The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0794, vs. Charmi

The scattered light fell on the ring, and dense pits appeared.A move that condenses the power of the earth is so powerful.

"Wow..." After the audience saw Nie Kong's appearance, the entire arena was boiling, and the girls screamed one by one.It seems that Nie Kong's reputation is much better than Athena and Xiao Wu.

Seeing that Nie Kong was able to slap his Zhigang away, Qisong Society narrowed his eyes and said, "Why are you stopping me?"

"No matter what, I won't watch you kill her, because she is now my teammate. Come on, now I am your opponent." Nie Kong said.

"Very well, then I will kill you together." Qisong Society sneered, and the body floated in front of him strangely.Without the referee's order, the second game began.

"Look at the earth." He wrapped his hands around Nie Kong behind him, just about to jump up with him and then smashed Nie Kong's head against the earth.However, the Qisong Society discovered that, with the power of the earth, he could not move Nie Kong's body.It seems that what he is holding now is the entire planet.

Qisong Society turned red due to excessive force, but still couldn't shake Nie Kong.

"Roar..." Accompanied by his roar, the entire ten-mile racecourse and the ground of the ring was shaking violently.The power of the earth and the power of Nie Kong competed with each other, causing the soil under their feet to be torn apart.

The unprecedented horror of the Qisong Society, how can the power that controls the earth be unable to pull out an ordinary human?How could there be such a thing.

"Haha... I'll show you what the real power is." Nie Kong grabbed the arm of the Qisong Society with a backhand, and immediately released a small part of his strength.

The Qisong Society only felt that the body had struck an unobservable force, and grabbed itself from the ground, standing on the ground.With Nie Kong's strong grasp, the entire earth shook slightly.

The strength of the two people competed, leaving Sakazaki Ryo and the others with cold sweats, shocked by the strength of the two.

"Impossible..." Qisong Society's eyes were dumbfounded, how could it be possible that he would lose by strength on the earth.

Nie Kong threw his body fiercely, and Qisong Society's body was uncontrollably separated from the ground.Following his fall, Nie Kong just made a move and pressed his knees against his head.

With a boom, a cloud of blood burst out of his face.Nie Kong understood that Qisong Society had a hard life, so he sent a hole to his body that was shot backwards.

The football-sized milky white beam has no limit. Their Overlord Xianghouquan is gorgeous and huge, but how powerful is the condensed breath.With a tearing sound, Dong Dongbo easily penetrated his lower abdomen, revealing a terrifying wound.

Qisongshe's body was constantly twitching. Although there was an immortal protoss, the serious injury exceeded his recovery speed.He recovered a little bit, but the victory was announced, and Nie Kong won.

Sakazaki Ryo and the others have a general feeling. They have discovered that they have never seen how strong Nie Kong's real strength is anyway.Like a bottomless pit, it left a mystery for them.

Chris hurriedly helped Qisong Society out of the ring, and he would not believe that it would be the result.

Sharma's eyes flashed with excitement, and she squeezed her small fist.He is really strong, he deserves to be his idol.Now that the obstacle has disappeared, I can finally fight him as I wish.Hehe, so excited.

Moving her graceful and plump figure, she gracefully came to Nie Kong step by step.The curve of the body is very bumpy, like a ripe red apple waiting to be picked.

"Please forgive me for the rudeness of the Qisong Society, and then please give me more advice, I... I am fighting for the first time." She smiled shyly at Nie Kong.

"Well, let's make a move." Nie Kong's eyes lit up when she heard her words.

Sharma hummed softly and decided not to use the power of thunder and lightning for the time being.Like dancing, she turned and kicked Nie Kong.Those Qianqian jade feet make people feel that they are not very powerful.

"Watch my Charmi spin kick."

Half of his white legs were exposed, and he followed the plump legs Nie Kong.Uh, it's dark red.

Nie Kong simply stretched out his hand and fished her calf in his hand.

Charmi blushed and stretched out a small hand to press on Nie Kong's shoulder, and a leaping leg wrapped around Nie Kong's neck like a vine.

"Sharmi's lash."

With a soft drink, Sharma's slender waist twisted his legs and pinched Nie Kong into the uneven ring.However, Nie Kong was motionless like a standing mountain.

The intimate scene of the two fell in the eyes of the audience, causing a burst of noise around them.Because in their eyes, Sharma's legs are riding on Nie Kong's head in a very beautiful posture.

Such a beautiful blessing made the boys in the audience envy and jealous.The girls yelled at Shirmi for being shameless and taking advantage of Nie Kong's righteousness.

"Really, you guys should pay attention a little bit." Athena muttered, wishing to go up and pull away the sticking two immediately.

Nie Kong grabbed Xia Ermi's waist with both hands and threw her body into the air.Sharma screamed, and Nie Kong reached out his hand across her knees and hugged her in his arms.

Sharma hugged Nie Kong's neck tightly, and his heart was throbbing hard, not knowing whether it was afraid or shy.

"Haha...Have you given up?" Nie Kong said with a light smile.

Charmi's pretty face was pink, and he hummed.The eyes covered by the hair showed a small half, they were shining like gems, so beautiful, their front faces were actually slightly better than Xiao Wu and the others.

Nie Kong put down her beautiful legs and ended this farce-like game.Sharma didn't use the power to control the mine, but she couldn't win even with her.

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