The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 0919face

"The No. 32 R-type NOVA lost its signal response." The huge screen in front of me was filled with more than a dozen red dots, and suddenly one red dot went out.

"It's so fast. Did you kill an R-type as soon as you arrived? Which group was performing the sniper mission?" The nun principal Margaret asked in a deep voice.

The observer tapped the keyboard, locked the position with the satellite, enlarged the small dot pattern a hundred times, and presented everyone in that position on the screen.

"The goal has been determined. It is the South Perth team led by the United States in the fourth grade."

Margaret showed such an expression as expected. As the first in the school's strength, He Ye is, no wonder she can kill an R type at once."Immediately ask them for others and support other Pandora squads." The Pandoras in the school are still fighting hard, and now they must each defeat them to try to reduce the casualties to a minimum.With the help of He Ye and his team, more than a dozen R-shaped NOVAs are not enough.

"Yes, principal." The observer knew that the situation was urgent, so he immediately contacted the command teacher of the Ye and their team and organized it into a support team.

The commanding teacher heard the principal's order and sent a notice to the headset, making Nie Kong and the others move closer to the left.He Ye and the others knew that the war was not over yet, so they didn't dare to slacken their eyes and looked at a NOVA that was a hundred meters away on the left.Familiar school uniforms, their companions struggled to resist NOVA's attack.Although orderly command and operations have the advantage, they cannot solve the enemy for a while.

The arrival of Nie Kong and others greatly reduced their pressure.After neutralizing its frozen domain, Yumi and the others charged towards her core area as a charge.NOVA's tentacles waved vigorously, but there were many people.After easily blocking the tentacles, a Pandora behind gave a fatal blow to NOVA's core layer, exposing her core.In the back, the oldest Kazuye, a momentary body smashed the core of NOVA.With their help, the combat mission was completed in 30 seconds.Currently, there are 12 injuries and 0 deaths, and the situation is improving.

After liberating a team of troops, Pandora's troops grew like snowballs, and all the R-shaped NOVAs were eliminated.When all Pandoras from the school were gathered, there were only three big guys left in front of the enemy.The Pandora of Xiubaliye is quite strong and has already killed one.

As the current Xiubaliye army to stop them, they desperately blocked the waves of angry attacks from the three of them.

It may have sensed the deaths of his subordinates, and the S-shaped NOVA in front seemed a little angry.A huge aperture appeared in front of it, as if the magic sound of death sounded again.The light representing destruction was shining, and huge shock waves and vacuum blades blasted at the soldiers of Xiubalier regardless of their positions.

"Master, quickly freeze its attack with the frozen world." The exhausted chief saw this and hurriedly issued a warning.More than a dozen dominators united, and a blue halo radiated from their right hand.

The moment it hits the aperture, the energy is immediately neutralized.

"Woo..." What I didn't expect was that the second and third S-type NOVA roared out indiscriminately.The fusion of two terrifying beams of light flooded the tiny humans who dared to stop them with the power to purify everything.The Dominator has just released the frozen domain, and now it is impossible to release it without interval.Even if they can, they can't block two types of attacks.

The immense energy shock wave and the power to destroy everything caused heavy casualties to the soldiers of Xiubaliye.After the light disappeared, only 20 of the 100-odd people left could stand.The guards behind were even worse, not as good as Pandora, and all turned into a bright red blood mist in the beam of light.An S type can make Xiubaliye go to war, not to mention the three appear together, their destructive power and difficulty are unprecedented!!Even if He Ye can deal with two R-type NOVAs on the virtual battlefield, He Ye will not be an opponent at all if they are combined in real life.

"Woo..." There were even a few Pandoras of Xiubalier who collapsed and lost the confidence to continue fighting.Seeing such a bloody scene, the third graders turned pale and kept backing away.

"Old... the teacher has issued a notice, ordering us to hold them with all our strength. We can't let them step into the civilian area and wait for the arrival of the slow army." Yumi said with a grim face.

Alize's face turned pale: "The three S-shaped NOVAs will not be their opponents at all with our strength."

"No, I can't retreat. Behind me are my very important people and thousands of people who need to be protected. To protect them with the power of Pandora is our responsibility, even if we fight for our own lives. "He Ye took a step, his eyes flashed firmly.Isn't she the purpose of training hard for this moment?

"He Ye..." Seeing her eyes, Yumi knew how firm she was.

"Well, our South Perth squad is fighting. Everyone, let us defend the world." Yumiwa and Ye's conversation reached Pandora's ears around them, strengthening their belief in continuing to fight.

He Ye's body exuded a strong radiance, even Nie Kong, who was a few hundred meters away, could sense the amazing power emanating from her stigmata.All the stigmata on her body were activated, and for the first time all her power was shown in front of the world's top leaders.Seeing this scene, Nie Kong frowned and rushed directly to the battlefield.The dominators in the back cowered, too scared to follow him.Because they feel that being too close to NOVA is looking for death.

"Yumi, cover me, I will use my best to quickly kill an S type."


More than 30 Pandora, as a charge force, went around a NOVA strangely and launched a pincer attack on it.

"Woo..." It seemed that I was aware of them, and the NOVA's tentacles swept out a dozen tentacles.

"Triple Acceleration..." Yumi gritted her teeth and turned into an afterimage to escape the tentacles.

"Doppelgänger." Alize used her master avatar to transform four identical figures to cover their attacks.

Although the tentacles are many and big, thirty or so Pandora's pincers finally settled them.Similarly, NOVA revealed its flaws.I was immediately caught by Yumi, and went straight to the nuclear with a few third graders behind him.And NOVA saw the real figure of He Ye, and the whining sound indicated that it was going to launch a powerful energy attack.

Yumi Qiao's face was pale, and she would die if she was hit head-on.

"Don't forget your partner, Frozen Realm..."

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