The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional text 0818Lori Kula

"Kura, don't run around in the spaceship!" The milf Diana, whose skin was slightly dark, and curly black hair tied into a bundle behind her head, showed some helplessness on her face. She sighed and said again, "What if It’s troublesome if you break into a place where there are secret files of the organization!"

"Hehe, but it's so boring!" The girl ran around restlessly, her aqua-blue hair draped over her shoulders and she was extremely beautiful.Diana sighed and said to the female robot next to her, "Candy looks at her a little bit, but don't let her run around, let me know as soon as possible!"

The female robot named Candy was there, and then followed Kula, and the middle-aged woman had to sigh.

"Take care of such a lively child, it's really hard for you, Diana! The strange thing is that she has been transformed into a force that can use and control ice, but her personality has not changed at all." Fox with a strange hairstyle walked behind her. Come out and say with a smile.

"I'm used to it, but this is good too!" Diana smiled, and then said, "Such a cute and innocent child, I hope she can live like this forever, I think it's good enough!"

Fox looked at her and sighed. It seemed that this little girl had become addicted to taking care of this little girl, although that child was indeed very lively and cute.This is what Fox admits.Perhaps it was the child who added a little bit of anger to this cold organization, and brought her a touch of warmth to remove the bulging...

"Ah, I can finally come out to take a breath. It's really boring to be in the base all the time!" Kura happily ran on the spaceship, attracting the attention of many researchers.And the female robot has been following her not far behind, but she looked at her blankly without saying a word.

"Candy, come and chase me, it's really boring to be alone!" Kura rushed out a few steps, then turned around and chuckled and shouted to the robot behind him.

The robot did not answer, but silently caught up with Loli Kula.The two people ran in this slightly narrow spaceship, bringing a cheerful laugh like a silver bell.It seems that at this time, the entire silent space will become active.The robot next to her is her best friend without a playmate, although she can't talk.

Suddenly, the female robot raised her head.I looked at the top of the spacecraft, where it was originally an emergency room for escape.In its eyes, a red arc flashed, as if it was detecting something.

"What's the matter, Candy..." Kura followed her twinkling eyes and found that the emergency cabin was actually opened at this moment, and the strange thing was that the terrifying storm and the cold and dead breath of the universe had not poured into the spacecraft. , Causing a devastating blow.

However, Kula was more shocked that the door that opened seemed to be someone slowly coming from the void of the universe.

"It seems that something incredible has been discovered!" Kura focused there, and said to the robot with excitement and tension in his eyes, "Could it be that there are aliens going to invade our spaceship..."

A figure can indeed be seen vaguely there, from a distance, it is just a black spot...

"Could it be the enemy of the organization?" Kura looked at that direction there, and said excitedly, "Let's go and explore, Candy."

However, contrary to Kula's expectation, the so-called aliens and their human men look alike.He was wearing a black robe and his face was much better than K'.Staring at Nie Kong, Kula was born and said: "Hello, my name is Kula, I come from the earth. Are you an alien, do you want to do anything bad to break into our base?"

Sure enough, it was the ice girl Kula. Seeing her cute face and aqua-blue hair, Nie Kong had already guessed it at first.But now she is only eleven or twelve years old, so she is not sure.The girl who was born to restrain K'

"Huh? If I have to say something, I really count as an alien." Nie Kong, who satisfies the two girls, just came out to blow the air. He didn't expect to be misunderstood as an alien by Kura.However, he came from a different dimension, he could be regarded as an alien.

"My guess is really true...." Kura looked at the handsome Nie Kong and said seriously, "I advise you not to mess around, you an alien really wants to invade our powerful organization, that's just Looking for a dead end."

"Hehe, how do you know if you don't try it?" Nie Kong teased her patiently and said, "I am very powerful, don't underestimate me..."

The Candy Machine next to him scanned Nie Kong with his eyes, and then pulled Kura with both hands, as if to remind her of something.Kula shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't worry, let me catch the enemies of the aggressor organization to Diana!"

Seeing that Kura could not be stopped, Candy could only communicate the situation here to Diana to know and understand.

"Something went wrong." Inside the spaceship, Diana said to Falksey beside him, "Kura found the enemy who invaded our spaceship, as if Candy said something alien!"

"Except for aliens, who can break into our spacecraft in space?"

Foxy frowned, and then said, "Candy told her to tell her to send the enemy's location faster, and tell us all of their battle conditions. Kula kid, I hope you don't be impulsively stupid. thing."

Fox sighed, hoping that such a lovely girl is safe.

And Candy heard Diana's order and told Diana where they were.

"I will carry out rescue immediately and raise the alarm immediately." After saying this, she greeted Fox next to her, and then the two quickly ran towards the outside of the house, and the internal staff of the organization began to gather strength Search for invading enemies.

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