The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0985, the fuse of resistance

Amelia held Gina's body and left, leaving behind a sad cry.Sadly and helplessly, the people at the research institute forced Gina's body to be recovered.They tried to play down Gina's death, without notifying the family of the deceased, and even forbidding the funeral.

E Pandoras are in pain, they feel like they didn't exist in the first place.Amelia is more painful than anyone else, because she is responsible for Gina's death, but as the leader, she cannot be weak.Stopped the partners from cremating Gina's relics, saying it was to hold a simple funeral for her.

A neat row of Pandoras lined up in two rows and came to them.But Ohara, who was under the protection of Pandora, walked slowly and slowly came to them.

"Illegal arson in government facilities, whose permission did you get to do that kind of thing?" Ohara said coldly.The words full of majesty make E Pandoras a little afraid.

"Forgetting your position and going against your will, can you explain it to me, Amelia!"

"It's you who broke the rules first. We are just going to send Gina the last time. Do you forcibly prohibit memorials for the martyrs? Are you trying to erase Gina's existence?" Amelia suffered Said.

"Erase Gina's existence? You seem to be misunderstanding something. From the moment you came here, your existence has been completely wiped out in the world. Laggards who couldn't keep up with the rhythm of society and pulled down, no Ability to live a normal life, the government has accepted you like that. The contract has been signed, and you will be guaranteed a new life when the experiment is successful. With the risks of the experiment, what you have to do is to do well The agreed terms. The government has sincerely fulfilled the agreement, hasn't it, hasn't there been anything that has been violated? By now, don't make me angry."

The unbearable past, let E Pandoras silent, crying silently.

"The fact that it was doomed to fail from the beginning, and Gina still uses her life to guard the E Pandora plan and buy time. Even if there is a chance of success, Gina's death is worth it. But it's not that at all, Ji Before she died, Na told me that Stabilizer No. 4 is a scam. Are you trying to erase the failure? I can't bear that you sacrificed Gina for your own interests. She was sacrificed, Gina died in vain It's meaningless to die." Amelia couldn't stand it, vomiting all her grievances.

"Fuck..." Ohara slapped Amelia's pretty face with a loud slap.

"Gina was sacrificed for the sake of all mankind. Whether you or Pandora, you must be ready to give up your life at any time before standing here. Isn't the death of a close friend very painful? Don't be capricious. You think it's only you. Did Pandora sacrifice? Which of the Pandoras gathered here did not sacrifice their friends and partners one after another? In order for humans to survive in the world, how much do you think they sacrificed? Do you think they are being used by humans? Is it?" After speaking, Ohara turned around and left them with a back: "Even if the government really treats you as a victim, it is necessary. You can understand this. Disband the crowd quickly and publish a new experiment soon. Policy."

Amelia roared: "Do you think we will obey?"

"Don't worry, you will be forced to obey at that time." Ohara's words made Amelia and the others feel helpless.In my mind, a figure floats out vaguely, can he save us?But saving us against the government that represents the world will definitely hurt him.

In the American branch of Xiubalier, a few congressmen in suits gathered in a conference room.

"This time the unidentified incident caused by the No. 4 stabilizer experiment body has caused the entire research room to fall into a riot. Needless to say, the researchers' distrust of E Pandora has increased. Needless to say, the morale of those Pandora is also huge. Impact. If you continue to carry out the plan, it may make the whole incident worse."

A congressman with golden eyes expressed his opinion.

"How do we deal with those parties that are looking forward to ousting us day and night? Do we want to give up our own way? If we stop at this time, we will be all over." A congressman opposite him retorted, influenced by his rights. , They didn't mean to benefit mankind at all, but did their best to cover their position.

"Even if it is concealed, the runaway and fatal accidents of No. 4 stabilizer are subject to restrictions. If it spreads out, the consequences will be disastrous!" A congressman retorted.

"Congressman Bonamar, what about your decision?"

"Enough, you shut up." A high-level leader sitting on the stage, who looked like a leader, said lightly: "Plan E will continue to be implemented, but only successful cases will be released to the media in the future."

"But if we continue to pursue the mandatory policy of the last time, E Pandora's sense of distrust in us will continue to heat up, in case they jointly initiate an extreme action..." The congressman wearing gold glasses hesitated.

"Extreme behavior? That's something you can't ask for. There is nothing wrong with the new second-term students, right." Senator Bonamar said solemnly.

"Yes, they have been told about the possibility of the risk of the experiment, and they have cut off contact with the first-term birth." The greedy rights-based councillor opposite the man with eyes said.

"Very well, for the second experiment, I will choose from the second-term students." Senator Bonamar decided.

"So, how should the E Pandoras in the first issue be solved?" one of the members of the audience asked.

"If this can be used to take away the first period of life that is likely to have problems in the future, it will be somewhat easier in the future." His words determine the life and death of more than 20 people.

"Make relevant plans quickly, and be sure not to leave any hidden dangers!"

"Understand..." They are in a high position, and they are already reluctant to abandon their status under one person and above ten thousand.For the plan to succeed, they must remove all obstacles.

There is no need for the experimental subjects who have resisted in front of their rights.

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