Zhang Yunyan was very sad for her death, she was desperate for not being able to fulfill the mission given by the two loved ones, deeply sad for the death of the strange friend Qinghu, and also saddened by the death of two beneficiaries, Ling Gui and Shikong ...

Suddenly, there was a sound in the darkness, although it was slight, it was detectable in the deadly silence.

Yun Yan heard it, and the sound came from inside the circular hole. She was immediately alert, and it seemed that the devil had found himself in the cave and came to arrest him.

Just then, a dark shadow drilled out of the circular hole and rushed over.

Yun Yan's heart was tight, devil!

She was so frightened that she pulled back her dragon sword and prepared to deal with it, but she could only escape when she was about to die. She couldn't catch it, she had to fight hard, and gave her young life to the fate of disbelief.

The shadow came near, humming.

Zhang Yunyan lamented, she was paralyzed and weak, and sat on the ground again, hugging the shadow that touched her.

She was very surprised and excited, and she caressed and said to herself: "It's you, you're still alive, that's great. We are all alive, we are alive ..."

Yun Yan couldn't help shed tears as she spoke, and her handsome face had a reassuring smile, although a bit bitter.

Needless to say, this dark shadow that suddenly arrived was a green tiger, and it was unexpected that it came back from the cave again.

Where did the green tiger go, how far into the cave, what did you see, did you find the devil, etc. No one can know.

The reason why it can return is that it feels that human friends have also entered the cave and ran to join Zhang Yunyan.

The Green Tiger is indeed not simple. It is not comparable to its peers. It has a keen sense and a strong ability to react. It is indeed a competent assistant to the host.

The two close friends reunited unexpectedly, or in Devil's Cave, and they were very excited and sad.

Soon, Zhang Yunyan's mood calmed down, stroking the green tiger's body in the dark, and seeing its limbs intact and free movement, no injuries were found, deep sorrow and emotion.

Unexpectedly, the green tiger fell into such a deep cave without being hurt a little, it is an impossible miracle.

The miracle that happened to oneself is unimaginable, the miracle of the green tiger is also incredible, and it is an inexplicable mystery.

Being trapped in a terrible cave, Zhang Yunyan had no time to think about these irrelevant mysteries, constantly inspecting, and thinking anxiously.

In the darkness, the tall "full moon" has a hazy "moon light", and it does not bring light into the cave, so nothing can be seen clearly.

Zhang Yunyan didn't give up, she couldn't wait to die here, and walked along the wall of the cave to see, hoping to find a suitable place to climb up and escape the Devil's Cave House as soon as possible.

She knew that hope was very slim, and she still did not give up. Even if she could not climb, it was good for the Tiger to escape.

The green tiger followed silently, watching, sniffing, and showing no abnormal behavior.

Zhang Yunyan walked around without any results. The cave wall was uneven, but it was very smooth. There was no way to climb up. It was as difficult as climbing to the sky to escape.

She was unable to climb, and the Green Tiger was unable to escape. Her hopes were shattered. This is inevitable. She had no hope at all, and knew that this was the result, it was just an illusion.

The tall "swan" is very tempting, but it is beyond sight. Yun Yan was so discouraged that she sat on the ground with a lament

I am deeply depressed. She was helpless, sad, and in despair again ...

Green Tiger doesn't know why, it seems that he doesn't know what is tension or fear, nor does he know that he will die here. It sometimes walks around, and sometimes accompanies Yun Yan.

In the terrible desperation, she was dependent on it, with less loneliness.

Zhang Yunyan looked at the dark cave, and felt even more terrible. She had nowhere to escape when she was trapped, and sooner or later she would die by death.

She remembered Ling Ling and Shi Kong again. The two benefactors were so capable, they were not the opponents of Jiuyou Shengjun, and she was a piece of cake. Once encountering those demons and ghosts, the consequences are unimaginable. Not only will she die, she will die terribly.

Yun Yan was terrified and nervous, and the terrible consequences frightened her, lamenting the death of both.

Here is the "hell" that the devil is rampant. She can't escape, there is nowhere to hide, she has no ability to decide for herself, life and death can only be delivered to the fate of unbelief.

Zhang Yunyan has experienced ups and downs in her lifetime, and now she has gone to the dead end, and will not have good results. She had no hope of survival, and could only die there, or wait for the devil to claim her life.

This is the inevitable tragedy of being trapped in the Devil's Cave. It is the cruel arrangement of misery and fate. It is the final result that cannot be escaped. She is unable to reverse or fight.

Zhang Yunyan very regretted and blame herself, knowing clearly that this is where the devil runs rampant, a horrible "hell", a dead end with no return, why come in to die?

She was very puzzled and frustrated, and at that moment she didn't want to come in, and somehow she fell involuntarily. This was not a wrong decision, not a willingness, it was an accident, it was a scheme.

In the middle of the night, Zhang Yunyan felt that she was pushed by a person, causing her body to lose balance and fluttered down, which led to such a sad underground.

She couldn't solve this terrible mystery, she was always skeptical, and there was no conclusive conclusion.

In the dark night, Yun Yan didn't hear any sound, and didn't find anyone around him. How could it feel like he was being scrambled? Who is the one who calculated her, and how did you get started?

She didn't notice this, only feeling, she couldn't guess without knowing, she couldn't confirm, and she was totally confused.

The reality is so cruel, and the end is so sad, Zhang Yunyan can only admit it. She didn't know what else could be done, and there was no way out to wait for death. Regardless of the consequences, she must bear it, though extremely reluctant, and cannot change the cruel reality.

Yun Yan is a heroine who dares to act and dares to uphold justice in the face of evil forces. However, at this moment, in the face of the fierce devil, she has no courage and courage, and no confidence to work tirelessly.

At the moment of the cave entrance, Yun Yan thought about trying to rescue her close partner, Green Tiger, and thought about going into the cave to try it and work hard. However, it was a flash of thought that didn't work and had no effect on her decision.

She knew that if she went on, she would die, not to mention that she did not have the ability to fight against the devil, and she would not dare to enter such a deep cave. She was nervous and frightened at the time, and this emotion could not be eliminated, she could only shrink back and not take the initiative to jump down.

Although she was hesitant to enter or not to enter, but this hesitation was just a thought, which was caused by the anxiety about the life and death of the green tiger. She did not enter the devil's cave to make her decision and consciousness, and never wanted to kill herself.

I did n’t know whether to enter or not to follow her mind, or something unexpected happened. In observing and listening, she did not expect that she could not help herself.

The ground fell down.

Zhang Yunyan thought back to the situation at the time. He was very clear about the emotions and thoughts at that moment. He didn't know why it became blurred again. He couldn't remember the situation and mentality at that time.

In her memory, she felt as if she had accidentally fallen, and entered the cave like an impulse, or it might have been pushed down by someone secretly, and it was not clear what the reason was.

The change of consciousness from clear to vague, Zhang Yunyan had no feeling and could not perceive. At that moment, the consciousness was already vague and there was no way to figure it out.

She remembered that at that time, she was very anxious, terrified, wanted to save the green tiger, wanted to retreat, had the idea of ​​taking risks, and wanted to avoid ... In short, her thoughts were very disturbed and she could not understand.

Yun Yan's memory is getting more and more blurred. I don't know why I fell into Devil's Cave. Maybe all kinds of factors have it.

At this moment, she was already trapped in the Devil's Cave. What caused the fall was not important, and how to escape was the top priority.

However, she had no choice but to worry about this "top priority". Yun Yan clearly remembered that the last time the tortoise had clearly informed that there was no escape route and no hiding place in the cave, only one death, but time was sooner or later.

Zhang Yunyan was painful, frustrated, and hopeless.

She couldn't help but think of the old lady of the half-fairy body, and her suspicion resurrected. The old man claimed that he had come here on trust, which was puzzling.

Who is that old woman entrusted to? What is entrusted? Is the old lady just sending her into this cave where the devil lives?

The old man was very mysterious, his behavior was very strange, and the things he entrusted were unclear. He did not dare to say clearly, nor did he dare to tell his true identity. There must be an unspeakable conspiracy.

However, one thing can be said that she came for Zhang Yunyan, and she could hear one or two from her words.

It now appears that the old woman who claimed to be half a fairy was probably a monster, entrusted by Jiuyou Shengjun, secretly pushing Zhang Yunyan into the cave.

Although this is reasoning and conjecture, it is very likely that Yun Yan cannot help but associate her with these mysterious and strange things.

In thinking, Zhang Yunyan became more and more convinced that the old woman was a demon. The guy pretended to be a **** to lie, and secretly concealed her, causing him to escape in despair and giving himself to a cannibal devil.

The old woman's murder was not forthright, nor did she act directly. She first made up the ghost words that had a life and death relationship thousands of years ago to paralyze her, and then plot in the back to make her die unclear.

Zhang Yunyan didn't know who was the banshee who had borrowed the name of the fairy. It was likely that the guy was pushed into the cave by the guy, which was really hateful.

The more she wanted to get angry, the more she felt sad, and despite her vigilance, she was invincible. Eventually, she was calculated by the demons and was about to be eaten by this group of demons.

Sad, too sad, the vow is not over, and the young life will be buried in the Devil's Cave.

She was frustrated and desperate. Why was it so unlucky? Why are there more than one monster?

There is no revenge or no revenge. The brothers and sisters are separated and their wishes are hard. Everything about her and even her life will end sadly here.

This is the end of Zhang Yunyan's disappointment, and his cruel reality cannot be changed. In the face of those cannibalistic gods, she has no ability to fight, and there is nowhere else to run, but only a dead end. 2k novel reading network

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