The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0877, goodbye beauty

After getting the artifact number 1, Song felt that it was the best time to retrieve the artifact number 8 from Miya’s hands.It is her dream to help her master Weiya gather 8 artifacts in an empty space.I believe that the gentleness and love out of thin air can bring happiness to the wagtail more than the people of Yuzhongguang.Song was relieved to give him 108 wagtail brothers and sisters.

Hearing Song's suggestion, Nie Kong's heart moved.Long time no see, it's time to visit Meiza No. 01 in Izumo-so.After making the decision, Nie Kong set out with a few women in the early morning of the next day.In addition to the sisters Guang and Xiang who were to stay in the villa to look after the house, Nie Kong led a group of women's soldiers to Izumozhuang, including Chiho and Tannu.Yukari and Jiuno didn't know anyone, but he could only stay in the villa with the two sisters.

The first thing they did was to check their outfits. Nie Kong felt relieved after seeing what they were wearing.Such as taking eight girls for a walk, envious of the men around, because the figures of the women are really great.Fenghua ranked first. After watering, the skin became clear and clear, the chest became round, bigger and firmer, and the waist became thinner.Even Nie Kong couldn't completely resist the mature charm of a mature woman.The other four women are slightly inferior to Fenghua, but they have a bit of youthfulness and are very pleasant.

When he arrived at Izumo Village, Nie Kong knocked on the door out of courtesy.With a sweet sound, the wooden door opened with a creak.A beautiful woman in a white kimono and apron appeared in front of them.

Summary, Qiujin, Yuehai, and Xiaocao seemed a little surprised to see such a beautiful girl for the first time.

"Ah, you guys are willing to come back to see me. These are..." After seeing Nie Kong and the others, Meizai's pretty face showed a gentle smile.After welcoming them to the living room, Meizai looked at the summary women curiously, and asked Nie Kong.

"Hehe, it surprises you to say it, they are all dear wagtails." The wind and watery eyes glanced at his friend Meizai, and then leaned against Nie Kong like a little woman.

"I am Yuehai No. 09, Master Nie Kong's water wagtail." Yuehai proudly introduced herself.

"The summary numbered 088 below, please take care of it." The summary bowed politely.

"I... my name is Qiujin, the obsolete wagtail number 07, the master took me in." Qiujin said indifferently.

"Xiaocao is the wagtail number 108, and the person I like is the elder brother..." Xiaocao, who was sitting on Nie Kong's thigh, said in a tender voice.

"My name is Chiho, I am the sister of Tan Nv's Wei Ya." The shy and timid Chiho said weakly, seemingly afraid of strangers' sexiness.

After listening to their introduction one by one, Mei Zai looked at Nie Kong dumbfoundedly: ", you actually...Even the eight wagtails feathered, even Fenghua willingly..."

"It's nothing, because my goal is to win Yuzhongguangren's wagtail plan, fortunately with their help." Nie Kong smiled confidently.

"The ambition is so big, although I hate Yuzhongguang people using wagtails to fight each other, but if you can stop it, you will be lucky." Miya covered her small mouth and smiled softly.Her temperament is very decent, more temperament than the noble moon sea like a princess.

After greeting for a while, the women finally knew the identity of Mei Zai through conversation, and they were shocked that they could squeeze their small mouths into a big watermelon.Wagtail number 01, it exists like a myth.

"Beautiful, you still keep the artifact that Song stolen from Yuzhongguangren." Nie Kong asked the business.

"Huh? Yeah, in my bedroom, do you want it?" Meiya Xiu frowned.

"Yes, because Yuchuhiro people used the remaining artifacts to guide the wagtail's fight and fight, and now I already have one in my hand. It is estimated that when the wagtail plans to the final stage, that Wei Ya will completely master eight artifacts... …" Nie Kong explained.

Hearing Nie Kong's words, Mei Zai's eyes flashed murderously, and she was absolutely unforgivable to use magical tools to kill each other.

"Asshole, there won't be many wagtails left at the end!"

"It's right to develop according to his plan, because he said that only the last reed bud and his wagtail can reach Songtian and completely control the fate of the world." Nie Kong said without concealing.

"Damn it, if it weren't for the safety of other people in the imperial capital, I would have rushed to MBI to kill him." Mei Zai said bitterly.

"Mei, don't be angry, I believe that if Kongkong controls the artifact, it will definitely bring happiness to the wagtail." Song said softly.

"Yes, Big Brother is the best person in the world." Xiaocao said proudly.

"Huh..." Mei Zai eased her emotions, then smiled softly at Nie Kong."Then everything is up to you."

Nie Kong smiled and said jokingly: "After collecting the artifacts, you can feather the beauty of NO.01, don't you worry? I am a very greedy person, if I can feather the beauty..."

"Hehe, I'm already a yellow-faced woman, I am afraid that feathering will cause you the most trouble." Mei Zai smiled.

"No, you are beautiful." Nie Kong is not an exaggeration, because her face is considered the most beautiful among wagtails.

"Thanks for the compliment, if you say big things, just wait for you to collect the artifact." Mei Zai giggled, and her little hand couldn't help touching her smooth face.Looking at her, I really care about my appearance.

But as Nie Kong said, she really maintained her youthful beauty.The characteristics of the wagtail are strange, as if they are not old.

"Dear you are good or bad, molesting beautiful in front of me." Feng Hua nodded Nie Kong's forehead with a very intimate look.

Looking at the love between Nie Kong and Wagtail, Meizai's mouth was full of smiles.Perhaps his words may really bring happiness to the wagtail.To be honest, if he really wants to feather himself after mastering the artifact?The artifact can control 108 wagtails, and she is no exception.

"I'll take out the artifacts you keep here, you can wait..." With a complicated mind, Meizai glanced at Nie Kong, and one stood up and returned to his bedroom gracefully. The artifact in it was taken out.

After collecting this No. 8 artifact, Nie Kong had two of them, and the remaining six were outside.

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