Time is passing by quietly. The demon stone is motionless and unresponsive. Like ordinary jade, there is no living breath. I do n’t know if the soul has passed away. I still use false appearances to deceive others and hide myself. Perhaps, once the time is right, it will perform atrocities like crazy just now.

The two sides were facing each other, one side facing each other silently, motionless, the other side nervous, nervous, ready to withstand a fatal blow at any time.

This was the quietness before the fierce battle, which stabbed the tense nerves strongly. Zhang Yunyan and Shikong couldn't bear it and had to bear it. No one knows when this confrontation will end and how it will end.

Zhang Yunyan finally couldn't hold back, and quietly told Shikong not to move, then leaned towards the monster stone alone.

She was very nervous, and she had a little bit of heart in her heart. When the monster stone flew, she didn't give her a poisonous hand, maybe she won't.

Yunyan no longer hesitated, and step by step came to the raised stone, watching the monster carefully.

The prey was close, and the demon stone still had no response and showed no signs of activity. It looked like an ordinary jade, but there was a little "starlight" inside.

Strange, why didn't it respond to the intruding creatures, and why didn't it ignore the alien life that came to it? It has fallen asleep, or is it still thinking about it?

Anyway, Yao Shi hasn't launched an attack yet, Zhang Yunyan relaxed a little nervous. She watched vigilantly, always guarding against the sudden attack of the demon stone, so as to protect the benevolent in time.

At this point, Zhang Yunyan and Yao Shi were close at hand and could see clearly.

This monster stone is still very attacking, but now it seems as if it is dead.

Yun Yan has fully confirmed that this is a turquoise translucent jade with genuine authenticity and no doubt. There are countless colorful "stars" scattered all over the place, and the interior is constantly flashing with colorful lights.

Yun Yan was still puzzled. The pair of wings did indeed disappear, and there were no traces left. It was too strange and weird. It was incredible.

Zhang Yunyan was observing carefully, her face was full of horror, unable to explain this bizarre mystery.

This jade looks very ordinary, there is nothing special, and there is no sign of life. How can it be so powerful? Why can it grow wings and fly around, as terrible as a monster?

Incomprehensible, jade looks ordinary, but it is extremely fierce. It is an elf who acts as a monster and cannot be confused by illusions.

Yun Yan watched vigilantly, her nerves were still tense, and she was a little scared, afraid that the monster would suddenly fly up and perform magic, launching a deadly attack on the two.

During the observation, Zhang Yunyan had a new discovery, and she couldn't help but be surprised and confused.

It turned out that the jade was not smooth on both sides and was engraved with handwriting.

After she recognized it carefully, the handwriting on one side was recognized, and it was a big fate; on the other side, there were a few lines of small characters that could not be seen clearly.

Strange, how can this little monster stone have a destiny?

Zhang Yunyan heard the spirit turtle say that the large and small marginal characters in the cave were not written by the devil of Jiuyou Shengjun, but by the masters who had lived here in seclusion. They were all written in ancient times. .

In this case, the handwriting on this jade must also be inscribed by that expert, and the predestination above is sufficient to prove this.

Besides, with

The margin hole is closed for a long time, and the devil can't enter, so it is impossible to leave this jade with a handwriting on it.

This jade magic is profound, powerful, and concealed with all kinds of mysterious and weird things.

The reclusive master is unknown, the mystery of God, and the relics are so mysterious and terrifying. The power of the monster stone is so horrible. It can be seen that the master's method is more profound and unparalleled.

At this time, Jiekong had come to Zhang Yunyan silently.

It turned out that when he saw Jade, he hadn't responded, ignored Zhang Yunyan, and didn't rise up to attack himself. Seeing that the jade was motionless, he didn't find any signs of danger, but he couldn't wait for it, so he ventured to check it out.

Shi Kong was accompanied by Zhang Yunyan's side, and he was deeply puzzled by examining the monster carefully.

The magic of jade is profound and powerful, and it contains all kinds of mysterious and weird things.

This "strange bird" hasn't moved or cast magic since it landed on this raised rock. I don't know why it became so quiet.

At this point, the two inmates had arrived, and they still ignored and left to observe. This guy can tolerate such indulgence, it seems that the nature has changed.

Especially when he was released, he was even more puzzled. Jade had to take his own life. At this time, he was so quiet that it was so strange that it was so quiet.

Why does this demon stone have no interest in Buddhists who have a "love"? Its temperament changes, so how can this happen?

Perhaps, it has exhausted its power because of continuous flying and attack, so it has no ability to show its power. At this point, the demon stone has been unable to move and has returned to the state of ordinary jade, at least temporarily.

Zhang Yunyan and Shi Kong were speculating and discussing, but they still didn't know why.

Time goes by without taking away the slightest horror. In Suiyuan Cave, it was dim and dim, very quiet, terrible and frightening.

Jade stone remained calm and looked very calm, and looked no different from ordinary stones.

Zhang Yunyan and Shi Kong felt relieved. Looking at the strange jade and talking about their own views, the doubts in their hearts were still difficult to solve.

Shi Kong feels that the handwriting on the jade must be very important, it is likely to record the origin of the jade, and perhaps to understand some secrets from it.

He stabilized his nervous mood, reached out to get the jade, wanted to see what the lines above were, and to understand the origin of the jade, it would be better to find out the secret in Suiyuan Cave.

As soon as he touched the jade, a red light burst, and in the blink of an eye, Shi Kong was struck out a few feet away, and fell to the ground a few times before stopping.

He suffered a sudden blow, his body was in pain, and he was extremely frightened. He looked at the jade masterpiece and was shocked.

Zhang Yunyan was stunned for a moment, and hurried to protect the release. Seeing that the benefactor was not seriously injured, she felt relieved.

She looked at the jade again, still standing still on the raised rock. It seems that the guy didn't want to fly to attack and release the air, and he didn't see the cloud-like wings, which relieved his tight body and mind.

At this time, the two of them were convinced that the spirit of the demon stone was still there, and he was not lethargic. The magic was still strong, and the hurting heart had not changed at all.

Facing the terrible monster stone, Yunyan watched vigilantly, still looking

Nervous and afraid to relax.

Release the air and move your limbs, rubbing all over your body, except for some bumped skin trauma, it is not a big deal, finally relieved.

The two of them looked at the magic stone that was still magical. They didn't know what to do, they could only continue to stand still.

This demon stone is extraordinary, and it is extremely powerful when attacked and cannot be resisted. Zhang Yunyan's nerves were tense, and his fear was diminished, and he dared not act lightly.

They stared at the demon stone, a little at a loss, the strange bird became a jade, and the jade was as quiet as an ordinary stone. Why did it suddenly happen?

It seems that this monster is always sober, always concerned about two tenacious lives, and figuring out how to destroy them.

The two of them are in the danger of death and cannot be deceived by illusions. They must always be vigilant.

They looked at the terrible monster stone, very puzzled. Since the internal force of jade was not exhausted, why didn't they start a continuous attack without flying?

Earlier, the monster wanted to attack and release Shikong, but due to Zhang Yunyan's protection, he had to give up temporarily after several tossing.

At present, it still hasn't let go of the Buddhist monks, and it is still trying to kill the release, and the vicious heart has not changed.

However, it is puzzling why it did not actively attack until Jade touched the jade. This monster has been closing the commentary, but he ignored Zhang Yunyan. Is it really hostile to the Buddha?

The two do not know why the monster stone is like this, is it because he hates monks? Although he has not attacked Zhang Yunyan yet, he can't confirm that Yao Shi has a soft spot for men only.

Since the monster fell on this raised rock, he did not initiate an attack. I do n’t know why he changed his former state and launched a mighty attack on release.

What is it thinking and what is the idea?

Since jade has been around for a long time, it may be the relic of the reclusive master. Its strange behavior is likely to be related to that person. The predestination above has linked the reclusive master.

Since the handwriting on the monster stone is carved by the Supreme Master, it will also belong to him. It will inject his consciousness and instructions and kill the life who dares to break into Suiyuan Cave.

Perhaps the Supreme Man was hurt too deeply by the Buddhists, so he hated it so much that Jade also hated the monks.

How this monster stone can complete the instructions of the Supreme Master may have already been set, and it is also an unknown secret, and it will never let outside life survive.

The guesses of the two of them are right or wrong, no one knows, except the expert, I am afraid that no one can solve the mystery.

In Suiyuandong, the atmosphere of horror was stronger, and the emotions of the opposing sides had been relieved, and they suddenly became tense.

Zhang Yunyan and Shi Kong looked at the demon stone, paid their full attention, and exercise strict vigilance.

Outside the cave, a furious and tense inquiry came in, and they were still afraid to respond.

At this point, the spirit turtle was not only nervous and anxious, but even thought that Zhang Yunyan and Shi Kong were no longer dead. The bang of the talent was so terrible that the lives of the two young people may have disappeared.

It was sitting on the ground in pain, feeling weak, and again in sadness ...

In the Devil's Cave Mansion, the loud noise caused by the genius's jade casting magic reverberates everywhere, and the cave is also shaking slightly, spreading to all sides, I don't know what kind of danger and disaster will be brought in ...

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