Dressed in a robe fluttering in the wind, coupled with that unique mustache, Qin Feng quickly saw who was coming!

Menspit with the precepts of silence!

At the same time, at this moment, Qin Feng’s gaze was on Menspit’s back, and if he remembered correctly, the other party seemed to be a conjoined doll with someone.

“Why is there such a small person in the Giant Race?” After carefully observing the figure of the other party, Menspit was a little stunned.

In his memory, aren’t the giants all giants? How could there still be?

And, soon Menspit thought about what had just happened, loving?

If he was not mistaken, what he saw in this inexplicable fellow was love?

This person is not a race of giants? Is it the Demon God Clan?

Soon, Menspit directly shook his head himself, as a Ten Commandments, he knew very well that the gift of the Demon God King was only given to ten people!

The person in front of you is definitely not among them.

What the hell is going on?

Menspit’s body had flames shining, and the magic power suddenly skyrocketed, and if you didn’t understand things, then you figured it out.

The flames once again rushed towards Qin Feng from his body, and Qin Feng, who was motionless, suddenly laughed.

Love has been activated again.

Countless flames that looked very murderous suddenly fell silent, as if they had never appeared.

Menspit finally confirmed what this force was, and it was definitely loving.

Taking a deep breath, Menspit slowly took two steps back, “It seems that things are not as simple as I thought, if I guessed correctly, Gerudlis was killed by you, right?” ”

Qin Feng nodded irrefutably, “If Daly Allie doesn’t show up yet, then I will send you to meet Gerudli.” ”

The arrogant tone appeared with the spirit gun Chastiefol, and under the magic power, it seemed to shine the entire world, and as for this, the battle was inevitable.

“Who the hell are you?” Menspit was shocked, the initiation of love was only the beginning, but he actually knew about Daly Allie’s existence.

“Now you actually dare to be distracted?”

The spirit spear Chastiefol arrived in front of him from behind Qin Feng, and the target was already locked on to Menspit.

It is not a great irony that the precepts of mercy and the weapon of the Goblin King appear on the same person.

“Daly Allie, come out! It seems that this task given by Meliodas is a bit difficult! Ash Dragon! ”

A dragon-shaped magic made entirely of black magic appeared from behind Menspit, and the words just now were just a cover-up!

That’s what he’s really for.

It’s a pity that Menspiet doesn’t seem to know what kind of existence the opponent he is facing is, and without the slightest delay, love is launched again!

The blatant Ash Dragon directly turned into a joke!

“Your means are meaningless!” After speaking, Qin Feng’s spirit gun Chastiefol changed again!

“True Spirit Gun Chastiefol First Form”

Gigantic! The light soon covered the spirit gun Chastiefol, and the opponent Menspit had turned into an ant in front of the spirit gun Chastiefol!


The explosion, the first time the spirit gun Chastiefol touched, the explosion sound had already occurred, and the dust had not completely dispersed, but there was obviously an accident on Qin Feng’s face.

What I thought wouldn’t happen, now it seems?

Is Daly Allie still coming?

The dust slowly dispersed, and just as Qin Feng expected, a woman’s figure appeared beside Menspit!

Half of his body was almost shrouded by the power of the Demon God, in fact, he was still familiar with this person Qin Feng!

After all, the first power she gained came from her combo star!

In Qin Feng’s opinion, these two people are completely the best in physics and magic, and they have a rare double attack among the Ten Commandments!

Combo stars?

Before she spoke directly, Daly Ali’s figure had disappeared, and when she appeared again, she had already arrived in front of Qin Feng!

Compared to Menspit’s opening, it is clear that she is a woman who likes to talk with her fists!

It’s a pity that her opponent is Qin Feng.

Fists collide, magic is exchanged with each other, there seems to be no space for breathing, and the second punch from Daly Allie has arrived!

At this point, Qin Feng did not have the slightest hesitation, the same power, the same combo star launched!

Double the power, double the touch!

A breath suddenly inhaled at this moment, Daly Ali’s magic power rose wildly, “Don’t do it!”

This sentence was said to Menspit, and it was obvious that she also noticed Qin Feng’s abnormality at the moment!

The thinking of battle maniacs is always so maverick.

Menspit, who was still accumulating magic power, could only shake his head secretly, but he still agreed to Daly Allie’s request!

The collision of fists with fists, the collision of power and strength, is a completely crazy move!

After a while, the entire Giant Canyon turned into a battlefield for two people.

The earth is still cracking, and countless mountains and rocks have turned into the earth, but the power of Qin Feng and Daly Ali continues!

In fact, whether it was Qin Feng or Daly Allie, they didn’t know how many times their power burst out.


Finally, Menspit still couldn’t bear it, such a battle was meaningless in his opinion!

“Hmph!” With a punch thrown away, Daly Allie flashed behind Menspit, who pampered her, but that still had to be divided!

Now this situation has clearly exceeded expectations.

The spirit gun Chastiefol also appeared around Qin Feng again, similar to what he had thought before, but feeling the pain coming from his fist, he also deeply realized that what he needed to hit the combo star was still a body!

Daly Allie stood behind Menspit, a gesture unique to the two of them, and when Menspiet opened the opportunity, Daly-Ellie would instantly burst out of her power!

Complementing each other, there are almost no opponents to compete with!

Even, the two of them have a move, but it is not a force that they have to use!

The black magic power slowly appeared on Qin Feng’s forehead, not only the power of the spirit gun Chastiefol, since he struck, then it must be a thunder blow!

“The Cleansing of the Terrible”

The lightning light crossed the barrier between heaven and earth, and even came to Menspit’s body in an instant!

It won’t be that simple!

The power formed by the magic suddenly appeared, but the lightning suddenly disappeared without a trace at this moment. 、

One of the precepts, silence.

All magic that needs to be chanted will fail in front of the silent Menspit!

For most magic, this is the Death Curse!

But in the next second, the power of magic suddenly appeared, mixed with a brave breath, Qin Feng had already slammed in front of Menspiet!


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