The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0733, vs Kusunakyo

In the early morning of the next day, in the loud announcement of the referee, the finals of the KOF contest officially kicked off.I believe that the Japanese team VS the British team will fight each other, and many people will look forward to it.

Sakazaki Ryo was defeated by Nie Kong, so he felt that the British team must win the championship.That vast arrogance has still made him unforgettable.But he was unwilling, because he realized that the gap with Nie Kong was too big.

To everyone's surprise, the British team was the first to directly send Mary, the beauty who had been silent during the game.Changed the order of appearance, Nie Kong did not appear first.

Although somewhat surprised at the appearance of Mary, the Japanese team sent Goro to the first stage according to the preparations before the start of the game.Mary in front of her is very pleasant, but unfortunately the door is a wooden person.Instead, seeing her fragile body, regained the self-confidence that the strong should have.

He put his hands together and made a huge boom, and his strength was really strong.

"Come on." Now that you have reached the finals, let yourself be the last one in the battle without regrets and draw a meaningful victory for your life!

Daemon Goro's wrestling and throwing skills are really great, and his judo skills are very deep.And Mary's fighting skills are joint skills, which have the same magical effect as judo.Nie Kong has done it well and plans to change her genre in time.That kind of personal articulation can only be used on oneself.

As soon as the game started, Mary rushed to the gate.

"I actually ran to the front of the gate on my own initiative. It's too messy," Kusanagi said in shock.

"Is she making a noise, don't act rashly for the time being, I will observe it later." The door remained motionless, and she watched Mary approach.The unexpected thing happened to everyone, Mary took the initiative to grab the arm of the door.

The door hands instinctively sent the world back, but he was shocked to find that the girl in front of him seemed as heavy as Mount Tai.Without waiting for him to react, Mary's body was suddenly short, and she fell backward and stepped on his abdomen with her right foot.

The other two of the Japanese team were shocked, right? The gate was thrown out?

"Sure enough, none of the British team he led was a simple commodity." Kusunakyo said with emotion.

"How is it possible, I can never let you succeed a second time." The door that fell to the ground rolled up, and then reached out and rushed towards Mary again.Mary chuckled and immediately grabbed his right hand and threw him over the shoulder.The combo started, and Mary used her gorgeous articulation skills to remove the fragile joints of the door's hands.

Shame, you know that Daemon Goro is best at judo, but now... Daemon Goro was actually thrown over by Mary with a judo, which is really shameful!

"Hell's bliss!" Goro roared, the gate who got up, immediately resorted to his own killing, and slammed into Mary.However, to use this trick, you must grab the opponent close, and it will be a cloud for the opponent if you can't grasp it.Mary only needed an accelerated dodge, and easily passed the gate Goro's kill, and also exposed the other party with considerable flaws.

No way, Daemon Goro's speed is slower than Mary's.Facing a faster opponent, Daimon Goro was directly tragedy.

"Mary Wild Rose." With the nirvana, Marie's phantom suddenly turned into a strip of phantoms, slamming quickly in front of and behind the door.The clicking sound from the joint bones is really scary.

At the last move, Mary turned around and knocked the gate out of the ring.

The joints ached all over the body, and the pain was terrible as long as the body moved.Damen knew that he had encountered a master grappler like Clark, and he was specialized in articulation.

Seeing that the gate could not stand for a long time, the referee immediately declared Mary victory.

The teams that lost on the scene suddenly burst into cheers. They are indeed his teammates. Their strength is unfathomable.

And Lianna's three daughters are very confused, because Mary has increased her strength many times over the past few days.

"Beauty, let me be your opponent." Hongmaru leaped for lightning, and put on a posture that she considered coquettish at Mary.He thinks that with his speed, Mary can't touch herself at all and win the game.

"Mary, come down quickly and let Nie Jun draw the last stroke for KOF. He is the world's No. 1 throne." King said.

"Okay, don't hurry." Mary pursed her lips. She just finished the warm-up exercise and the game was over. It was really unhappy.

Nie Kong chuckled and whispered: "Dare to talk back, go home and spank you carefully."

Mary Qiao blushed and said softly, "I don't know if it's fun or not, I really want to try it." Sure enough, she is used to Nie Kong's bullying, and now she is enjoying it.

That girl is quite crazy.

"Nikaido Red Maru, please give me your advice." When Nikaido Red Maru saw that his opponent was not the cute beauty Mary, the cream nanny showed regret on his face.

"I'll teach you." Nie Kong sneered, using your little white face to seduce his own woman, are you looking for death.

Hong Wan really attached great importance to Nie Kong. As soon as the battle began, he used his own housekeeping skills when he stepped in.Rushing in front of Nie Kong was an extremely fast kick, and the attack was unreasonable.

Nie Kong counterattacked and defended, and fought him against him at a speed faster than Hong Wan.

"Kacha..." Along with Hongwan's scream, his slender legs were folded into strange angles.But Nie Kong didn't stop his movements and kicked his other foot again.

Both legs were completely broken, and Hong Wan fell on the ring and made a painful grunt. There was no such thing as the self-righteous appearance just now.

When Nie Kong smashed his legs and hands, and wanted to give his third leg a foot to destroy him, Kusanagi threw out the white cloth and gave in to Hong Wan.

Although he was very calm, but actually Kusunakyo was very angry.Although it was a fighting match, he had done too much to Hongmaru, he definitely couldn't spare this guy!

Step by step onto the court, Kusunakyo's anger became more and more intense.The crimson red flames have spread all over his body, and he has turned into a burning man.

"Come on, let me Kyo Kusanagi taste your power." Although you are very strong, I have a strong flame inherited from the Kusanagi family, and I will not necessarily lose to you!

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