participate as a representative of the United States in the 94 KOF competition, instead of the original American Star Team.

"What? KOF's invitation letter has arrived?" The three women looked at the invitation letter with expectant eyes.

"Yes, but KOF's fighting match is different from the past. It is a three-player team battle, and you need to choose your own teammates." Mary said, eyes tightly looking at Nie Kong.And the purpose of this trip, Mary finally showed from the meaning of the sentence, with the meaning of teaming up with Nie Kong.With the current strength of Mary, she can indeed reach a world-class level.

After hearing what Mary said, the three girls present suddenly raised their ears, and naturally they all wanted to accompany Nie Kong to team up.It's just that there is more soup and less meat. There are four girls, and Nie Kong can only choose two as teammates.

"Nie Kong, I have handed over the invitation letter from a thousand miles away, so let me be your teammate." Mary said softly.

"Brother Nie Kong, Lianna wants to accompany you in the competition." Lianna issued a super cute killing technique, her eyes shining hard to refuse.

There are five girls, but which two to choose is a difficult problem.But King must choose, she has become her own woman.

"Wait for me to think about it, there is plenty of time anyway." Faced with the hopeful gazes of the girls, Nie Kong finally failed to make a decision, so he could only choose to postpone it.

"That's it." Their expressions were a little disappointed, but then they secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, it is a pity that none of the three loli can become Nie Kong's teammates.Because when he was lying on King's bed that night, Nie Kong got news from King.She also received an invitation from KOF and had the opportunity to form a team to represent Britain.She loves Nie Kong very much, so she listens to his opinions.

"Nie Jun, can you join me as the British team, I... I am looking forward to it." After H was over, King asked eagerly, lying softly on Nie Kong.

"En! But there is one person short of the team. I'm thinking about who to choose." Nie Kong thought, touching her jade back.

"Hehe... No matter who you choose, Lianna and the others are going to have trouble now. It is indeed a problem." She chuckled.In a few years, King and the three girls have become very familiar.

"In that case, let's not choose those three. I plan to use them to replace me as the United States, and the last teammate will choose Mary. Because the three of them can be counted as the genre I teach, it is very suitable Team up together." Nie Kong thought for a while. The four girls had already made a decision when they were arguing in the castle, which was beyond the expectations of the three loli.

"Well, that can take care of their moods and make them all compete, killing two birds with one stone." King nodded gently, and she would agree no matter what decision Nie Kong made.

"As for the people I talked to you a few years ago, you should be able to fight with them, Jun Nie. It was not in vain."

Nie Kong also looked forward to that moment, meeting with the various characters of the King of Fighters and defeating them.

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