The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0762, Athena's performance

Cai Jiankang's speed is not only fast but also weird, but he can only declare defeat when he encounters Athena who can teleport.However, Athena's teleportation is also flawed, because the mental power is not enough to take a rest for two seconds after using it.When confronting Nie Kong before, it would take three or four seconds to rest.

Athena's second opponent appeared, Chen Kehan, who was huge as a monster.Compared with Athena, his body is almost like an adult and a child.

"Woo..." He jumped to the ring with a big iron ball in his arms. The ring seemed to shake, comparable to the thunder at the gate.

"Iron ball smashing." He shook the huge iron ball back, and then hit Athena's head.If an iron ball weighing several hundred catties hits it head-on, it will definitely not feel good.What's more, Chen Khan's tremendous power must be added, which is extremely lethal.

Athena was taken aback, maybe she was surprised by his great power.

"Move instantaneously." She flicked away, avoiding his iron ball and came behind him.However, when Athena approached Chen Kehan, the huge iron ball was spinning sharply like a protective ring to protect Chen Kehan.

Athena was worried that she would be beaten, so she dared not approach Chen Khan.

Seeing the helpless Athena, Chen Kehan's eyes flashed bloodthirsty.He jumped abruptly, and pressed his back against Athena behind like Tarzan.

"Flashing Crystal Sword." Not a crystal wave, but Athena transformed into a sharper air blade with more lethality.The golden barrier of mental power protected her body, and several sharp lightsabers throbbed around her body.

As soon as Chen Khan's body hit the golden barrier, he immediately bounced back.Moreover, the golden lightsaber leaping back and forth was commanded by Athena and stab Chen Khan at a very fast speed.That move and kill not only protects her safety like a realm, but also can attack independently.

"Bubbling..." Chen Kehan ​​showed no injuries on his body, but foamed foam in his mouth.The mental power hits the mental side, and the damage to the body is not serious.

Jin Jiafan frowned and jumped into the ring as the last seeded player of the Korean team.

"Kim Jiafan from the South Korean team is here to teach you your brilliant moves." As their master, Jin Jiafan is much stronger than them.His genre is Korean Taekwondo, and his tricks are almost all leg skills, which are fundamentally different from extreme current.However, to distinguish between the strong and the weak, the ultimate current trick is definitely better than the Taekwondo represented by Jin Jiafan, because the leg skills are too monotonous.

"Please enlighten me." Athena looked equally serious.

The two faced each other in the ring, and Jin Jiafan couldn't let Athena pick three, because that would lose their face in taekwondo.

"Meteor falls!" Jin Jiafan glided on the ring side, like a shovel.If you shovel him in the air, then it will definitely be his fierce leg work.

"Move instantaneously." Athena resorted to the trick again, but Jin Jiafan had already prepared.He closed his eyes and noticed Athena's qi, then rushed to the place where the qi appeared and made a half-moon cut.

With her legs pressed against Athena like the moon, Athena was surprised that Jin Jiafan would react so quickly.The second teleportation had to wait two seconds, so she hurriedly resorted to a phoenix FAN arrow and shot it ten meters away.

She patted her swollen chest and screamed thrilling.If you are not careful, you will definitely suffer.Although teleport is very useful, it is best used in times of crisis. Frequent use will make people see flaws.But if you can reach the level of Nie Kong, you don't have to be afraid, you can teleport infinitely.

"Must kill-Phoenix Tianwu feet!" Seeing that Athena had escaped his own attack, Jin Jiafan frowned and rushed towards Athena at a very fast speed against gravity.The time is one second away from the teleport, and she is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

"What to do, the speed is so fast that I can't avoid it." If it was Nie Kong, how would he face it.Thinking back to every word Nie Kong had said in her mind, she seemed to have realized something in a daze.Nie Kong's phrase that she can create whatever she likes gave her great inspiration.

Since you can create clothes, what about other things?There was no time to think about it for her now, she bit her lower lip and silently closed her eyes and mobilized all her mental energy.

"Hedgehog guards the wall." She squatted down and hugged her, and then the surging mental energy gathered outside her and was covered with one-meter-long barbs, protecting her like a hedgehog.

She didn't succeed in creating something substantial, but it was considered a semi-finished product, because her cultivation base did not reach that level.Jin Jiafan's legs kept swiping on the barbs, screaming horribly.

There is no doubt that the game was won by Athena.However, her pretty face was already pale and scary, it seemed that she had overused her mental power.

"Master...Master, how can Athena become so powerful, and the strength far exceeds me." Zhui Quan Chong stammered.

"Yes, that girl's superpowers have indeed improved qualitatively. But the martial arts have fallen, she relies too much on superpowers." Zhen Yuanzhai saw Athena face the face of Jin Jiafan who must kill her at a loss. Feelings.

"Master, please train me more rigorously, I...I want to become stronger than Athena." Shii Quan Chong said very seriously, as if it was a serious blow.

"Haha... if you are determined," Zhen Yuanzhai took a sip of wine, squinted and nodded at him.It is necessary to strengthen their respective weaknesses. One is good at fighting and the other is good at super powers. It would be great if they were omnipotent.

However, Nie Kong felt that Athena's improvement was too slow. After two years, she didn't know if she had seriously cultivated her mental power, and her concentration had not improved much from before..If it's like the current progress, you might not be able to create a space of your own in a lifetime. For example, Nie Kong's Dingtian Ring was expanded with his own mental power.

In fact, Nie Kong didn't know, Athena thought that super power was bestowed by heaven, and didn't know how to enhance it.

Four consecutive games are finally over, and the rest of the games have to wait for the players to rest.For example, Athena's super power team will fight another game-the female fighter on the 9th, competing for the top four.

KOF fighting is halfway through, and everyone watching the world is intoxicated.The strength of Nie Kong and the others shook their hearts.

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