Miserable, too miserable.

The fourth place's combat power is not even a fraction of mine.

Fortunately, I have hidden my combat power.

If others see my true combat power, how desperate they will be.

Ye Chuyun thought helplessly.

【Tip: The resident management system has been activated. You can now manage the resident. 】

The appearance of a prompt pulled Ye Chuyun's thoughts back.

Looking at this barren land, Ye Chuyun also wanted to develop it as soon as possible.

He immediately opened the resident management interface to check

【Resident Management System】

【Location Name: Weiyang

【[Resident Level]: Level 1 (0/100000)

【Resident building]: None

【Upper limit of resident personnel】: 1/1500

【[Buildable buildings]: mansion, hotel, house, tavern, chamber of commerce, shop, teleportation array

【Tip: The station is your private property. In addition to these public buildings, you can also build various buildings within the station at will without any restrictions. 】

Ye Chuyun looked at these buildable buildings eagerly.

In the later period of the world of gods and demons, there are countless forces of all sizes.

But if you want to gain a foothold in the world of gods and demons, you must rely on the station.

Because if you want to develop your power, you must have huge funds.

It's like opening a company. The first thing is the salary of the staff, rent, water and electricity bills, and various expenses.

How can you start a company without money?

In the station, in addition to public buildings such as mansions and houses, you can also build various buildings at will.

This directly makes the station commercialized.

In the previous life, some people even directly developed their stations into a one-stop industry for eating, drinking and playing.

Massage shops, foot baths, restaurants, bars

It has to be said that there are many talented people on Blue Star.

However, Ye Chuyun does not intend to develop the base into a one-stop place for eating, drinking and playing.

Because the space of the base is limited.

Buildings can only be built within the base. It is a waste to build massage parlors and foot washing parlors.

It is necessary to build more defensive buildings in the base.

Otherwise, when other forces attack, or when the beast tide attacks. Can these massage parlors and foot washing parlors resist?

These money are just petty profits.

For the long-term development of the base, Ye Chuyun will not build

"Oh, forget it. I have to think so much. Where can I get so many coins to build it?"

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun couldn't help but sigh.

Now everyone in the world channel is envious of him for building the base.

But he didn't expect that he can only stare at this 30,000 square meters of empty land.

Not to mention that he can build buildings in the base at will.

Now just a mansion is probably giving him a headache.

The mansion must be built, after all, it is the key to the development of the base.

The second is the houses.

The function of the houses is actually equivalent to having a place to rest.

As long as you rest in the houses, you can automatically obtain energy points.

But this is not the most important function of the houses.

As long as you register your name on any house, you can get the"teleportation" function.

In other words, no matter where you are, As long as you use this function, you can automatically teleport back to the base.

This function is simply a BUG.

There are also hotels.

Hotels can provide a place for outsiders to stay.

However, hotels do not have the teleportation function like houses.

But it can give people who rest in the hotel a [double energy points for one hour] buff.

However, this buff can only be obtained once a day.

But even so, countless people in the past life stayed in the hotel specifically for this buff.

This makes the hotel always have business, and the supply is in short supply.

Drinking in the tavern can get various buff bonuses, which is also very good.

If you build a guild of commerce, you can create an auction to expand the reputation of the base.

"The mansion is of utmost importance and must be built."

"Let's first see what materials are needed to build the mansion."

Click on [Mansion], and the materials needed for the building will be displayed immediately.

【Building name: Mansion

【Required materials]: Stone*1000, Wood*1000, Steel*500,God and Demon Coin 50000

【[Function]: After construction, you can accept tasks and increase the reputation of the station by 5000.

A series of materials made Ye Chuyun feel dazzled.

All his thoughts can be summed up in one word.


To put it bluntly, if you want to build these buildings, you just need money.

Whether it is stone, wood, steel, etc., you can buy them in the trading house.

"Well, let's make money first."

Ye Chuyun sighed.

The 100,000 God and Demon Coins he had with him before were all used to build the settlement.

He only had a few thousand God and Demon Coins left at most.

But fortunately, his storage space was full of spoils obtained in the Loess Desert.

If he sold them, he should be able to get nearly 200,000 God and Demon Coins.

The money problem was temporarily solved.

Then there was the problem of materials.

He had the stones and wood to build the mansion.

In the end, there were only bronze and steel left.

Few people sold them in this trading house.

After all, bronze is also a rare mineral.

The mansion needs a lot of bronze.

Even if all the bronze in the trading house is swept away, there is still a lot left.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun smiled and took out the Yaojin Divine Stone he had obtained in the Taiyin Temple before.

【Shining Gold Divine Stone: Alchemical holy object, can turn stone into gold, can perform alchemical transformation and elemental refining! 】

He risked his life to get this Shining Gold Divine Stone, just for this moment!

After taking out the Shining Gold Divine Stone, Ye Chuyun took out a dozen stones and placed them on the open space.

"Shining Golden Divine Stone, this time it depends on your strength."

Ye Chuyun smiled and placed the Shining Golden Divine Stone on the stone.

【Tip: Do you want to use the Golden Divine Stone to refine elements?】


Ye Chuyun said decisively.

Then the Shining Golden God Stone emitted a faint golden light.

The golden light flowed into one of the stones.


The basketball-sized stone turned into powder and scattered all over the ground.

Nothing was extracted.

Ye Chuyun didn't care at all.

Now ten stones are only one God and Demon Coin, which is not worth anything.

But if rare mineral elements are extracted, it will make a fortune.

Element refining is actually equivalent to extracting mineral elements from stones.

The situation just now only shows that there are no mineral elements in this stone.

The loss is not big!

Ye Chuyun continued to put the Shining Golden God Stone on another stone to try.

Bang, bang, bang!

Seven or eight pieces in a row all failed.

Ye Chuyun was a little depressed.

Which unlucky guy sold these stones to him?

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