The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0825The madman Ignis

After defeating ZERO, what appeared in front of Nie Kong and his party was a long passage.I couldn't see the end at a glance, and it was a bit terrifying deep.

"What should I do now?" Kura looked at Nie Kong nervously, the first time she had met in such a precarious situation.Looking at the deep passage, people couldn't help but shudder.Especially the light in the passage is very dark, and there is no personal voice on the left or right, which is the same segment in this horror film.It really made Kula's hair stand up.

"What else can we do, let's continue to move forward." Angel shrugged the jade shoulders, they are all here, what are you afraid of? Nie Kong is here.

"Don't worry, please use your own strength to surprise the initiator of the organization, let him taste the complex taste of self-reliance..."

After speaking, Nie Kong moved to the forefront, Weipu followed closely behind.Diana and Fox looked at each other.There is indeed no way to retreat.Forget it, if you want to die, die together!

Although the passage feels terrifying, it is just an ordinary steel tunnel without any abnormality.After walking for a while, they came to the end of the passage, in front of a very classical and luxurious gate.

With a creak, the door was opened.The gloomy breath rushed over, like the devil's castle in the west in ancient times.Looking from the gate, there is a long, precious red carpet at the foot.On both sides of the red carpet, there are statues of great taste.At the end of the red carpet, there is a throne that looks very gorgeous, and a figure with an invisible appearance is sitting there quietly.

Beside him, several figures stood with each other.However, Nie Kong discovered that they all lost the breath of life, just a shell.

"You are finally here, I have been looking forward to this day for a long time." After seeing Nie Kong and the others appear, the figure on the throne slowly began to speak.The voice didn't have the deep feeling of vicissitudes, on the contrary, it was unexpectedly young.

He slowly raised his face, revealing a delicate facial features, with long blond hair draped in the back, like a red pill, he was a Western nobleman.He was wearing an armor-like black battle suit and a black cloak behind him.

"Then...that is the leader of NESTS, right?" Angel's eyes widened and said in surprise.

"Strange to say, I remember the leader of NESTS is obviously him?" Fox pointed to an old man with white hair on the right side of the throne and asked with some confusion.

"Why, why are you surprised?" Ignis raised his eyebrows, grabbed the head of the old man next to him, and squeezed it hard.With a bang, his head broke to the ground.

"That's right, he is indeed the previous leader-my father. But decades ago, I killed my father who didn't understand my ideals, and then the NESTS organization was my order in his name. Haha, Sure enough, my choice was right..."

Hearing his words, Diana and the others were terrified.It was so maddening to kill the father with his own hands, how distorted in my heart.

Although Ignis looks young, he is indeed very old.The reason why he can maintain this state is entirely because he has accepted the transformation of the internal body of the tissue and replaced the aging organs one by one.

"Several KOF champions, you who have defeated Orochi, do you know why I let you come here this time?" After a long laugh, Ignis stopped and asked Nie Kong at the same time.

"Did you talk to Diana and the others? It's nothing more than to kill us and prove that you are beyond human existence. However, you really have a problem with your brain." Nie Kong said pityingly.

"Huh, it's useless to say more, you don't understand my ideals at all. As long as I kill you, I will surpass human beings and become the new god after the earth snake...This world will all belong to me."

Nie Kong chuckles and said, "God, I actually like to kill the gods." In the world of the godslayer, he doesn't know how many gods he has killed.In Dragon Ball, the Piccolo of the heavens was beaten severely.

Ignis threw the chain blade open and pointed at Nie Kong arrogantly, "Just because you want to kill me? It's stupid. I am a god, and anyone who disobeys me will be punished by God!"

His black combat uniform wafted gently, swinging a beautiful melody.There were waves of energy fluctuations on the battle uniform, which were even more powerful than Kusanagi's first-class, and they approached the storm Gonitz.Shocked Diana and the three daughters, such a powerful force, it seems that the world can't exist!

"It's no wonder that you dare to call yourself a god, the battle suit of the pinnacle of technology is really powerful and palpitating..." Compared to ZERO, he can't compare with the enemy in front of him..

Ignis did not know when several small whips with sharp saw blades flew out of his body, and after shadows in the hall, his feet did not move at all, but they were a few centimeters off the ground and scratched on the bright red carpet. Over...

Kaka Kaka, the air cut open at once, showing how fast his whip was swinging.There were gaps in everything nearby, even the steel plate couldn't block his stroke.

The dazzling black shadow swept over, and the two women Diana and Fox didn't even have time to react, and were lost by this sudden scene!!

Weipu frowned and threw out his whip directly to fight with the afterimage of the sky.Although he was stronger than Ignis, Weipu's whip was cut into segments instantly.

With two tinkling sounds, the two mature women Diana and Fox who protected Kura successfully blocked the attack with their swords, but their bodies shot out more than ten meters.A little blood spilled from the corners of their mouths, and they seemed to be injured.

"No, we are not his opponents, can Nie Kong let you deal with it?" Diana pleaded.

"I didn't intend to leave him to you at first, so let's watch the battle in the back, and you two too." Nie Kong quickly added a sentence looking at the two women who were eager to try.

"Haha...Come on, become a stepping stone for me to become a god." The crazy whip immediately got together and hit Nie Kong continuously.

Nie Kong flicked lightly, and the whip in front of him turned and hit Ignis.

Ignis was shocked, only to feel that the power from the whip to his body made him shudder.

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