The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 419: Evil God Appears

In the crater, there is no wind and no interest, death is quiet, and the atmosphere is terrifying.

Zhang Yunyan kept patrolling around, but there was no shadow of activity. Except for a slight low voice, he could not hear anything.

She was puzzled and shook her head silently. Even if the devil's cave is underground, there should be a hole on the ground. Otherwise, how do you get in and out?

The entrance of the cave should be hidden again, but it should be able to be found, but in addition to the trees and grass, there are bare rocks with no cracks, which is strange.

At this time, the voices started again: "Two brothers, you still do n’t know. The young lady of Bailuzhuang Wang Yantian is young and charming, and is a rare beauty. When you get there, you will be satisfied, despite having fun with her of."

It sounds like the host is talking.

"Oh, I can't think of such a good thing, and it's very pleasant to hear. For that beauty, we must also go."

After that, a few guys laughed again.

One said again and again, "Please go forward to protect the Lord, but you must not miss something important for fun."

Needless to say, it's that master again.

"No, just rest assured, I'm just telling jokes, don't laugh or be lively. Five days later, we will be there, only in advance, without delay, and without delaying the Lord's events , And you ca n’t miss a meeting with beautiful women. "

After that, they laughed again.

Zhang Yunyan listened to the host ’s words about the “two brothers”, and his heart moved. In this case, they are likely to be the dragon **** and the black star.

Yun Yan was puzzled again. Jiuyou Shengjun is highly magical and has no opponents. The four brothers Sai Taisui can not compare. What are the major issues that need their help?

Jiuyou Shengjun has deep cultivation and boundless mana. When the cave collapsed, he was buried in the deep underground, but he could escape, which is extraordinary. Otherwise, the Earth Spirit would not attach so much importance to the old devil, closing it in the Promise Gate and letting him control a branch.

In this regard, Zhang Yunyan could not explain, and for some reason, she could only suspect.

One more thing, she was worried, who is Wang Yantian of Bailuzhuang, how could these monsters be followed?

If Wang Yantian's young lady is entangled by these fierce gods, she will not be well, and she will be a poor woman again.

Yun Yan is already troubled by himself, and is worried for the couple, Wang Yantian who knows nothing.

After listening to their words, Zhang Yunyan suspected that the Fire Dragon God and Heishaxing were here. The four monsters caught the woman and were about to go back to bully.

Thinking of this, she sighed, and that was another poor woman.

At this moment, Du Xiaotian was nowhere to be found, and the arrested man was difficult to rescue. How could Yun Yan still have the ability to save people from the four brothers of Sai Tai Sui.

The woman was arrested by the four monsters. Not only was she badly insulted, but her life could not be guaranteed.

Yun Yan was deeply anxious and wanted to rescue the arrested woman, but could not be separated. The arrested man was here. He was in danger and needed urgent rescue.

Besides, even if there was time, Zhang Yunyan was unable to track the fire dragon **** and Heixiaxing. I didn't know where the four monsters lived, and there was no way to rescue the poor woman.

She secretly sighed, hated the atrocities of the monsters and demons, and was anxious about the safety of the arrested woman.

Yunyan's eyebrows were frowned and still puzzled, why are they speaking so lowly? Why can't you just hear the figure? Ghost cave mouth to the end

where is it?

At this time, a voice came: "Two brothers, remember how to enter the Dongfu, so as not to open the door when you come again."

It sounds like a guy suspected of being a red-haired ghost king.

"Remember, next time you come back, you don't have to alarm your apprentices."

Needless to say, the responding people are likely to be the fire dragon **** and the black star.

After listening to this, Zhang Yunyan was awake. It seems that the entrance of Ghost Cave is very secret and has a mechanism that cannot be opened by outsiders, so it cannot be found.

Thinking of this, Yun Yan's heart moved with a sad look on her face. If you can't open the hole and you can't enter Devil's Cave, how can you save people?

Suddenly, a voice broke again, interrupting her worries: "Two brothers, at this time, it is so bright that it is inconvenient to go out and give each other, sorry!"

Needless to say, the speaker is the owner of the Dongfu, that is, the guy suspected of being a red-haired ghost king.

"No, no, why are your brothers polite and say goodbye!"

"Walk all the way, don't forget, meet at Egret Village!"

"Can't forget, how can the Lord's event be delayed, we will rush to Bailuzhuang in advance, not to mention the beauty waiting."

After that, a few guys laughed again.

Suddenly, "creak" sounded a low voice, breaking the silence in the crater, which was alarming.

Zhang Yunyan was taken aback and hurried to watch. I saw a hole cracked in the towering rock wall in front, very irregular and dim inside, and then two guys came out.

When Yun Yan saw these two people, she was startled, her nerves were tense, and her heart was beating quickly. I was really afraid of what came and what happened to them. This is a life of nine deaths, but ten deaths.

These two are indeed the fire dragon **** and the black evil star. Needless to say, this secret cave house must be a retreat for the master and apprentice of the nine ghosts.

What Zhang Yunyan feared was not these two monsters, but the master and apprentice of Devil Nine Ghosts in the cave. She crunched physically and mentally, staring closely at the two monsters, not even daring to show up. If they were found by these demons and monsters, she would die.

After the dragon and black star came out, the cave closed immediately, leaving no trace on the steep rock wall.

Yun Yan understood that it was no wonder that the voices of these guys were so low, they turned out to be in a closed cave.

Heixiaxing looked at the rock wall, with the characters like words and words and pictures and pictures, with doubts in his frown.

He thought for a while and said, "Second Brother, this is just a knotted curve. I don't see what it is, and there is nothing special. Is it really a secret?"

The Fire Dragon God is also dubious, watching and saying, "Four younger brothers, give it a try and see if you can open Dongfu, so you can't go in the next time you have a problem."

Hei Xingxing heard the words, immediately started, wondering in his heart, and had hope. He reached out his **** and slid from beginning to end in that zigzag line.

As soon as he finished the curve, he heard the sound of "creak" making a deep noise, and the hole in the rock wall cracked again.

The two monsters looked at the sudden opening and were surprised and happy.

At this moment, there was movement inside, and then someone asked: "Two brothers, is there anything else?"

The voice is loud and familiar. Needless to say, the interviewer is the red-haired ghost king.

Heisha smiled, and was a little embarrassed: "Sorry, we want to try

I didn't expect to bother you again if I tested the mechanism. "

"That's it, rest assured, there will be no problems. By the way, there is one more thing, your brothers, to discuss with us, it is best to work with us on major issues."

The Fire Dragon God smiled bitterly: "Well, we have promised Hun Tian Yuan Sheng. If we leave him, not only will the elder brother be angry, we will not be friends enough, it is a little difficult."

Zhang Yunyan heard what he said, what bad things do these guys do? It seems that the people are going to suffer again.

With a sigh in the cave, he continued, "You are a little embarrassed, but the Lord has given you great hope, and I hope you will work with us to fight for the great cause of hegemony."

Hei Xingxing responded: "Well, let's discuss it with our brother. I don't think that my brother is willing to offend Hun Tian Yuan Sheng for this and ruin the feelings of my friends."

Inside the cave was a sigh again: "Since it is so difficult, we can't force it, it's not possible, you can participate in the two sides of the matter. Mingli, you are the people of the Heavenly Heavenly Saint, secretly working with us for a great cause, how?

The fire dragon nodded his head: "This is a way, let's discuss it with the elder brother and see what to do."

The cave responded: "Okay, but let me know as soon as possible so I can report to the Lord."

"No problem, we'll agree when we go back."

Zhang Yunyan understood that what they called the great cause was to follow the spirit of the earth to fight for the world. Sai Tai Sui's four brothers became xiangxiang, Jiuyou Shengjun also wanted to gather them, digging the corner of Tianyuansheng.

The red-haired ghost king ordered: "Two brothers, I am waiting for you in Bailuzhuang. You must come at that time. Do n’t delay, and rely on you when it matters. By that day, I hope to give us an accurate answer. . "

"We must go, rest assured."

"But it's not too late, Mrs. Wang's young lady is still waiting for you."

"Hey, when the moon is full, we can meet with beautiful women, we ca n’t wait for it. We will pass early, or we will meet the woman for a while. Under the full moon, you can enjoy the beauty and sweetness.

After that, they laughed wildly again.

The mouth of the cave was closed again, and the dragon **** and Heixixing looked at the strange portrayal and sighed. They were uneasy in their hearts. How could they care about the surroundings and immediately took off?

Zhang Yunyan sighed with relief as she looked at the distant monster; she looked at the rocky wall with hidden mystery, and felt that the devil's cave was dark and terrifying.

At this point, Yun Yan remembered that now the yang was flourishing, and those devil were still afraid to come out.

Even so, she didn't dare to fight with the fire dragon **** and Heishaxing, otherwise she would have shocked Jiuyoujun and the red-haired ghost king, and it would be more difficult to save people.

Zhang Yunyan remembered the dialogue between the demon and the monster just now, and was still skeptical.

The master Wang said by the red-haired ghost king seems to be Wang Yantian of Bailuzhuang, and he must be a wealthy family. If the master Wang was a poor man, he would not marry several wives, and he could not have said that.

Yunyan felt a little bit sad, and unexpectedly, such a rich family was also followed by monsters and monsters, and the little lady was so pitiful.

Although the danger was terrible, and there were unexpected gains, Zhang Yunyan knew how to open the ghost hole. Otherwise, not only could she not find such a mysterious Dongfu, even if she could not find it, how to save people. 2k novel reading network

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