The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0950, Satilesa's bold declaration

After receiving the villa into the ring, Nie Kong took the mother and daughter with both hands and moved away from England.He plans to settle the villa on the outskirts of Tokyo, opposite to the hut where Waye lives.And because the impact of NOVA has greatly reduced the world's population, many open spaces outside the cities are basically empty, which is convenient for Nie Kong.

Suddenly from night at 10 o'clock in the night to 8 o'clock in the day, the two women almost couldn't stand the change of jet lag. Fortunately, their physique was very strong.

When the time for class was ready, Nie Kong took Satilesa to Sijenitis School to complete the transfer procedures.In the principal's office, Margaret saw Nie Kong's face and readily agreed to Satilesa's application for admission.

Although approved, Satilesa lacked transfer procedures and basic file information, so she had to re-enter from the first grade.

Satilesa felt that she was very happy to be in the same school as Brother Nie Kong, and would not care about this little thing.Unfortunately, I cannot transfer to the class taught by Brother Nie Kong.She secretly determined that she must redouble her efforts in the future.Show it well to Brother Nie Kong and try to become a girl worthy of Brother Nie Kong.

As a result, the principal assigned her to the class where Ganesha Rowlando was ranked first in the Carnival.

Little did she know that seeing the arrival of the new students, Ganesh Rolando, who was the first in the school year, had already planned to give her a slap in the face.In a practical simulation class, she provoked Satilesa.

Satilesa wanted to ignore it, but Ganesha was aggressive.Satilesa, who was planning to be a good student, had no choice but to challenge.

Ganesha's actual weapon is a few flexible restraint chains, and the shape of the front end is a cone-shaped sharp weapon, like a viper with several snake heads.

She controlled a few chains and slammed at Satilesa at a tricky angle, and Satilesa escaped her assault simply by dodge.At this time, Satilesa's pretty face began to tighten, showing the strong side of her character.

Almost a spike situation, Satilesa swooped and appeared behind Ganesh.The sharp and huge blade in her hand pierced her belly relentlessly from behind.

The classmates looked at Satilesa dumbfounded, and they didn't expect her to kill Ganesha, the number one in the school year, with a single move, and a new star was slowly rising.

Needless to say, Satilesa's strength, otherwise he couldn't defeat the second grade and could use Casey with triple acceleration.On the one hand, there are a few stigmata copied by Nie Kong, each of which perfectly adapts to her body.On the one hand, the combat skills taught by Nie Kong from time to time have once again improved her strength by a large margin.

When the get out of class bell rang, Satilesa took a light look at Ganesh, then turned and left the virtual combat classroom.When I first arrived at an unfamiliar school, the only person I knew was Nie Kong, planning to sneak a look at Nie Kong's class.

After asking some classmates, she came to the second grade classroom.Quietly looking through the crack of the door, he saw Nie Kong packing up the teaching materials.The handsome and heroic figure stood tall in front of the podium, with an aura of pointing the country, and the usual gentle brother Nie Kong was a little different.Her heart was pounding, and her pretty face flushed with shame.

"Hey, what are you doing sneakily in front of our classroom?" The silver-haired Loli Atiyah spotted her peeking and immediately opened the door.The door of the classroom suddenly opened up, and Satilesa's shadow was exposed in front of the class.

The cheeks of the beautiful face are blushing with shyness. Although the face is not as refined as Elizabeth, and the temperament is not her noble, it is more lovely than the elegant and noble Elizabeth.

"It's so cute and beautiful. Why didn't you find it at school before?" Her appearance made the male students in the class's eyes brighten.

"Nie Kong...Brother Nie Kong..." She called out shyly, and the sweet, sweet voice made the male classmates feel stunned.But then they looked at their teacher full of hatred.

Is there any mistake, why would the teacher be welcomed by the beautiful girls?

When Elizabeth heard Satilesa's words, the pen in her hand clicked into two sections.She felt the danger of Satilesa, and it was on the same level as Isuzu!!

Seeing her affectionate eyes, she knew that she would have a new opponent!But she has always been arrogant, no matter what enemy appears, she will not admit defeat until all the opponents are defeated.

"Teacher, won't you introduce her to us?" She asked softly with a touch of discomfort.

"Teacher who cares." Anite murmured dissatisfiedly, looking at the new beautiful girl with her arms folded.By comparing herself with her, the tragedy found that no matter her figure or appearance, she is completely inferior to Satilesa."Is it too ugly, so the teacher doesn't pay attention to me? I really don't know if I should be happy or depressed."

"Her name is Satilesa, because she was transferred to our school yesterday, so you don't recognize her as normal, she can be regarded as my righteous sister." Nie Kong said softly.

"Huh, Satilesa likes Brother Nie Kong the most. When she grows up, she dreams of becoming Brother Nie Kong's wife." She seemed to be aware of the hostility, but she bravely said her own dream to avoid them. Someone will compete with him for Brother Nie Kong.

"What..." Not only Elizabeth, but even Anite, most of the female classmates exclaimed in unison.

To be the teacher's wife, have you asked us.Their eyes were full of anger, and Satilesa couldn't help but shiver. The hatred value she said was too high.

"Hehe, generally speaking, dreams are hard to come true!" Elizabeth smiled gracefully, "I look forward to your performance, the first grade school girl Satilesa."

Elizabeth came to Nie Kong gracefully, took Nie Kong's arm and said, "Now, teacher, can I have lunch with Elizabeth at noon."

The two women are very beautiful, standing beside him at the same time like beautiful flowers, but they feel like green leaves to others.Because they were compared with Nie Kong, they couldn't conceal the light that Nie Kong radiated at will, instead they existed as the handsomeness that set off Nie Kong.

Satilesa turned black and looked at Elizabeth with hostility.But Elizabeth learned one of Isuzu's tricks, which is to ignore others and only care about Nie Kong.

"Teacher Bastard..." Anite blushed with a stubborn pretty face, her mind drifting away...

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