The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 370: Night sky flying shadow

Zhang Yunyan was meditating, and suddenly felt a breeze hit, startled. She hurriedly inspected, and her eyes widened suddenly. The fear had not yet healed, and she jumped up again.

In suspicion, she noticed that the strong cow killed by Jiuyou Shengjun was nearby, and immediately became nervous.

Yunyan looked at the blood-stained cowhide supported by the collapsed skeleton, and twitched in her heart, feeling extremely cold, and the scene of her talent flashed into her mind, still frightened.

Suddenly, Yunyan stared at the bull's head with eyes wide open, scared back and forth, almost crying out.

I saw that the dead cow's head swung and lived. Is the dead bull skull transformed into a fierce ghost, and is it going to make waves?

Too scary, terrible!

Zhang Yunyan looked at the shaking bull's head, and was very nervous and terrified. He had just been exhausted by the two demons, and could not survive another devil's hunting.

However, the fact was that it was so cruel, and her will was changed, and another demon unexpectedly resurrected.

Yunyan panicked, and instinctively shielded herself with the flying dragon's sword, but didn't feel it before she remembered that the sword was inserted on the ground a few feet away. She didn't dare to get it, and didn't dare to move again, afraid to startle the demon who had just risen.

Zhang Yunyan was very panicked. Although she didn't dare to alarm the devil, she couldn't stop here. She looked at the evil devil while moving her body lightly, hoping to escape from the horror place before she got up and hurt people.

Yunyan begged secretly, the killer paid his life, and he was righteous, but he was not a killer. This cow ghost should go to Jiuyou Shengjun to calculate this account, and he should not vent his hatred on himself.

The sound of "Flap" was not loud, but it sounded like a thunder, and all fluttered. The bull's head suddenly flew up into the night sky, leaving the cow's body motionless.

Ah, why is the ox head separated from the body? Did the bull head discard the cowhide supported by the skeleton and become fine alone?

Horrible, shocked, and stunned ... the matter is weird and terrible. It's too scary to describe it too much.

In horror, Zhang Yunyan understood it, and couldn't help but lament a slump on the ground, motionless and powerless.

It turned out that the ox's head was still there. It wasn't the ox's head that rushed into the night sky, but a huge bird. As for what it was, it was not clear.

In fact, it was a vulture. It was attracted by the **** smell, but it came quietly to pick up the leftovers left by Jiuyou Shengjun.

Yunyan was shocked, but mistakenly thought that the bull's head was shaking, thinking that another sharp ghost would come to life, scaring the soul out of his consciousness and passing out, it was really regrettable and sad.

Zhang Yunyan looked up at the night sky and sighed, trying to spit out all the tension and fear in her heart. She was distressed and inferior, and did not expect to be scared to death by a dead cow.

She was exhausted physically and mentally, and she was extremely fragile. She could not stand the wind and grass to stimulate her.

Yun Yan didn't want to see the dead cow anymore, to be precise, the cowhide supported by the collapsed skeleton. This miserable sight is too terrible to remind people of the horrible scene that just hurts the soul that has not been healed.

The waning moon had risen to the sky, casting a faint light. More and more stars filled the night sky.

The field was lively again, and the worms were clamoring for each other, adding some living breath to the dead earth, and interpreting the inheritance of life.

Distant mountains

The mountains were blurry, like a lying monster, looking up at the restless night sky.

The nearby village was quiet, and the dogs had already gone home to protect the peace for the master.

The horror passed, and the vast fields were again covered by the faint night, and there was an uneasy atmosphere, and also a pleasant peace.

Zhang Yunyan walked slowly to retrieve the flying dragon's sword, exhausted physically and mentally, and sat down on the roadside stone, again lost in thought. She was deeply distressed and lamented at her fate.

Yunyan was very sad and desolate. Why is this life so bumpy? Is it all destiny? Why is her fate so difficult?

She hates this uneven world, hates the insidious and brutal enemies, hates the corrupt officials, gangsters and bullies to oppress the people, hates demons and monsters and rages, she also hates her incompetence and is in deep thought ...

The next day, Zhang Yunyan's trauma was unhealed, and Yu Yun couldn't resolve it. Under the anger of revenge, he was determined not to change, and went to the road after breakfast.

She wanted to find Feng Jiabao's revenge for her righteous father, to inquire about Yuntian's brother and Yunxia's sister.

At noon, Yunyan passed by a large village and asked the villagers to know that it was Baiyuzhuang. Outside the village is Baiyu Lake, from which the village name comes.

She was hungry in the belly, had a full meal in a restaurant, and took a short break before leaving. Before she left the village, she saw someone running and shouting.

Zhang Yunyan turned a few turns and was shocked when she saw many people around the gate of a large house and shouting and screaming. It turned out that someone was fighting here.

This is a deep house courtyard, looks very bold, and is a very wealthy family.

In front of the door of the affluent home, a young man in a Buddhist costume was fighting several people. The men looked fierce, but they were average, and they were quickly knocked to the ground, writhing and humming.

Zhang Yunyan didn't know who was fighting, and for what matter you got to death. She thought about it and decided to see what happened in the past. Whether she should take a shot or not depends on the situation.

Suddenly, a child cried and ran over.

When the child saw Zhang Yunyan, she cried, "Aunt, my mother was arrested by a bad guy. Save my mother. I want my mother, I want my mother ..."

Talking, the child rushed into her arms and wept.

Yun Yan was very surprised and surprised, but she did not expect it to be an iron egg.

She crouched down and wiped tears on Iron Egg while asking: "Child, don't cry, just make it clear, what's the matter?"

"My mother was caught by the bad guys over there. Go and save my mother!"

While talking, Tiedan pointed at the deep courtyard and cried.

Zhang Yunyan was taken aback when she heard her words, and immediately rushed into anger, showing the wrath and fury of the woman, and the bravery and sorrow of the goddess.

She hugged Iron Egg and comforted her while caressing, "Child, don't be afraid, your aunt must save your mother. Iron Egg, who is that little monk, how did he fight with those people?"

"That uncle saved my mother. He told me to hide here and fight with them."

Zhang Yunyan was a bit surprised and very emotional. She did not expect that the monks were so motivated to take action. She admired the young monk when she was young and jealous.

She looked at it from a distance. The anxiety calmed down. The monk had an extraordinary skill. It was not difficult to rescue Liu.

Go to help. She stayed with Iron Egg, watching the changes in the situation, and was ready to participate in the war.

Yunyan asked what happened, and Tiedan cried while telling the story of the mother and the child.


Liu Wanyu led the iron egg to visit his uncle in the distance.

Earlier, Liu's unfortunate encounter with Hun Tian Yuan Sheng was killed by the old thief. Thanks to Zhang Yunyan's encounter, he used Xia Yun Cao and jade flowers to save him.

After Liu Wanyu and Zhang Yunyan were separated, Xiao Xing's night stay along the way was smoother, and she smiled with the coachman, feeling better. Seeing something new, Iron Egg was very pleased to ask these questions and dilute Liu's sadness.

Today, they are on the road after breakfast.

The carriage came to a small hill and suddenly saw a fight. Two people were knocked to the ground, and a young woman was scolding and scolding at the fallen person.

Liu Wanyu and the driver were very scared, and just wanted to turn around to avoid, the woman shouted, "Brother, don't be afraid, these two villains have been subdued, just go forward."

The coachman looked in shock, before rushing to the car slowly. When I came closer, I could see it clearly. The two men who were beaten were in their twenties, moaning and swollen.

The woman looked sixteen or seventeen years old, with a good-looking appearance, a sturdy figure, and a stunned expression. She was a rare beautiful girl and was amazing.

Confused and disturbed, Liu Wanwan asked, "Sister, what is this ...?"

The woman glared at the two people who were beaten, and was very angry: "Hum, they are trying to beat themselves!"

Then she briefly explained the reason for the matter.

It turned out that the woman went out and lost her silver, leaving her with no money to eat. When she was anxious, she met the two guys on the road and didn't mind.

Seeing this woman so beautiful, the two of them were so enamored that they wanted to rob the fire. They stopped the way, made a fuss, and started to fight.

Unexpectedly, this woman is very powerful, Wu Yi Gao Qiang has no opponents, and quickly subdued the two villains.

Liu Wanyu shook her head and sighed: "The world is so chaotic and the road is not safe, especially for women. Be careful when you go out!" She sighed and said, "Sister, we didn't think our sisters had the same experience What a penny stumped the hero! "

Liu was sympathetic to the illness, took out the broken silver and looked at it, nearly two or two. She left half and passed the rest.

She sighed and said, "Sister, it's not easy for a woman to go out. I know how hard it is. I don't know how far away you live. This is a little less silver, but it can also solve the temporary problem and use it Right. "

The woman immediately resigned and was very moved: "Sister, thank you! I can't take silver, neither is it easy for your mother and son, nor is it costly."

"Sister, I have some more. It's enough, you take it. Alas, this is also a benefactor for me."

The iron egg took the silver and shoved it into the woman's pocket.

The young woman was so grateful that she touched the child's head and smiled.

She sighed and said, "Sister, thank you for your generous funding, you have solved the urgent need, I don't know how to appreciate it, I hope to meet again in the future."

After the woman introduced herself, she bid farewell to Liu Wanyu and asked them to leave here as soon as possible. She was afraid of the two villains chasing revenge, and after the three of them had left for a meal, they released the two guys and left in peace. 2k novel reading network

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