The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0998, contradictions and the advent of cherry blossoms

"Elizabeth, you must have heard of what happened in the second-year dormitory building last night. Fortunately, we gave you the responsibility of receiving the teacher, but you really let us down." Arms on her chest, Anite used Said in a cold tone.

Elizabeth frowned her eyebrows, how could she feel better.I heard the second-year students whispering, saying that in the dormitory of Satilesa, there were bursts of red and heartbeat sounds.Moreover, Lana and Satilesa came out of the dormitory surrounded by the teacher in two sophomores, Lana and Satilesa.After seeing it, the second-year school girls spread a lot.

"Damn it, I took a step ahead of the two guys in the second grade. It really lost our third grade face. It's really uncomfortable to watch them show off." Kleo said with hatred.

"To the effect, I didn't expect that Satilesa and Lana used bad reasons to drag the teacher to the dormitory. They had planned something similar to the teacher on the first night of the baptism. Damn it, it was shameless enough. The girl's body attracts the teacher." Elizabeth gritted her teeth, pushing all the blame on the two girls.

"No, you can't let the two second-year students go." Ingrid squeezed her fingers, her pretty face was murderous.

"Oh, don't do stupid things impulsively. If you offend the teacher, it will be bad." Xi Feng persuaded.

"Hmph, how can you easily swallow this breath?" Atiyah exclaimed.

"Hehe, I think it's much easier to solve it with peace than violence." Xi Feng couldn't refute chuckles.

"Two sophomores, do you think we are qualified to compare with us? In terms of number and appearance. Or, do you think we can't compare with them? They will be given the first hand because Elizabeth did not pay. That's all." Xi Feng continued.

"I'm very sorry." Elizabeth smiled bitterly, she was a little careless and contented that she was wrong.

"Huh, now Elizabeth alone can't compare to the two in the second grade. It seems that we must be used. Use the reason to trick the teacher into our third-grade dormitory, and our third-grade representatives come to fight back. Right." Anite said passionately.

"Oh, it turns out that Anite knows how to increase the relationship with the teacher, for example, what exactly do Pandora and the Dominator do in the first night?" Marlene said aloud.

Anite has a pretty pink face, she is indeed an inexperienced girl.I looked at the girls around and found them sighed.

"I've heard a little about Pandora and the sweet tradition of the first night of the Dominator. Doing some things to enhance feelings, the senior sisters specially give benefits to the equivalent of the younger brother." Tixi said.

"Welfare?" There was a scene in the minds of several women at the same time, lying on a bed with the teacher, and wearing beautiful clothes to attract him.

"That's it..." The women were excited and their morale restored.

"Elizabeth, give you the task of bringing the teacher to our third-grade dormitory. Are you the leader of our third-grade." Anite said.

"That said, who of you will come?" Elizabeth raised her eyebrows.

"Need to say, we belong to your loyal party led by Elizabeth, of course we must act together." Atiyah blurted out.

"Sifon, don't you and Tissy come here, the five of us are enough." Anite said.

"Oh, how can you leave us behind? Anyway, we are the teacher's students. How can such a very interesting thing be easily let go." Xi Feng said with a smile.

"Since the decision is made, let's make a comprehensive plan to get rid of the two annoying second-year students as soon as possible. Anyway, seeing them close to the teacher is uncomfortable." Anite was rather impatient.

Under Xi Feng's instigation, the women gave up the violent preventive action and adopted a relatively friendly approach.

Tianshangyuan is an influential family in Japan.Not only was he married to Gengo Aoi's son, but he also had political support in Japan.

"Sakura, you're going there soon, are you looking forward to it, it feels like coming to Cijenitix Academy." An old woman in a kimono sitting on her knees and holding a sword in front of her, kneeling obediently in a kimono The sitting girl asked.

"What are you talking about, my grandmother. If I say what I am looking forward to, how can I keep beating in my heart." She desperately smashed into the usual way, but the lack of harmony in her words fully showed her current mood .

"What are you talking about, are you looking forward to it or not?" Seeing her panicked, the old woman laughed.

"Well, that... that... this..." Sakura lowered her blushing pretty face, really looking forward to seeing Brother Nie Kong.

"You should understand, you will meet someone who was engaged in a marriage contract when you were young. Are you unhappy?" Grandma said kindly.

"Grandma, you are talking nonsense again. I said that I didn't agree with the sloppy marriage contract when I was a child. Kazaya is very good, but it is not the type that Sakura likes. Besides, I and he are close cousins." Sakura said dissatisfied. .

"Hehe, let you take care of the young people's affairs, grandmother." She smiled, did not refute Sakura's words, and then sighed: "We didn't want you to be involved in the war, too. It's dangerous. It's all the blame for Aoi Gengo, is he trying to drag the whole clan to the battlefield."

"Grandma, don't blame Grandpa, Sakura herself is willing. Because she admires Sister Ye very much, I hope to become a person like her through hard work." Sakura firmly said.

"Sakura, you have to protect yourself, don't set foot on the road of Heye." Grandmother kindly touched her silky hair, caring about her only granddaughter.

Her stigmata adaptation rate was very low, but Gengo Aoi gave her the same power as Pandora, albeit for a short time.

The arrival of the cherry blossoms explained Gengo Aoi's Valkyrie plan, and the curtain was completely opened. At this moment when the third grade Elizabeth and the second grade Satilesa had a conflict.

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