The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 159: Three Dragons

Zhang Yunyan looked at the flying dragon's magic sword, and the joy of it sprang up, she was shocked by the incredible magic of the sword, and rejoiced greatly for her external force.

This flying dragon sword is so amazing that it can change its weight according to Zhang Yunyan's strength to meet the needs of the master. It is really a rare spiritual thing in the world. Perhaps you will never see such a magical sword again.

The heavy sword swayed and hanged in the wind, showing the power of the sword and showing her bravery.

Zhang Yunyan was very pleased and confident, and with her current ability and strength, slaughtering the live Yan Wangru, searching for her sacs, did not take much trouble.

After the joy, Yun Yan was still puzzled. I didn't expect that her strength would change so much. It was a great change and very pleasant surprise.

She looked at the logo on the flying dragon's sword, both joyful and confused, and she should have a lot of strength for some reason. How did she get it?

Yun Yan was skeptical, thinking, wondering why she had such great strength.

However, she can be sure that it was only after encountering the terrible experience of the deer and demon monkey that she had such a big change, because the mark of the sword had not changed before, and it was still twenty-two pounds.

Suddenly, Zhang Yunyan's heart moved, thinking of the words of the mysterious old woman. The mysterious figure had told her clearly that she had cultivated "a rare skill".

Does the old woman mean increased strength?

Yun Yan feels that this can be regarded as a gain, but it should be different from what he said, and it seems that there is another point.

Does she really have "a rare skill"? What kind of skill is that? Why don't you feel at all?

Zhang Yunyan still couldn't believe the old woman's words and had doubts about the authenticity of the mysterious figure. There may be other reasons why her external force has strengthened, she has never cultivated the so-called "rare abilities".

Not to mention, in Yulong Lake in her hometown, she unexpectedly had a fish-like ability, and that magical ability did not know when she lost it again. At this time, she is an ordinary martial arts person. She hasn't cultivated internal skills. How can there be magical skills at all.

In this regard, Yun Yan still did not know why, and could not guess, so she no longer thought about it. Increasing strength is a great thing, and she is more capable of facing strong enemies.

At noon that day, Zhang Yunyan had a full meal in the restaurant in the village, and hurried on the road again.

In order to avoid the hot sun, she sometimes walked along the road, sometimes running in the woods, still sweating.

Yun Yan was walking along the road, I do not know where I came, and still hurrying.

Suddenly, three men came across from them. They stared at Yun Yan and sighed. From Seyan's eyes, the three guys were not good people.

The three were between the ages of 20 and 30, and each one was neatly dressed and armed, and looked like a bad guy.

Three men came straight to Zhang Yunyan and surrounded her.

Zhang Yunyan glanced at the three criminals, knowing that she was in trouble, and immediately became nervous. However, she is not afraid, and very confident. She has experienced so many things in her life. A few rogues are not enough to deal with these perverts.

Yun Yan yelled, "What are you doing? Hurry up and avoid uncomfortable."

One said with a smile: "Oh, this lady is kind of pretty. It smells good. Sister, our brother walked a little bit.

I'm tired, I would like to invite you to take a break and eat and drink. "

Yunyan glared angrily and snorted: "Let's go our separate ways. Why are you tired and what do you do with me? I still have something to do, just go away!"

Another laughed: "Miss, how can you say that it has nothing to do with you? Not only are we physically tired, but our heart is also itchy, and you need to appease it. Don't quit, just sit in the woods and wait for food Drinking enough to go on the road is not more spiritual and more powerful. "

Seeing that they did not want to close their hands, Zhang Yunyan said, "I urge you not to entangle any more. This is good for everyone, otherwise you will have to find your own trouble."

The three guys laughed when they heard each other, the expression of disdain in the laughter, did not look at this little woman.

One of them said, "Little beauty, you really don't look good enough or love enough. We can meet here is also a fate, and we should meet together for joy. This is a good thing, with our brother's love, you will be happy."

The guy in his late thirties looked at Zhang Yunyan and said, "Two younger brothers, why bother talking more, and please hurry to invite the lady into the woods. You ca n’t waste good time."

Zhang Yunyan saw the three guys start to deal with it in a hurry.

Yun Yan didn't pay attention to the three Xiaoxiaos. She thought they had nothing to do with cleaning them up. How could she know that the opponent's martial arts were extraordinary, not as easy as she thought. She knew that she had encountered a strong enemy, was very nervous, and was very anxious. It seemed that the consequences were unexpected.

By this time, Yun Yan was not only nervous, but also afraid. Perhaps a catastrophe was imminent, and even if he would not die, he would be bullied by several villains.

Zhang Yunyan felt a sense of crisis, and she really hoped that someone would help herself and drive the three villains away, so as not to suffer a terrible disaster.

There was silence, not even a bird. I didn't see a figure on the road. Who would come here to help me, the poor beauties can only fight alone.

Sure enough, under the siege of three evildoers, Zhang Yunyan was kicked less than he could prevent, and his body stumbled to the ground.

Before the evildoers rushed over, she stood up and stood up with a carp, and took out the flying dragon sword and cut it at the fluttering guy.

When the three thieves saw Yun Yan move his weapon, they also took out their respective weapons to deal with it. They dare not take too hard to avoid hurting beautiful women and affecting their emotions.

Zhang Yunyan therefore took some advantage and killed with three villains.

She was besieged by three guys. She had to look ahead and look after her. She was more nervous and anxious, and if it went on like this, it would be a disaster.

In the fight, Zhang Yunyan blocked the knife and was about to chop off the person in front of him. Yu Guangzhong suddenly saw the steel whipping next to her. She hurriedly changed her moves and responded. She had not had time to counterattack. The knife was then released.

Zhang Yunyan was taken aback. At a moment when he was stunned, he was kicked to the ground by the villain behind him, and was caught by one person before he got up.

The three guys laughed when they saw the beauties.

In the woods, the newly arrived bird was frightened and flew away again, and a few bugs hurried to close their mouths, and did not dare to speak again. At this moment, the place of horror suddenly became as dead as death, and all beings were frightened.

A guy with a sly expression on his face proudly said, "Little girl, you still have two hits. It is difficult for ordinary people to subdue you. However, you are not facing ordinary people today.

Do you want to know who our brother-in-law is? "

Zhang Yunyan opened her eyes and scolded, "You are killers and thieves, you should kill them!"

A man laughed: "Little beauty, it's no use saying such harsh words, even if we are a thief, what can you do? Rest assured, we won't kill you, just want to play with you . This is not a bad thing for you, we are all happy, happy, how good. After that, you can go on the road with energy. "

Yun Yan was nervous and scared, knowing that the disaster was inevitable.

She is stubborn, never obeys, and still scolds: "Fuck, you listen well. As long as your aunt and grandma are alive, you will never let you go, let you die!"

A few evildoers were not angry, and still looked at the beautiful beauties in color, three filthy hearts were about to move, eager to vent.

One persuaded: "Sister, don't lose your temper, let's play with us happily, and have a good time in joy, how good it is. Speaking of which, you and our brother and sister are not wronged , We are also very famous people. Have you ever heard of 'Yulong Sanguai'? That is our brother-in-law. "

Three Dragon Monsters! They are the "Three Monsters of the Imperial Dragon"! Zhang Yunyan was taken aback. Unexpectedly, he would encounter these guys. It was really a tough enemy to deal with.

Earlier, she had not seen the "Three Monsters of the Royal Dragon", but only heard about it. These guys are scums in the rivers and lakes. They are bad villains who are not easy to provoke.

Yun Yan knows that the three guys are very powerful, and they don't know if they are doing amazing work. She lamented secretly that it was no wonder that she could not fight when confronted with such a powerful enemy. She had been caught by the villain, and she could not imagine the consequences. She would be ruthlessly bullied and unavoidable.

"The Three Dragons of Yulong" are indeed extraordinary. They are a group of powerful and powerful thieves. They are hateful and fearful.

Boss called Xinglang strange, steel knife in the hands of rare opponents. The second child is called a strange, and a stick dances and misses getting close. The third child is a wave-turning monster, and a double whip takes his life.

The skills of the three guys don't stop there. The reason why they have such a loud name is because the ability in the water is also extraordinary, and few people can compare with it.

When Zhang Yunyan encounters such a powerful enemy, not only will the girl's chastity be lost, but her life will be worrying.

Boss looked at Yunyan strangely, and that filthy heart was about to move, eager to start. He instructed two accomplices to take the beauties to the woods and let their passion go.

Zhang Yunyan has been controlled by the villain, unable to control herself, and unable to struggle. She can only be slaughtered.

She was desperate, remembering the Flying Dragon Sword in an emergency, and hurriedly shouted, "My sword, kill these guys!"

Suddenly, a silver light flew towards the villain, and the three guys fluttered on the beauty without any precaution. As a result, the second monster was chopped, and the pain fell to the ground and kept tumbling.

Boss Xinglangguai and Boss Fanlangguai were startled, only to find that Yun Yan's weapon could attack and kill on his own, and screamed in shock. They did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly picked up the steel knife and double whip to deal with the incoming sword.

When Zhang Yunyan saw the opportunity, he got up and rushed to the injured monster, and fought his stick to kill the villain. Even if she dies, she can get rid of a scourge for the people.

Xinglang strangely saw that the second brother was very dangerous, hurriedly rushed over and rushed over, kicked Yunyan's back, kicked her to the ground, and immediately held it with a steel knife. 2k novel reading network

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