The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0805, contract it

Seeing Nie Kong's movement, Da Snake Ji smiled lightly: "Tell you yes, but you must cooperate with me and take me to steal their faith. You just said that the enemy's enemy is a friend."

"Cooperation?" Nie Kong frowned, he didn't want to make contact with her at all.However, with her help, it will be a little more sure and a little more vigorous to deal with Japan's several great abilities.But can you trust the Baqi Orochi from Japan?

"Yes, otherwise you will be discovered by them sooner or later, and you will end up in a disillusioned way."

"It's not that I don't want to, but that I can't trust you all at once." Nie Kong said truthfully.How many people can be trusted in the cultivating world? That is a world that is more indifferent than the human world, where interests are paramount.Compared to human cultivators, Yaozu is much better.

"So you are worried about that, but that can be easily solved." The Big Basilisk monster looked at Nie Kong.

"If you have any solution, just say it straight, I'll consider it!" Nie Kong admitted that he is a novice in the realm of cultivation and does not understand much common sense.The only source of knowledge was the Fajue bestowed by Xuanyuan.

"You should have heard of the contract, you and I can sign an equal symbiosis contract together!" Said Ochiji.

"Equality contract? Never heard of it!"

"This kind of contract is also called a co-existence and co-death contract. Once this contract is signed, if one party dies, the other party will also die together. This contract is directly at the origin of our two souls, and it can never be cancelled." After a pause, he continued: "You should know that the life span of our monster race is longer than that of monks of the same level, so you don't have to worry about me dying before you. You are a smart person and you should know how to choose."

"You're gambling, why bother. As long as you feel at ease here to heal your wounds, it's better than taking risks with me. If I die by accident during this period, you will be fine." Nie Kong said nonchalantly.

"Cultivation is originally a gambling with the sky, and the account they hurt me will definitely not be counted." Da Snake Ji said bitterly.

Nie Kong fell into a brief contemplation when he heard this, and signed a contract with a high-level monster with a cultivation level equivalent to the mid-level of the Daluo Jinxian. The benefits during the contract were naturally very attractive, but the danger was not small, and he spoke after a short while. : "Tell me the legal decision of the contract, I'm thinking about it."

Da Snake Ji smiled, and said the mysterious formula one by one.Although it is complicated, Nie Kong's primordial spirit comprehension ability is extraordinary.There is no problem with her contract, and she can lightly cooperate.

"Okay, I promise to cooperate with you!" Once Nie Kong's character has decided, he will definitely not mess with it.

"Yeah." Orochi nodded lightly, her eyes suddenly opened.A white light with weird fluctuations appeared on her hand, which was a bit of her soul origin.

After Nie Kong saw her movement, he also endured the pain of tearing his soul and pulled out a trace.The two of them were chanting Fa Jue at the same time.

A dazzling golden light emerged from the pattern instantly, and the souls of the two merged, and then the golden light on the fusion pattern flashed a few times, even if it penetrated the souls of the two.In the next moment, Nie Kong felt a feeling of being connected with his own blood in Orochiji who was close to him.

"Orochiji, you can talk now." Nie Kong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hehe, now the two of us don’t have any secrets anymore. Tell you, they will definitely have several pivotal dimensions that control the flow of faith, and there will definitely be someone guarding them. I’m afraid that when you jump inside and do a little action, they will immediately I found out. The power of faith is not like merit. Because it can only help us break through the peak of the Daluo Jinxian, they presumptuously want to materialize the illusory world and absorb faith. If they succeed, the way of heaven will give him merit and promotion. Cultivation base. Unfortunately, I can help you analyze the safety of the dimension earlier." Da Snake Ji didn't know if it caused the waist injury, and the pain made her pretty face pale.

After Nie Kong listened, his eyes lit up.Indeed, if he could predict it, then he would not be in danger.It seems that cooperating with her has gained a lot of benefits.

"Then, what do I have to pay?" Nie Kong didn't believe that there would be pie in the sky.For example, he can travel through the two-dimensional world, but it will be accompanied by a crisis.

"What do you think." Orochiji said in a bad mood.

"Well, I will give you the power of faith to break through the peak of the Golden Immortal of Daluo. My Taoist name is Nie Kong, you can call me an empty Taoist friend." Nie Kong said literally.

Ochiji smiled, "Just keep calling me Ochiji, I like that name very much. Now that I have cooperated with you, then my world is dispensable, so you can toss it up."

"Well, you can hide in my dingtian ring to heal your injuries while I'm traveling." Nie Kong said to her with a simple ring floating out.

After seeing Dingtian Ring, Osnakeji's eyes lit up: "It's such a big handwriting, I'm afraid it was made from two or three prehistoric fragments by a great god. There are things in it, and the grade is no less than the innate magic weapon. ."

"It's a treasure given to me by my master." Nie Kong smiled.

"Who is your master?" she curiously asked.

"The Three Emperors of China, do you know?"

"It turned out to be them. No wonder they have such supernatural powers. I really envy you for having such a powerful backer." Ochi Ji sighed.She is always alone, otherwise why would she end up being bullied.

"Although it is very good, but they are bound by the way of heaven and can't easily shoot." Nie Kong shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"That's right, if the saint can easily get out of the mountains, it would be messy. How many prehistoric people are not enough for them to wave their hands to destroy." Orochi nodded in response.

"So in the future, we can only rely on the two of us to live and die together." Nie Kong looked at his partner seriously.

Da Snake Ji also felt excited, and nodded her head to transform into a phantom that penetrated into the space within Nie Kong's Dingtian Ring.

"If something happens, you can use your soul to directly communicate with me." Nie Kong's consciousness expressed to her.

Ochiji did not speak, but calmed down the scene inside, because there were too many girls inside.

"You actually hide the girl in the dimension in the ring, right?"

Old Nie Kong blushed: "What do you know, that is the special practice law passed to me by my master."

"Renhuang Xuanyuan's dual cultivation technique?" Her eyes lit up.

"Well, you know?"

"Such a famous technique, no one in the cultivating world knows. Hehe, if you want to practice in the future, you can actually come to me. Now we are all in life and death. If we practice together, the cultivation base will definitely increase rapidly." Ji Qiaoyan said like a flower.

"Let's talk about it later, now I am going back to the world you control." Nie Kong was speechless, what do you think of H, it's too calm.

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