The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 185: Mysterious man

Just now, Zhang Yunyan carried the man into the seal cave, a flash of thought, fearing that the poor man would be hurt by the demons and ghosts and die miserably; second, fearing that the demons would be suspicious, he would pay attention to this mysterious cave; In addition, the turtle will be affected and hurt your friends.

An instant flash passed, and she took the man through the seal and entered the cave again. The two were not found by Jiuyou Shengjun.

Zhang Yunyan was very nervous. She was very grateful that she was able to escape the hunt of the devil unexpectedly.

Jiuyou Shengjun is outside the cave and is showing his might to the turtle. I do n’t know what the consequences are. Yunyan's nerves are sweating and permeating. She is worried that accidents will happen and the turtle will be unpredictable.

She successfully entered the sealed cave, not realizing how amazing it was, and had no time to be surprised. She temporarily escaped the pursuit of the devil, and was too late to react to the great joy, without any surprise or surprise.

Yun Yan was so nervous that I didn't know if this mysterious cave was safe, whether there were any terrible things, and whether there would be danger. She was worried and anxious about the safety of the tortoise, and wondered whether the devil was suspicious of her friends.

She was afraid that Jiuyou Shengjun would use magic to break the seal at the entrance of the cave. If those guys break in, the calamity will soon come, and she and this man will surely die.

Zhang Yunyan had no time to take care of other things, and clenched the flying dragon's sword quietly listening to the outside movement. She was nervous and vigilant, watching the devil's every move, always ready to fight desperately with the fierce gods.

The conversation between the tortoise and the group of demons of Jiuyou Shengjun was clearly understood by Yun Yan, who saw that the tortoise did not expose his rebellious behavior, and was deeply relieved and relieved his anxiety.

She felt relieved when she saw that the devil hadn't found her hiding place or paid attention to the mysterious cave. She was grateful for the deliberately misleading words of the turtle.

The devil finally left here, and Zhang Yunyan relaxed nervously and relieved one after another.

She sat silently on the back of the rock wall, and was trapped in the Devil's Cave. She was surrounded by pain and despair. She was motionless like a zombie who had lost her soul, her heart was trembling, and she had pain in her blood.

Zhang Yunyan is waiting, waiting for the unknown atrocities, waiting to end the young life.

This is a mysterious cave. I don't know how terrible the danger is, or if a monster will suddenly appear. She didn't want to die quietly. It was still a small hope, and she would eventually die tragically ...

In the silence, Zhang Yunyan remembered something. Before entering the cave, there was a red flash in it. What was it? After she entered the sealed cave, it was always dim and there was no luminous object. How could there be a short red light?

What the flash of the foretaste heralded, why did it happen at that moment, and what secrets were hidden, she knew nothing and could not guess.

Zhang Yunyan was puzzled. She felt that the situation was not good, she was nervous, and she was very afraid. She didn't know what kind of disaster would happen.

She couldn't help but think of the cave where the demon monkey was confined. It seemed empty and empty, and there was also a "stone table" quietly showing up. The monster was terrible and gave birth to a stone bead magically.

Shi Zhu's red, yellow, and blue three-color demons have tortured her to death, and she is still entangled in her body. I don't know when it will happen, how to torture herself, and whether she will die.

It ’s not bad that she was tortured by three colors of evil spirits. If she is in control of her body and mind, she will become

For the monster's killing tool, that would be miserable, and it would be better to die.

At this point, Yun Yan entered a mysterious cave again, this cave has been sealed, it seems that it must have its purpose, otherwise it would not do so for no reason.

Inside, it is likely to hide unknown secrets. I don't know how many terrible monsters there will be, and how many prestigious monster law organs will be there, but it has not yet appeared.

In his thoughts, Yunyan heard the enquiry of the Ling Turtle, no longer wondering, came to the cave to meet his friends. The two strange friends were short-lived, but just like reuniting for a long time, they were both joyful and close.

Zhang Yunyan and Ling Gui are frank and honest, and each other has a life-saving grace. They have long regarded each other as extraordinary friends. During the conversation, she and him were sometimes surprised, sometimes sighing, discussing how to deal with the demons and ghosts, and discussing countermeasures for survival.

Suddenly, Yun Yan showed a surprised expression and said, "Ling Turtle, tell you a very amazing thing. You must be very happy to hear it."

The tortoise had no interest in the cave with nothing, and heard that there was something magical, and immediately came to spirit.

It smiled and looked hopefully, and asked, "What magical things are there, let me tell you a little bit, please."

Zhang Yunyan hadn't spoke yet, suddenly, a figure flashed beside him.

The tortoise was startled and wondered. Why is there anyone in this seal cave, who is he?

The cave was dim and there was no way to see the person's appearance.

The tortoise was surprised and puzzled, and he took a closer look to identify it.

From the dress point of view, this is a man or a burly young man. He is taller and stronger than Zhang Yunyan. This person is slender and extraordinary, and he is an unusual person at first glance.

The tortoise originally thought he was the unconscious person, but was surprised to find that this person was completely different from the unconscious man, not the same person.

It was puzzled, how could this man be in a mysterious cave, when did he get in? Has he been living in seclusion in the sealed cave? What is his relationship with the devil group of Jiuyou Shengjun?

The man was wearing no expensive clothes, no expensive clothes and diamond rings, but a monk costume.

The tortoise looked at the man who appeared unexpectedly, startled and nervous.

It is very puzzled. Who is this young monk, and how can he live in the cave of the seal? How did he get in, could he crack the mana of the seal? Why was there no sign before?

The tortoise confirmed that the young monk was not the unconscious man bound by magic, but someone else.

The unconscious man was wearing luxurious clothes, dressed as a layman, or a young master, not a Buddhist disciple, no doubt about it.

Moreover, the man had been constrained by magic and could not be broken by himself. Others were unable to help and could not wake up and move around. Specifically, Zhang Yunyan did not have the ability to break the magic, and he could not wake up without restraint.

The appearance of the little monk was an amazing accident, both mysterious and strange, too incredible.

In the face of this mysterious man, the spirit turtle was both nervous and worried. He lived with the devil in a cave house, which is likely to be related and cannot be prevented.

To this man, Zhang Yunyan didn't feel nervous and worried, but was equally puzzled. I didn't know what was going on and why it was so amazing.

This is a mystery, a strange and mysterious incomprehensible mystery.

This cave was sealed by a powerful mana, which is absolutely unusual. What just happened can be called magic.

The weird things that happened to Zhang Yunyan, as well as those strange phenomena, are difficult to understand and can't help but suspect. These things are so amazing that no one knows the hidden secrets and cannot find the exact answer to solve these mysteries.

Who is this little monk? When did he enter the sealed cave, and how did he get there? What is his relationship with the devil, and why would he live in a cave together? What mysteries and magical things are in the sealed cave?

In tension, the turtles are interested in mysterious caves, and they want to know these mysterious mysteries.

Zhang Yunyan listened, and the terrible roar and the fierce demon wind were still in the distance.

Then, she recounted the passage after entering the cave, unlocking the mysterious things in the mysterious cave, and the sudden emergence of the Buddhist man ...


Just now, a group of demons from Jiuyou Shengjun arrived, Zhang Yunyan was so scared that she persuaded and evaded, she was afraid that the evil spirits would find it to cause disaster.

She was extremely nervous, wondering if this mysterious cave was safe, and clenched the Dragon Dragon Sword to listen carefully, always ready to fight desperately with the devil.

The group of demons of Jiuyou Shengjun finally left here, and their nervous body and mind also relaxed. Zhang Yunyan sighed softly and felt that the body was lazy and weak. She breathed a sigh of relief, sat down against the rock wall, closed her eyes and rested for a while, meditating silently ...

"Who are you? Why are you here?" A question suddenly sounded beside me.

Zhang Yunyan was just a little relaxed. Before she could stretch her body and mind, she was shocked. She opened her eyes quickly and flashed to the side, hurriedly crossing the dragon's sword to her chest, staring nervously at the place where she spoke.

This series of actions is completed in an instant, and it is an instinctual reaction to deal with sudden danger.

It turned out that the speaker was a man, watching Zhang Yunyan with vigilance. The man was nervous, glaring with fists in both hands, always ready to fight desperately with Yun Yan.

The moment of suspicion flashed, and Zhang Yunyan understood it. Although he could not see the person's face, he could be identified as the unconscious person, because there was no second man in the hole except him.

Yun Yan was relieved, and was a false alarm. She shook her head and sighed, "Oh, it's you, almost scared me to death."

She breathed a long sigh of relief, and relaxed her nervous body and mind, and then inserted the Dragon Sword into the sheath.

The man was silent, still watching Zhang Yunyan with vigilance, and was always on guard against being attacked.

Suddenly, Yunyan was shocked in her heart, she felt wrong, and the unconscious person was bound by magic. How could she wake up? She was suspicious and looked at the person without blinking. She was puzzled. What was going on?

She was both surprised and surprised, and couldn't believe it was true. Faced with a living man, she could not help but doubt that this man could not break the magic of **** and would never wake up on her own.

This impossible thing is right in front of me, how to explain it?

The cave was very dim, and both people couldn't see each other's looks. A man and a woman who didn't know each other were looking at each other, one was confused and the other was very alert.

At this moment, the danger outside the cave is temporarily gone, and the tension in the cave has not melted. It seems even worse. It is likely that a horrible situation will erupt and the **** storm will usher. 2k novel reading network

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