The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0829, kof end

Nie Kong charged forward with a hot body temperature. With her cry of pain, Nie Kong had everything that Kagura Wangui had.

She screamed absent-mindedly, pursuing the endless stimulation on her own initiative.Ever since she was young, she has never enjoyed that fatal happiness."Hmm, it's no longer possible..." She suffocated her breath quickly.

And after Nie Kong's violence was full, Wan Gui's soul seemed to rush out of his body, staring straight at the heaven that brought her warmth and comfort.She secretly rejoiced that it was great to be able to make him her own man.

"Can't stand it anymore, Qianhe should serve Master Nie Kong." After she said that, she lost consciousness.

"Come on, serve me with your sister." Nie Kong's giant python pulled out of Wangui's body, facing Qianhe proudly.

"Such as... if it were you, I would..."

With a blushing face, Qianhe squeezed strength from his body and crawled to the front of Nie Kong on all fours. The white breasts hanging in the air were intriguing.

As soon as Nie Kong quit, the feeling suddenly became a hundred times stronger."Hmm, please don't come out."

"What should you call me." Nie Kong said.

"Master Nie Kong, please grant Qianhe's love."

Qianzuru finally understood why her sister would make that kind of cry. That kind of happiness is really unbearable. If you don't scream, you will go crazy.

The elder sister is really an elder sister, she really has a vision.Life would be wonderful if he and his sister were always by his side.Without the mission, we just need to live happily.

After pushing to the Kagura Twins, Nie Kong returned to Nanzhen to spend a wonderful and happy time with the girls like Mary, Xiao Wu, and Athena in the world of the King of Fighters.Seeing that Ding Tian Jie's faith power was very little left, Da Snake Ji hurriedly reminded her to prepare to set off.

But before he left, he wanted to push the two sweet and beautiful mature women, Diana and Fox, to enjoy the taste of a black girl.Speaking of them, the two girls are really enthusiastic, and when they taste it, they become the best milfs.

Loli Kula's body is better than Orange, so Nie Kong pushed her to her without hesitation.The cold and narrow taste made Nie Kong seem to have returned to the time when he was pushed to Bai Xuegu.

Of course, before leaving, Nie Kong asked Orochiji to convey to him the information about Orochi's tricks in the King of Fighters world.Because he felt that Orochi's tricks were indeed gorgeous and practical.

After enjoying comfortably for more than a year, Nie Kong was about to leave her world at the urging of Orochiji.Although he didn't gain any faith during this trip, his cultivation level broke through Da Luo Jinxian, and he got acquainted with Da Snake Ji, which was very rewarding.

After gathering the girls in the castle in South Town, Nie Kong moved them and the castle into his Dingtian Ring.Krausa in South Town was surprised to find that the castle and Nie Kong seemed to disappear mysteriously, and no one knew where they were.

"The adventure of the next world, I hope you won't encounter the two-dimensional faith power hub?" With a little hope, Nie Kong finally used the last faith power in Dingtian Ring.After the addition of the formation, the milky white power condensed into a huge light blade and cut to the void, disappearing in the black hole.

Unlike the space teleportation, it was Nie Kong who broke through the barriers of the dimension.

Seeing Nie Kong's performance for the first time, Da Snake Ji exclaimed.

Nie Kong ignored her, plunged into the black hole and started a new world.

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