The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 193: Strange bird!

The tortoise hopes that there are many mysterious things in this mysterious cave, and he does not hesitate to the reveries he has given for a long time. However, if you think about it, the reality is an ordinary cave that is empty and has nothing, there is no mystery at all.

The turtle's brow frowned slightly, and he had to admit the reality: "How can this be the case? So, what use is there for closing this hole?

It was asking questions and talking to itself, showing its lost emotion.

The mood of the tortoise is understandable. For a long time, Sui Yuandong has been very mysterious in its heart and has given too many imaginations. It suddenly learned that the original idea was far from the reality, and it was difficult to accept it for a while, and he was unwilling to believe it.

It did not give up, and did not give up its original thoughts, feeling that there will be new magic and new reveries in Suiyuandong, and there will be new mysterious things.

Just then, the red light flashed in Suiyuan Cave, and then disappeared instantly.

The tortoise was startled, his eyes stared at the opening, and he saw nothing.

Suddenly the red light flashed in Suiyuan Cave, it disappeared instantly, and never appeared again. There was no sound inside or outside the cave, as if nothing had happened.

The tortoise is very nervous and surprised, puzzled. Is mystery coming?

The red light suddenly flashed, Zhang Yunyan was shocked, and immediately turned to watch, her figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The tortoise panicked and asked eagerly, "Yunfei Yan, are you still there? What happened?"

There was no response, no sound in the mysterious Suiyuan Cave, and it was very quiet.

The tortoise was a little panicked, anxious, and still asking: "Yunfei Yan, release, are you in there? Are you there ..."

There is still no response in Suiyuan Cave, silent, it seems that the pace of time has stopped, everything is choked by freezing ...

In the Devil's Cave Mansion, the atmosphere of terror remained, the roar of the demons and the roaring demon wind echoed everywhere, and it was scary and scary.

In front of the cave, a huge figure walked around, looking anxious and very nervous.

The spirit turtle asked continuously, and there was no response in Suiyuan Cave. It was anxious to get into the room, and sweat was flowing.

Are Yunfei Yan and Shi Kong really ... already dead?

Otherwise, the two of them will not ignore them, and there will be no silence in Sui Yuandong.

The tortoise is still asking, and there is still no answer in Suiyuan Cave. It sometimes approached the mysterious cave entrance, and sometimes walked back and forth, as if the ants in the hot pot were rushing around.

Unexpectedly, mysterious things really happened in Suiyuan Cave, which was amazingly changed. The flashing red light didn't look silent, but it was terrible, and it was likely to give two hiding creatures a fatal blow.

Zhang Yunyan and Shi Kong must have encountered a dangerous situation. To be precise, the two of them have been killed, but the tortoise did not dare to think so.

If not, if the two of them are still alive and still in the mysterious cave, they can't help but talk back, and they can't be silent.

In the devil's cave, the demon wind roared, and the shouting ceaselessly, the noisy voice was shocking.

In the Suiyuan Cave, there was no sound, and it was so scary and anxious and heartache.

The tortoise looked at the mysterious hole and sighed sighing. What was going on inside? Zhang Yunyan and Shi Kong really ... already

Not here anymore?

It's so anxious, it's so scary and crazy.

Anxiety was useless. The horrible red light disappeared. The mysterious Suiyuan cave had been silent. I could not hear anything happening in the mysterious cave. I couldn't see any amazing changes and dangers.

The tortoise looked at the opening of the seal, daring to imagine the terrible things that happened instantly, with an ominous fear.

It is even more convinced that this ordinary cave, which seems to have nothing, indeed hides mystery, has magical powers that are powerful, and will erupt at any time.

Otherwise, Suiyuan Cave will not be sealed for no reason, preventing outsiders from entering the investigation. The red flash just now is a terrible proof, giving two friends a fatal blow, the consequences are very painful.

Yes, the thought and anxiety of the turtle are inevitable. The instant red light is very scary, maybe it is one of the mana hidden in Suiyuan Cave. When Zhang Yunyan and Shi Kong realized that they were safe, they suddenly broke out, making the two defenseless.

The horrible red light had instantly killed the two of them ... instantly destroying the tortoise and dared not think so, and had to admit the cruel truth.

It was decadent, sitting on its hips, staring blankly at the ground, tears streaming down.

The tortoise is very painful and regrets. I thought that Zhang Yunyan and Shikong had some safety. Don't worry about being killed by the devil. It was secretly rejoicing, and was very relieved that the two had escaped the pursuit of the demons and ghosts. I don't know, the danger happened suddenly, two friends died so quickly.

This result is too sudden, too cruel, happens in an instant, and ends in an instant. In this regard, the turtle is difficult to accept, and it is very heartbreaking.

Things go against expectations, how can a good wish be crushed by cruel reality?

Mystery and horror. Entering this mysterious and horrible random hole is destined to be such a tragic result.

The reason why the reclusive senior here closed the Suiyuan cave must have set up a terrorist organization, and the entrants would not have good results. The two human friends were at their own fault, and became innocent victims.

The tortoise is very painful, tears roll down, grieve for the death of Zhang Yunyan and Shi Kong, and feel guilty for his incompetence.

At this moment, the tortoise has no thoughts about anything, no matter where the devil is, whether it is approaching.

It was discouraged, free of tension and anxiety, and forgot its own safety. It doesn't know what to do and what else it can do, it just wants to stay here, because Sui Yuandong still affects its heart.

In Devil's Cave, the spirit turtle has no friends and no close friends. The appearance of two human friends has brought warmth to it, but the time is too short.

Although the two friends were dead, they did not disappear from the heart. Here, the tortoise can still feel the friendship of the friend, and the sad heart can be a little comforted.

Zhang Yunyan and Shi Kong are dead. Can you blame this bitter result?

Of course not. Without the help of the turtle, the two would have died a long time ago, and they must not be dragged to the present. Nevertheless, the tortoise still could not forgive himself, suffering for the death of the two young people, and deeply blamed himself.

This is the end of the matter, and it is useless to be painful and remorseless. Self-blame is also unnecessary. You should think about your own funeral.

From another perspective, Ling Turtle felt that it was better for Zhang Yunyan and Shi Kong to die in Suiyuan Cave than to be killed by the devil.

Be lucky.

Of course, such luck is painful and cruel. The results are the same, but the process is different. The thinking of the tortoise is also comforting itself, so as to alleviate some pain and self-blame.

Do not let go of the tortoise in pain, but talk about the mysterious Sui Yuandong and see what horrible things happened inside.

In Suiyuan Cave, dim and silent, full of tension and amazement, and doubt and fear.

After the red light, there was no more gravel on the ground, and there was no sand left. Nothing seemed to change. In fact, a strange and strange thing has happened quietly. Its mystery and its weirdness are scary.

In the corner, two shadows curled up against the wall of the cave, motionless like a zombie. They are Zhang Yunyan and Shikong.

Are they still alive?

Yes, they are not zombies. They are not dead yet, staring at a small living creature in surprise.

What is it that makes them so nervous?

They were really surprised, nervous, frightened, confused, wondering what it was and where the guy came from.

Zhang Yunyan and Shi Kong curled up in the corner, watching nervously, always ready to deal with the danger.

In the Suiyuan cave, it was dim, silent, and even a broken needle could be heard. The hole was dim, but the little guy who appeared suddenly was very clear.

Zhang Yunyan and Shi Kong quickly recognized that it was a flying bird.

They were deeply shocked and puzzled. The bird came too suddenly, without any sound or sign, and did not know where it came from.

This is a closed cave, isolated from the inside and outside. How can a bird suddenly appear?

The bird could not pass through the powerful seal into the Suiyuan cave, and it was silent.

Besides, Zhang Yunyan is talking to the Ling Turtle at the entrance of the cave. If it enters from outside the cave, it will be found by both the Ling Turtle and Yun Yan.

This bird didn't come in from outside, but it was certain. The rock wall inside the cave is very hard and has no gaps. It was not drilled out of the rock and there is no doubt about it.

This weird thing didn't come in from the hole, nor was it drilled out of the rock. Where did it come from?

Even more frightening is that it appeared quietly with the flashing red light. This sudden change was so strange, tense, very worrying, and strange.

When this bird appeared, why did it emit a red light? Is it doing magic? The mysterious bird doesn't come early or late, but it just happened at this time. What are you doing?

Nothing is known. The two dreaded creatures could only observe, suspect, and looked nervous, very alert.

This monster appeared mysteriously at this moment, accompanied by the terrible red light, which can not help but make people scared. What this guy intends to do, can also guess a ** inseparable.

When it appeared at this time, it must have an unspeakable purpose, with an astonishing secret hidden in it, and it seemed that something had to be done.

No one knows what this bird will do. However, it can also have some premonitions, it is for the emergence of foreign life in the Suiyuan cave. It must have no good intentions for Zhang Yunyan and Shikong, and it will definitely bring terror and disaster to the two. 2k novel reading network

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