The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0994, rescue e Pandora

"Woo, is the teacher going to destroy us, abandon us completely." In the deep level of consciousness, Amelia and the others were crying in grief, full of despair in their hearts.

"No, I want to help you get back to the original state, so that you can regain a new life. Will you, Pandora, who will be a teacher after being born again, belongs to me alone."

"Are we really okay?" Amelia sobbed, and the five huge bodies slowly stopped in front of Nie Kong.

"Leave everything to me."

The golden energy diffused from Nie Kong's body spread out, dyeing a dozen li into a golden light shimmering, covering the entire space.The energy fluctuations he radiated suddenly frightened Aoi Gengo and the others.

"But... Damn, the condensed and stable energy is spreading out, is he going to destroy everything? An emergency announcement is issued and Pandoras can take refuge in the refuge!"

"The unknown energy has exceeded the critical point, Doctor, it's too late, it's going to...explode..." the monitor panicked.

"Asshole..." Gengo Aoi grabbed the microphone at once, and eagerly issued an order: "Unknown energy spread, everyone is ready to deal with the explosion..."

Elizabeth and the others didn't believe that Nie Kong would harm themselves, so they didn't feel too scared, and calmly faced the coming of energy.As for the rest of Yisuna and others, seeing Jin Guang rush to close their eyes and prepare to face the pain.

The strange thing is that the energy did not make them feel painful, but brought a heart-wrenching warmth, as if returning to the mother's arms when they were young, and driving away all the discomfort.

Pandoras who were out of control opened their confused eyes, and the tissues on their bodies disappeared in the golden flames, regaining their sanity.

"Roar..." Needless to say, the remaining two NOVAs have turned into powder in the diffused energy, without a trace of resistance.Amelia and the others are losing the NOVA tissue a little bit, because Nie Kong uses energy to help them purify all the NOVA in their bodies.

"Woo, the golden light from the teacher is so disgusting, I feel messy, mentally polluted?" Roxanne squeezed, his face blushing.

"Hehe, because the energy contains the teacher's unique gentleness." Xi Feng was filled with golden light, closing his eyes and enjoying.

In midair, more than twenty girls appeared around Nie Kong, hugging Nie Kong tightly.After the NOVA organization was cleaned up, they were restored to their original state, and even the sequelae of the No. 4 drug were basically lost.And under the baptism of Nie Airyan, they have undergone a reborn transformation.Needless to say, the stigmata adaptation rate is at least one or two times stronger than before.

"Thank you, teacher. In the future, Amelia will be Pandora who belongs to the teacher alone, and has nothing to do with Xiubalier." Amelia gently kissed Nie Kong's cheek, and all the hatred and sadness disappeared. All that was left was his gentleness to Nie Kong.

"Amelia, don't forget us." The girls around were chattering around Nie Kong, like a stray cat found its owner and had its own support.

After the golden light faded, everything returned to calm.Roxanne and the others saw the more than 20 E-Pandora who were energetic by Nie Kong, exclaiming, where did E-Pandora come out?

Some Pandoras who saw the truth with their own eyes did not oppose them, but responded with sympathy.Xia Lulu looked on guard, because Xiubaliye had not lifted their status as rebels.

The three daughters of Elizabeth, Satilesa and Lana came to Nie Kong with joy, and were relieved to see that he was all right.Although the teacher is very good, what should be done in case of any accident.

Nie Kong looked around, Pandoras waited for his speech.

"Although it's all troublesome things, the E Pandora project is now over! No, maybe Dr. Ohara didn't intend to implement the E Pandora project from the beginning. For the specific explanation, you can read the report from Shubali later. Each branch Pandoras, goodbye on the battlefield at some time and somewhere in the future."

The eleventh NOVA came to an end with the end of the E-Pandora plan.Needless to say, Pandoras in each branch have all recalled their schools.

"Unbelievable, the use of his super-powered energy to forcefully neutralize NOVA's organizational ability. No, it can't be said to be neutralization, it is purification. All the NOVA signals in the combat area have disappeared." Genwu Aoi was dumbfounded. It was almost a miracle to see what happened before me.Perhaps, his existence is a miracle in itself.

"All Pandora signals are still there. The mortality rate can be said to be basically zero. The injured have recovered. Only Dr. Ohara seems to have died." The monitor whispered.

"Hehe, ask for trouble, I have clearly warned her not to want to clone Maria before." Yuan Qingjing sighed, because he knew what the consequences would be.

"Then Teacher Nie Kong's actions to help the insurgents on his own initiative will not be severely punished by Xiubaliye." The monitor said with some anxiety.

"Severe punishment? Do you think so? They prayed that he would not cause trouble. They would be lucky." Gengo Aoi smiled bitterly. "What's more, he didn't do anything wrong with Ohara. Shubali will replace the politician in charge of the plan. Sin lamb, take all the charges together with Dr. Ohara. If you provoke him, you have to weigh the consequences of exceeding it. A bad one will cause social unrest and even the destruction of the world."

He even felt that the Valkyrie plan he had prepared for a long time was unnecessary to announce.With him, why worry about NOVA's aggression in your lifetime.But the Valkyrie is an opportunity, the foundation of her own foothold.

"It is true. Teacher Nie Kong seems to be not in the same dimension as us. Compared to humans, the title of God is more suitable for him. I hope he can bring the dawn of hope to mankind." The monitor looked with worship in his eyes.

"Yes, the world is getting brighter and brighter." Gengo Aoi said in a low voice, not knowing where his thoughts drifted.

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