The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0849, feather knot

"I'm okay, but... are you okay." Nie Kong stretched out his hand to her, squeezed his hand into Nie Kong's heart, and said with a pretty face full of spirit: "Well, my body is very strong. "

Nie Kong pulled her up, and then carefully weighed her body.Such beauty is not worse than Song and the others, and their figure is better.

She smiled embarrassedly at Nie Kong, and when she was about to leave, she suddenly smelled a fragrant smell, which aroused the gluttons in her stomach.She was so hungry, her stomach made a gurgling sound.Following the taste, he looked at Nie Kong's bag and found several burgers that aroused his appetite.

Nie Kong's eyes were full of smiles, and she hadn't eaten since she came out of MBI like the original book.He came out with an empty belly to search for the hit Master Weiya, even the cash card given by MBI could not be used.

Nie Kong's eyes were full of smiles, and she hadn't eaten since she came out of MBI like the original book.He came out with an empty belly to search for the hit Master Weiya, even the cash card given by MBI could not be used.

Nie Kong wanted to tease her, so in the astonished eyes of Ms. Song Ji, he actually wanted to say goodbye to the wagtail knot he had encountered so hard to encounter.

"In this case, I am relieved." Nie Kong patted her on the shoulder, turning around as if to leave the knot.As Nie Kong expected, Jie hesitated and followed him step by step, and the two came to the door of Nie Kong's villa.Miss Song Ji was very shocked, there wouldn't be such a dumb wagtail, would she really have to take the bait and come back after Kongkong?

Suddenly Jie's body staggered, and he couldn't stand it anymore, and suddenly fell behind Nie Kong.

The gentle body carried a faint fragrance.

"You...what's wrong with you, what happened?" Nie Kong asked knowingly.

"Tummy, I'm so hungry, I haven't eaten for two days." He looked at Nie Kong's burger pitifully, like a pet.

"Hehe, if you don't hate it, here it is..." Nie Kong stuffed the prepared burger bait into her hand.

Jie looked at Nie Kong with emotion, " are really my savior. Not only do you not blame me, but you also give me food." While keeping tears, he swallowed the hamburger in his hand to relieve the stomach attack. The hunger that comes.

Staring closely at Nie Kong's gentle smile, her heart was filled with warmth unconsciously."For him like this, it would be fine if it were my Master Weiya." She thought so, and gently leaned on him.

"Puff..." The sound of heartbeat came like a drum.There was a burst of heat from her body, how could her body suddenly react, it was so hot.

"What to do, my body is so hot." She threw away only a half of the hamburger in her hand, and slowly approached Nie Kong with a flushed face.

The wagtail pattern on the back suddenly emitted a burst of white fluorescence.The four girls of Song were shocked. Isn't she the easiest wagtail to feather as the owner said? Wouldn't it be possible to rely on a hamburger trap to succeed?

Hiding behind the door, the three of them watched the scene in front of them speechlessly.And Qiujin is full of envy, she is just a wagtail that can't feather, although the master doesn't dislike herself.

"Finally... have you finally found it, my Lord Weiya, please start your feathering with me." She looked at Nie Kong with love and souvenirs, and the pink mouth was irresistibly printed on Nie Kong's. Lip.

After the mucous membranes of the two were stuck together, the emotion of the knot seemed to be released instantly.The blended light radiated from her body.And behind her, there was a clear wagtail pattern.

If other wagtails put their hands on her wagtail patterns and read the prayers, her skills will be stopped, which is a way to solve the opponent's wagtails without seeing the blood.

"Are you a wagtail?" Although Nie Kong knew it, he had to ask.

"I... I'm the summary of wagtail number 088. From now on, it will be your wagtail, my Lord Weiya. But it's weird. You know if you don't say Lord Weiya." Jie held Nie Kong happily, like the person in her arms is everything in her life.

"My name is Nie Kong. Actually, I can tell you the truth. You are my fourth feathered wagtail. You won't mind it." Nie Kong stroked her hair and asked her.

"Well, that means Master Nie Kong has a great opportunity to go to Songtian with Jie." As a result, there was no jealousy in his heart, and his heart was as pure as white paper.

"Hehe, has Kongkong feathered another wagtail?" Song opened the door, and the three girls smiled and looked at the embracing two.

A knot came out of Nie Kong's arms, and a bowed introduction, politely said: "Sisters, I am the wagtail knot number 088, boxing system, please take care."

"It's very polite, so it's not good to refuse you to join. My name is Hikari, the wagtail number 011, Lei. The one next to me is my sister, ringing the number 12, the same as me." Kuang said very contentedly, just like a big sister.

Song pushed the pair of colored glasses, fixed his eyes on the body that was better than her, smiled happily and said: "Yes, yes, I am indeed qualified to short short wagtail. My name is Song, number 02 Brain wagtail."

"Abandoned wagtail Qiujin No. 07 has no feathering, but the master has taken me in." Qiujin said blankly.

Jie's eyes flickered, almost all of them were the wagtails close to each other? His Master Weiya was so amazing.The belligerent heart is about to be mobilized, and she can't wait to have a few tricks with them.

"I will fight for Master Nie Kong, and then I will definitely stick to the end and go to Songtian together." Jie seemed to have issued a declaration.

"Hehe, I'm looking forward to it. Let's go, let's go home." Nie Kong took her little hand and led her to the front villa.

He nodded his head heavily, and the homeless himself finally had his own belongings and lived with dear Master Weiya.Just getting close to him makes my body feel so warm and comfortable. Sure enough, Dr. Wei Yaru is talking about the most important person in a wagtail's life, even if he pays his life for him, he doesn't care.

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