The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 0816Only one bed

The two women were always by Nie Kong's side as always. The key is that Nie Kong has awakened now, and because the two women have nowhere else to go in the spacecraft, only three people can squeeze in a small room.However, having been with Nie Kong for a month, Angel had become accustomed to it, and Weipu was slightly nervous.

"Don't move around, sleep well." On the narrow bed, the three of them slept together in Chengchuan.Nie Kong moved slightly, and he could touch Weipu's soft body with his right hand.

"Can you two go back to your own bedroom to sleep, it's very crowded for three people." Nie Kong said helplessly.

"Because it is a temporary takeoff, we will not be allocated a good residence for our low-level cadres. And this time there are too many people in the spacecraft, and many people and researchers in the organization have no place to rest." Weipu explained.

"Well, I hope we can be there soon." Nie Kong turned around and turned to face Angel from Weipu's side.But she was wearing too boldly, she was only wearing a set of black underwear.

Nie Kong felt his throat dry, which was life-threatening.The curve formed by the slender waist, huge breasts and plump ass must not be worse than Charmi.Faced with this situation, he has only two options.

"No, I'm going out to blow the hair." Without waiting for Nie Kong to sit up, Angel, who had closed her eyes, immediately stretched out her legs and hands to hug him tightly.

"The outside is almost full of organized people. You will be spotted by them as soon as you go out. Please pretend to be dizzy, you may arrive at your destination in one day."

The beautiful woman dressed like this made his impulse erupt like a volcano.He stretched out his left hand to embrace Angel's waist, and his right hand quietly reached inside from the edge of BRA.

"Just... even if you tickle me, I...I won't let you out. Slightly...itchy and numb."

As a physical strengthening experimenter of the organization, she grew up in the base since she was a child.Almost anyone Angel can know is either a research mad scientist or a careerist like Gulicha's strength, who has not had a playmate since childhood.After guarding Nie Kong, she met her first friend Weipu.As for Nie Kong, he regarded him as his second partner even in the guards who accompanied him unconsciously for more than a month.When she was bored, she often talked to the unconscious Nie Kong about the words she was holding in her heart.

"Hey, Xian...Xiandi, his area is swollen again, do you want to help him reduce the swelling." She yelled aloud when she noticed the change in Nie Kong.

"You...what are you talking about..." Weipu stammered at the back, trying to deny that matter in front of Nie Kong.I used to just study the knowledge in the book, and... not intentionally, otherwise how would I spend more than a month of boring time.

Nie Kong suddenly, his pants will have traces of essence, can it be said that the two of them did a good job.

"Nie...Nie Kong, do you feel uncomfortable? If it's uncomfortable, let me rub it for you." Angel looked at Nie Kong with watery eyes.

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