The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0725, hungry wolf vs dragon tiger

Damen Goro stepped on the wooden clogs and appeared in the ring with a steady pace like Mount Tai.Seeing his movements, Clark narrowed his eyes in his sunglasses.

Both of them are masters of casting skills, and the outcome can only be determined by their own strength and understanding of the human body.Facing Clark, Daemon Goro moved his hands together.He rushed forward and pushed out with both hands, and hit Clark's head.

But Clark dodged in front of the gate, reached out his hand, and grabbed the waist of the gate Goro.It's just that Clark caught Daemon Goro, and Daemon Goro in turn was equivalent to grabbing Clark.

Ever since, the two can only fight each other to see who falls.The two faces swelled like big lanterns due to excessive force.However, the back of the gate was not enough, and after five minutes of strength, he lost to Clark with amazing endurance.

He is a mercenary from Brazil who has undergone various dangerous things, and his endurance and perseverance are amazing.

"Roar, end the Argentine attack!" As if moving a big mountain, Clark threw the door into the sky with both hands.The door was shocked, and he did not expect anyone to move him.

Daemon Goro's huge body was thrown directly into the sky, and then Clark aimed at the cervical spine of Daemon and pressed his shoulder.

"Kacha..." He only heard the sound of bones moving, and the door that was going to resist was numb, and his strength was lost.But Clark was not over. The second time he threw Daemon Goro up, and then hit his shoulder again, and the third time, Daemon Goro coughed up blood!

With a sound of "Bump!", a tossing like a shoulder throw, and elbow attacked Daemon Goro's chest, Clark's string of attacks was over.

After finishing this set, Clark took a breath, looked at the door Goro who fell on the ground with his eyes closed, and exhaled.He just tried his best. The power of this set of attacks may even exceed his best level in practice, and he also added a flaming elbow, and the army punches are basically the deadly type. Goro should Is it impossible to stand up...

However, things are often unexpectedly exciting, Daemon Goro stood up, although in a half-kneeling posture.At this time, the bones all over his body were broken, showing the power of Clark to kill.

"Land mine shock." He gritted his teeth, and the qi in the gathered body slammed into the ring.Clark was puzzled and didn't understand the tricks of his trick, so he directly accepted the attack from the gate.

If there is a violent ejection from the ring, his blood will surge and his head will be dizzy.

Daimon Goro rushed up at the same time, and then directly grabbed Clark's foot.His body was lifted up, it seemed to be spinning in the air, and then he was smashed to the ground, which is such a simple understatement.

"Hell falls in bliss." Like a doll, he threw Clark's body into the ring one after another.

Clark had blood from his nose and mouth, his bones were broken by a third, his lungs might bleed, and he was seriously injured...

Daimon Goro did not celebrate the victory, because Clark gritted his teeth and stood up.The two were seriously injured, but they did not voluntarily concede defeat. The fierce and miserable situation exceeded everyone's accident.

In the end, the two players fell to the ground and lost their combat effectiveness due to excessive force. In the third game, the two were tied.

The fourth game began, and the opponents were the two captains.One is the descendant of the ancient Japanese family Kusanagi Kyo, who is said to have surpassed his father at a young age.One is Hadillon, who has hatred and has no reason to win.

Strange assassination techniques emerge in endlessly. Unlike the two subordinates, he belongs to the power type. He belongs to the quick assassination type.

The flames suddenly erupted from Kusunakyo's right palm, blasting Lao Gao.After understanding the strength of the enemy, his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

He made a big leap, and his ghostly body left afterimages in the air, and in a blink of an eye he came to Hadirun's side!

"Huang Bite!" The fist blasted out of his right hand carried a blazing high temperature flame.I have to admit that Kyo Kusana is very strong.Seeing his speed and reflection, Sakazaki Ryo and Terry's eyes tightened.

"It seems that the rumors are true, and Kusanagi is indeed a master."

"Neck twist." Hadilun was very unkind, and the cold light in his hand who jumped into the air flashed towards Kusunakyo, who had just used such a dangerous assassination technique when he first played.

"He Di..."

Kyo Kusanagi was in danger, holding Hadilun's hand knife with his right hand, turning violently, and knocking Hadilun out with his left hand!

"Two hundred twelve-style Qin Yueyang." Kusunakyo resorted to the tactics of winning the pursuit, chasing behind Hadilun with his right hand and quickly grabbed his body.Suddenly, the burning flames exploded, and the fiery red flame drowned Hadillon.Fortunately, it wasn't the flame of the big snake pheasant, otherwise Hadillon would definitely not be able to stand it.If so, his body has been severely burned.

Hadilun's face was solemn, and he didn't expect people with strength beyond his imagination to appear one after another.The young man in front of him seemed to be only nearly twenty, and his cultivation base had already surpassed him.

"Young man, you are really strong, but I have a reason to win, take me one move and kill-the ultimate flash." The energy in the whole body began to gather.Then, like a tiger coming out of the mountain, his right hand formed a hand knife and swept towards Kusanagi at a very strange angle.

Kyo Kusanagi was serious, and his sharp eyes looked straight at Hadillon who was coming by.He dodged, but Hadillon's attack was too weird, and his body opened a lot of holes.

With his deliberate defense, he did not suffer substantial injuries.Although the attack speed is very fast, but Kyo Kusana can keep up with his speed.

"Foreign Style·Boom!" Immediately after the defense, his right fist blasted Hadilun into the ring, exploding a group of high-temperature flames.The qi in the body alone would definitely not be able to make such a flame, but Kyo Kusanagi was a descendant of the three major families in Japan, inherited the ability to control fire.That kind of flame is like light, which sealed the serpent one thousand eight hundred years ago.

"Congratulations to the Japanese team for beating Brazil to qualify for the semifinals." The referee announced.

With Kusunakyo, as long as the three of them don't face Nie Kong and the others, it will be fine to advance to the final.That kind of flame is too powerful, and it is much stronger than a simple gas bomb condensed by qi.

Then the second game began with the famous Dragon Tigers VS Hungry Wolves.

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