The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0808, nests' laboratory

"Experimental No. 1 has been successful, but this time the work is not as good as the last time! And No. 2..." A researcher in white clothes stood in front of a huge screen and said, watching.

"Go on." A man in a huge cloak looked at the man gradually coming out of the instrument, and said nothing!What came out was a tall, black-skinned man in a special protective suit, who looked very familiar.

"It's unbelievable. The strength of the body of the second subject is unprecedented and unheard of. No matter what tools we use, we can't injure a layer of his skin. The laser can't be shot through, and the blade is cut off. Hundreds of pieces..."

"Regarding the next experiment plan, can he extract his genes from this person?" The man asked a person in white clothes next to him. Under the coat, he didn't know what his expression was, white hair. , It looks particularly distinct!

"I'm afraid there is no way!" The researcher said regretfully, "If he can extract his genes, it will definitely unlock a treasure. His body is so perfect, it looks like an ancient god. If it can be cut open. The tool of his body, extracting his blood, can definitely create a group of invincible transformed people. And the experimental body of No. 1 is also very strong, but the gene chain is very unstable. It is necessary to create a suitable specific injection cell and give enough His vitality may not show his ability to control flames, and it has no meaning to continue to replicate."

"Really..." The man was stunned for a while, and then he said, "You are continuing the experiment. I will go over and see for myself in the afternoon when I have time."

"Master Gu Licha, Master ZERO has called!" A guard-like officer came in from the outside and said respectfully.

"En?" Hearing this name, Guliza was in awe, and hurriedly left the screen, disappearing into the sight of everyone in a moment.And Gu Lichali appeared in a secret room of the base!This is the hub of the base, the place where orders are given to him from above!

"Master Zero!" Gu Lizha was facing a huge screen on which a man wearing a strange protective suit was reflected.

ZERO looked at the strength of Coulizha and said: "Now the executive power of the reformer is given to you, don't let us down. And there will be several high-level supervisors over you in two or three days. Be sure to do this. ."

"Yes, sir. Excuse me, who is the high-level person who prevented the sending..." Guliza saluted in awe, and then questioned after a while.

"You'll find out in a few days, don't neglect them." After saying this, the screen flashed for an instant, and then turned into a black screen.

Gu Lizha Lizha stood in place, sighed, and left the secret room, he came to the laboratory center again.

"Take me to see the research room No. 2!" Gu Lichali said to one of the researchers who looked rather old.

"Yes, Master Coulizhali!" The researcher nodded, and then led Coulizhali through a high-tech tunnel.In this base is a fortress made of all steel.Moreover, there are countless defensive and counterattack weapons, and it can be said unceremoniously that it is an organization that can confront the country.The mercenaries in Brazil are far worse than them.It is the largest secret organization in the world!

"That's it, Mr. Coulee Chali!" A huge iron door was opened, and the iron door was fifty centimeters thick.At least Gu Li Zha Li himself, it takes about half a minute to break through this iron gate!

"Is he conscious?" Gu Li Zhali glanced at the handsome man lying in a sealed instrument and asked.

"No!" The researcher said, "It's just a pity to watch the human genetic treasures close in front of you and can't be opened." He smiled bitterly when he looked at the piles of broken instruments in the research room.Even if only to cut through Nie Kong's skin, they already consumed a lot of manpower and material resources.

Guliza glanced at Nie Kong vigorously, and then said, "Give me a knife, and I will try it." After hearing what he said, the researchers near him respectfully handed him a sharp operation. Knife.

Guliza exhausted the mighty power in his body and slammed Nie Kong's wrist.With a "bang", the blade in his hand broke in two, and he forced the counter-shock force back more than a dozen steps.

He was secretly horrified, he knew how strong he was, but even the other side's skin was constantly cutting.He cast his gaze on Nie Kong's black hair, and suddenly said, "Have you tried cutting his hair with an instrument? Maybe the hair will be simpler."

The researchers lit up, "Good way."

They hurriedly brought in the laser instrument, and then quietly put one of Nie Kong's hair on it.The powerful laser became a sharp blade that cut everything, cutting Nie Kong's hair back and forth.

It can be seen in the microscope that the hair is thinning a little bit, which is hopeful.After waiting for three or four hours, they finally collected a piece of Nie Kong's hair, and it went through a lot of hardships.

Although there are few genes in the hair, it has already made them excited.However, even the Red Ribbon Legion in Dragon Ball failed to use Nie Kong's genes, not to mention the NESTS organization, which is weak in scientific research, they were just doing useless work.

"After a while, I will send someone to guard his body and observe his movements. You have only one goal-to study well, to crack his genes as soon as possible, and the plan of copying and transforming people will be carried out immediately for me. Now we are going to the first experiment. Room, you continue to work hard." Gu Li Zhali took a look at them, then turned around and left.

Compared with Nie Kong, Kusanagi has made great progress in genetic research.The first clone has appeared, but what disappointed Guliza's strength was that he could not control the violent flames, and died by self-immolation.

Although the progress of the plan is very slow, I hope that the high-level dispatched above can be satisfied.He is Gulizali, a copy of K', a middle-level cadre of NESTS organization.

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