The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0872, the third phase of the wagtail project

Regardless of whether it was the strong influence of Feathering, Fenghua's heart is now tied to Nie Kong's body.Nie Kong's likes and dislikes for her will have a strong influence on her.

"The longing for that person has melted softly in my heart. Thank you, I can finally let go of my last relationship. Fenghua No. 03 has since identified you as my master Weiya and my new lover. Nie Kong, my Weiya master, please take care of it in the future..."

The dimples on her pretty face were red, and her beautiful eyes looked at Nie Kong, expressing her admiration for Nie Kong. Fenghua really was a charming mature woman.

Nie Kong planned to help her take a bath, so he and Fenghua didn't wear clothes.

"If this is the case, then fully dedicate your body to me, and unfold the love and intimacy between Wei Ya and the wagtail." It is not Liu Xiahui who sits in arms, but the eunuch.The mature and moving body was leaning in his arms at this moment, and Nie Kong could no longer control it.

"Well, even if you use your DNA to calm Fenghua's feelings..." Fenghua's body is constantly heating up, and there is only one longing in her heart, enjoying the intimacy with Nie Kong.

She didn't know the feeling of feathering when she was drunk, she yearned for another mucosal contact with Nie Kong.His likes are more important than anything else.

Nie Kong felt that the wagtail of the wagtail goddess was really easy to hack. As long as he emerges, their body and mind belong to Weiya and they can never betrayed.

"Kiss me..." She slowly approached Nie Kong's face with a confused expression, and actively pressed her lips to Nie Kong's mouth.The gentle touch, with a unique fragrance that belongs only to her.

Fenghua only feels that her body has become a larva lying in the Songtian boat, full of warmth and comfort.Although it feels a lot smaller than the first eclosion, Fenghua is already immersed in this joy.

"Hmm..." Fenghua's eyes emerged from the blurry state, and a touch of gentleness that only belongs to Nie Kong bloomed.

"Hehe, Kongkong has already feathered her a second time..." Song and the others who were hiding behind the door jumped out and looked at Nie Kong with a smile.

Nie Kong was speechless for a while, they were actually peeking at Fenghua and their H.But he just didn't feel satisfied, so he came in time.

"I won't lose to the newcomer Fenghua, so Master Nie Kong, please take good care of me..." Yuehai glanced at Fenghua's body jealously, and unwillingly took off his clothes and pressed her body against Nie Kong.

In the new round of "feathering", Nie Kong stayed in the bathroom for another hour or two.Fortunately, Tian Nu and the others have already taken a bath, and they won't disturb Nie Kong's love.However, Nie Kong felt very strange recently. After coming to the world of the wagtail goddess, he and the women pushed them until they were all in the bathroom.

After a thrilling battle, the bathroom slowly returned to calm, and at the same time with the emergence of the last wagtail, the third phase of the wagtail project began...

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