The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 0784, Kagura Chizuru's request

Those who can participate in KOF are of course true fighters, but KOF96 is relatively rich, giving the world a clearer concept of the gold content of KOF.Coupled with the success of the Kagura family, KOF has become an excellent hope for countless people to become famous, make money or verify their abilities.The number of applicants and operations of KOF97 are far more abundant and powerful than those of KOF96. Whether it is a military background, a soldier in a special force, or many people who are confident in their own strength, they all get together.Needless to say, people in the black market boxing circle, even some notorious wanted criminals want to hide their identities to win the first prize of tens of millions.

As a two-time champion team, Nie Kong has become the spokesperson of KOF. He received the invitation letter and has privileges that others cannot match.From the beginning, you can skip the preliminaries and advance directly, saving a lot of trouble.

On the second day after Nie Kong received the invitation letter, a maiden dressed in white served, with black long straight waist-length hair and a white hairpin. It was seen that a twenty-year-old beauty appeared in Shiranuiyu's dojo. before.He bowed slightly, and after explaining his identity, he came to the inner courtyard from Shiranui Hanzo.

After seeing the arrival of Kagura Chizuru, Nie Kong asked strangely: "It turns out that it is Miss Chizuru from the Kagura clan coming here, what can you do to find me here?"

"Actually, I wanted to visit Mr. Nie Kong a long time ago, but unfortunately I haven't had time recently." Knowing that the seal of Orochi is loose, Qianzuru has been staying in the shrine for a long time, practicing the magic skills of the Kagura clan. The basis of technology.Now that I heard that KOF97 was held again, her sixth sense realized that something important might happen in the conference.

"And the purpose of my coming here is...that's..." Her expression was twisted, and her slightly shy face made her heart move.

"Speak up if you have something to say." Nie Kong directly provoked.

"I heard that you have received the invitation letter from KOF, and have decided to participate, right?" She gritted her teeth and asked courageously.

"Well, yes."

"Although it's very presumptuous, can I... please let me participate as your teammate?" Qianhe looked at Nie Kong with longing eyes, filled with hope.

"What... Are you going to team up with Brother Nie Kong?" The women exclaimed in unison. What a joke, even if you line up, it won't be your turn.

"Because I am vaguely aware that in the KOF competition, the snake with a weak seal will have a major change, so I hope Mr. Nie Kong can contribute to saving the world." She bowed sincerely to Nie Kong.

"It's very funny, I think you should be the heirs of the three artifacts more than the master, can you make a mistake?" Mai Zhuo smiled disdainfully.

Kagura Chizuru smiled bitterly, why didn't he hope to gather the power of the three artifacts, slowly recalling the scene that happened last night in his mind...

She had personally visited the residence of Iori and found that he was practicing the embryonic eight wine cups.However, before she was surprised that Iori could learn the magical skills, his body exuded that strong snake power comparable to Gonitz, making her spine chill.Could it be said that the Iori family really planned to betray the three great artifacts and take refuge in the big snake family?

Iori Lengjun didn't have any expression on his face, and his eyes looked directly at Qianzuru's direction indifferently.He stopped and said coldly: "Come out!"

Kagura Chizuru could only jump out, looking at Iori's face pale.

After seeing the incoming person, Iori's eyes flashed, and he contained his murderous aura very well, but asked coldly, "What are you doing with me? Kagura Chizuru!"

"You should participate in this year's KOF competition, but this is not the main thing. The important thing is that the seal of Orochi is loose. Our three artifacts must unite to destroy Orochi's recovery! So I plan to... I intend to invite you Competing with the strength of Kyo Kusanagi, because the serpent is likely to be..."" Chizuru Yoshitaka said to Iori.

Looking at Qianhe's serious pretty face, Iori sneered, and then immediately interrupted: "You are very boring."

"Iori Temple, are you indifferent to the fact that the snake is resurrected to destroy humans, you are a member of the Bachijoong clan?" Qianzuru a phantom appeared beside Iori and asked with pains.

"What's up with me? KOF, I will indeed participate, but the goal is to kill Kyo Kusana and that humiliating Nie Kong, nothing more. Let Kyo Kusara and I be teammates, are you daydreaming, or are you here? Humiliate me." Iori glanced at Qianzuru and didn't care about the things Qianzuru said.He has always been alone, and only likes to do what he likes.

Although she had been prepared, Iori's words still made her disappointed.So there is no other way, a figure in her mind glanced over, and finally stayed on a handsome and sunny face.His appearance was impressive Nie Kong, her only hope.It is said that Qianhe doesn't know many people, only a few people, otherwise, he won't find his teammates to compete.

So at this time, Qianhe would beg to be his teammate in KOF in front of Nie Kong.

"But... okay?" After returning to his senses, Qianhe looked at the silent Nie Kong and asked nervously.

Mai Zhuo and Wei Si looked at Qianhe speechlessly, and their master clearly had the idea of ​​resurrecting the serpent. It's no different from being here.

"Well, I promised to team up with you." Nie Kong smiled lightly.

The women grumbled and looked very envious of Qianhe.Obviously, can you have a good memory with him?

Qianhe's pretty face bloomed with amazing beauty, and his smile was beautiful.

"Then Brother Nie Kong's last teammate, choose Xiao Wu." Xiao Wu eagerly said.

"Hehe, your female fighter team is already very famous in the world, it is not easy to choose. King, you can accompany me to the competition." Nie Kong looked at himself in King, the first woman in the King of Fighters world.

"Hehe, I can't ask for it." It seemed that King was very happy to see Nie Kong chose him.

In this way, the British team represented by Nie Kong once again changed a teammate to compete in KOF97.After he selected his teammates, almost all the strong players around the world began to prepare to face KOF97..

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