The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0730, Lucar appears

" cheat, how can you use superpowers to help others in the game?" When Liana just finished the game, Athena came to Nie Kong and said to him.

"What nonsense are you talking about, how could Brother Nie Kong do that kind of thing." Xiao Wu glared at Athena, and couldn't allow others to say that he was not.

"Obviously, it was just the beginning of the match between you and the Korean team's Cai Jian-care. He blocked Cai Jian-care's actions with super powers." Athena said gently.

Xiao Wu couldn't help but think of the scene where Cai Health Care stopped weirdly, her face was dazed, it turned out that it was Brother Nie Kong who was protecting me just now.

"That's because the referee didn't announce the start of the game, so I just specifically stopped his sneak attack. Besides, Xiao Wu is much stronger than her. Even without my help, Xiao Wu will win." Nie Kong said Did not deny his actions.

"No, thank you very much, Brother Nie Kong." Xiao Wu's eyes flowed with tenderness, as if water could melt anyone's heart.

"You are right, but you can't use super powers indiscriminately in the future." Athena copied the set Zhen Yuanzhai taught her, and then preached to Nie Kong.

"Brother Nie Kong has his own ideas, and you don't need to teach him indiscriminately." Xiao Wu said domineeringly to Athena.

Athena murmured and said that she was just a kind reminder to Nie Kong, don't misuse the gift God gave him.If you have time, China welcomes him at any time.

Their superpowers are natural, but Nie Kong can be considered as a result of long-term cultivation.

Lianna returned from the ring intact, and the all-female fighter team VS Korea team reached the crucial third game, Li VS Korea's No. 1 Taekwondo master Kim Jia Fan.He had to come up because it was related to his reputation for taekwondo.However, like the world declared that Taekwondo is the strongest fighting dream, the opponent is unexpectedly powerful.

Kim Jiafan, wearing a white taekwondo suit, came to the ring and found that his opponent had changed to another person, the daughter of the master of Xtreme Museum Yuri Sakazaki.He gritted his teeth and bitterly, the three of them looked down on himself in that way.

Angrily grinning, Jin Jiafan intends to defeat it without leaving a hand, and then win the game.

"Are you ready, I'm about to take action." Yuli exclaimed in a delicate voice, her slender figure revealing the beauty of youth.Although the chest is not very big in the white clothes, it looks like two apples hanging there, which looks swollen and heavy.

"Come on," Jin Jiafan said solemnly.

"Hehe..." She folded her hands on her chest, and her anger began to boil.Then "afterimages" surrounded Jin Jiafan one by one, counting to four.

"Remnant Shadow Fist..." Yuli called again, and the four shadows became eight.

Jin Jiafan used defensive tactics, watching them vigilantly.

One Yuli who was hiding behind Jin Jiafan shot, her jade hand clenched into a fist and hit Jin Jiafan.He squinted tightly, turned and kicked back.

"You guessed it wrong, I'm on your left. Taste the new kill that I created-four kills." The one on the left, Yuli, hit Jin Jiafan one by one with uppercuts one after another.Then something shocked everyone happened. The three Mirage Yuli behind him actually used the extreme current stunt Bawang Xianghou punch, ejecting a super-atmospheric wave, and the other used his own creation on his back. Feiyan phoenix feet coming out.Many afterimages fluttered, and a steady stream of terrorist attacks swept towards Jin Jiafan.

Jin Jiafan didn't have the ability to resist, and could only bear the blows of the three Yuli, but the last afterimage didn't know what to do. After staying in place for a while, he assumed a victory pose.

Suffering three Yuri's kills, Jin Jiafan was defeated in a complete mess.The afterimage slowly faded, and then revealed four real bodies, and finally the four people slowly regrouped into one in front of everyone.

"It... is not exactly the phantom left at high speed, are there four real bodies?" Everyone was silent for a while, looking at the beautiful girl Yuri in shock.No way, it's hard to tell the truth, how can I fight her?

"Oh, has Yuli really learned the four-body punch taught by Brother Nie Kong?" Shiranuiwu said in surprise.The principle of that trick is difficult, more than ten times more difficult than Sun Fist, and now she has only touched the threshold.

"Who makes you like to be lazy and not work hard? Now only you can't." Lianna didn't forget to blow.

I do not know Huo Wu secretly regrets, as long as she practiced that trick, she would definitely be the most powerful ninja in the world.In the future, if Jun Nie and himself return to Shiranui Dojo, they will definitely carry forward.

Nie Kong was also surprised, but she didn't expect Yuli to combine the Shadow Fist and the Four Body Fist into one move.However, the weakness is also great, it is useless to meet a fast opponent, and all four of them will lose.The trick is to divide your energy and strength into quarters, and of course the strength and speed will become weaker.If it weren't for Yuli's strength to be much stronger than Jin Jiafan, then she would be able to use that move, and it is estimated that she would not be able to use the residual shadow fist at that speed.

The top four were finally selected, namely the British team, the Japanese team, the Dragon Tigers and the American all-female fighter team.The semi-finals will start tomorrow and the opponents have already drawn.The first game was the British team VS Dragon Tigers, and the second game was the American team VS American women's team.After giving the players a day's rest and adjusting their state, the organizer said that they could act at will on the aircraft carrier.

The defeated teams cannot leave, but have to watch the battle on the aircraft carrier to the end.Hearing the referee's words, Hardyron was relieved, he still had the opportunity to meet Lucar who held it.

Each returned to the assigned room to rest, and they waited for the arrival of the final.

In a secret room of the aircraft carrier, a one-eyed man showed a frantic smile, seemingly satisfied with the powerful enemy he attracted.Around him, two coquettish women wearing secretary costumes.

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