The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0749, Athena visits

"Brother Nie Kong, get up quickly. There seems to be a girl who has come to visit you at the dojo!" In front of Nie Kong's bedroom, a lovely and charming loli was knocking hard on the wooden door, seeming to want to wake up. he.

"Ah... early in the morning, what are you calling Orange." A dozen meters away from the left, Xiao Wu in translucent pajamas yawned with sleepy eyes.The bumpy figure makes Orange feel inferior.

"Xiao Wu, you guys, it's too late to get up." They have been practicing in the dojo for more than half an hour, and they are still sleeping.Really, how can you be so lazy as a fighter? It's time to get up for morning exercises.After spending some time with Nie Kong and the others, the orange has slowly melted into their circle.And after her father left, Nie Kong would often give her family a lot of financial and daily help. She was very grateful to Nie Kong.

"I'm used to getting up at this time now. I have to prepare breakfast for Brother Nie Kong and the others. Xiangcheng will continue to help me wake up Brother Nie Kong." After stretching, Xiao Wu slipped into the room and started. Wash in the morning.

Orange's scream finally took effect, and the wooden door of Lianna's bedroom at the front door creaked open suddenly, revealing Nie Kong's figure.

Nie Kong appeared, but there seemed to be something wrong where he appeared.She looked at Nie Kong and the obedient Lianna behind with a suspicious look, perhaps because she questioned why Nie Kong would sleep in Lianna's bedroom.

"Brother Nie Kong, why did you sleep in the same room with Lianna? Did you do anything?" Orange cried out in surprise, blushing at some thought.As a high school student in Japan, although she does not have a boyfriend, she knows H Biliana a lot.

"Haha... I played a horse-riding game with Xiao Liana for half the night last night, so I fell asleep there by the way." Due to excessive stimulation, Nie Kong fell asleep with Liana in his arms instead of continuing to accompany Xiao Wu. they.

" riding game?" Xiangcheng couldn't help but think of the situation in her childhood when she was sitting on her mother and called riding a horse.No, Lianna is one year older than herself, so she will act so childishly to Brother Nie Kong.It's just that although it is really the horse riding game Nie Kong said, the level of H is not what Orange can imagine.

"Well, I'm really happy to be able to play Lianna with Brother Nie Kong. However, Lianna was useless and unable to persist, so I couldn't play with Brother Nie Kong until the end." Her sweet face showed insufficiency. Beautiful, she is much dazzling today than before.The pretty face is rosy and shiny, the skin is a little more hydrated than before, and the whole person's mental outlook has undergone an earth-shaking change.

Although the horse riding game is very common, it is great that Lianna can act like a baby to Brother Nie Kong and play such an intimate game.Xiangcheng imagined that she was riding behind Brother Nie Kong, coquettishly telling Brother Nie Kong to run quickly.

"By the way, did you say something about Orange?" Nie Kong asked, taking a glance at Orange.

"Ah, I almost forgot. A cute girl seemed to come here to point out that she was looking for you. She is in the living room now." Orange blushed, and immediately stopped her conjecture.

"Then let her wait for a while, and Xiangcheng will help me entertain her!" Nie Kong asked, then returned to his bedroom.

After washing up and enjoying Xiao Wu's loving breakfast, he took a few women to the living room.Ordinarily, it seems that I have just come here in Japan for a long time, and I don't know a girl.Feng Chi electric switch came across the living room and found two lovely and sweet girls talking about something inside!One is wearing the usual white robes of Fujitang Orange MM, and the other is wearing long smooth hair, with a cute hairpin holding her soft hair behind her back.The lower body was a bright red skirt, but black stockings blocked her beautiful legs.

The figure is exquisite and clear, almost like Yuri.However, the pretty faces are very sweet, and they are better at each than Xiao Wu.But the most attractive thing is her exuding temperament, cute and dazzling.Perhaps Xiaolun, who is like a girl in love, has a similar temperament as an idol.

When Nie Kong saw her for the first time, he recognized her as Athena Ma Gong of the Chinese Super Power Team.It was strange, how could that girl know that she was here.

"It turned out to be Miss Athena, shouldn't you practice with Zhenyuanzhai and them in China?" Nie Kong asked.

"Obviously, I have already said it at that time, unless the master specially appointed me to return to China to practice, so I usually live in Japan." Athena is a Japanese idol singer and an ordinary singer. How can high school students stay in China forever?

"Also, I didn't know if I came to visit me for so long in Japan." Athena Asamiya said dissatisfiedly. If it were not for the fluctuations caused by Gonitz and Nie Kong some time ago, she would not know that Nie Kong would fight She is in the same city.Following the direction of Nie's air flow, she was pleasantly surprised to find that Nie Kong would actually be in Japan.Well, I said that I really want to ask him for advice and superpowers.

"Hehe...I'm afraid I will be torn apart by your fans before I can get close to the super idol Athena within 100 meters." Nie Air Conditioning laughed.

"Nonsense, I'm not so famous." Athena's mood suddenly became very good after hearing Nie Kong's praise.Not long after her debut, she is indeed not the number one idol in Japan.

Because in the field of Japanese music, there are many bands in Tokyo that are outstanding.In particular, the wild trio of hell bands, and a band called Iori, which has emerged from the beginning.The three are very famous in Tokyo, and they fought each other secretly for many rounds.

With the singing voice of Athena, you really cannot rely on it to dominate Japan.

Xiangcheng looked at the two of them chatting vigorously, unconsciously depressed and asked: "Have you known each other early?"

"Well, we are the opponents we met in the KOF fighting match." Nie Kong smiled.

"Yes, but it's a pity that our superpower team was all defeated by you alone. It's really unwilling. But if I have another chance to compete with you, I must show my superpowers to you." Athens Na said with a confident smile.

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