
Liudeschel had a little headache, he didn’t even know what to do now, and he didn’t get the news!

I don’t know what happened to the allies?

There were so many things in front of Liudesher, and nothing was more depressing than his prayers, who had tried to follow the will of the Supreme Goddess!

But in the end, the news is to wait and see?

I have to say that under this series, he really doesn’t know why.

Not on the side of the Supreme God, this time Lyuscher did not trouble Elizabeth again, he knew very well what his situation was.

As for the Demon God Clan? This is what makes him most concerned, it stands to reason that the other party had made an imposing move not long ago, but how long has it been?

Why is it still so calm, even he feels that something is wrong from the bottom of his heart.

The arming was once again increased, and at the same time, Liudecher had to expand the scope of his own exploration at one time!

This point is actually very consistent with Meliodas, and they both understand that a small mistake may usher in a situation where they all lose!

Elizabeth once again chose to go out, it stands to reason that the last time the low-level demon god happened, the four archangels almost didn’t want Elizabeth to go out and do this kind of thing again!

But as a result, it still couldn’t survive Elizabeth’s forced request.

In fact, Elizabeth is still looking forward to seeing the man she met last time who is suspected of being the Fairy King, and even Elizabeth herself does not know why she feels this way!

However, this time the purpose of going out is completely different from the previous time, the last time was to find allies, this time it was to explore the movements of the Demon God Clan!

Two different purposes, but the danger is greatly increased.

The other side.

Meliodas among the demon gods still did not wait for Chandler’s reply, and his heart sank to the bottom again!

Even if the Ten Commandments disappear, those powers can be recovered, but Chandler?

I’m afraid that no one knows his master better than his apprentice, and you must know that Induralization is just the beginning for Chandler!

He can use it without harm!

Under such a powerful hole card, Meliodas believes that even the four archangels are absolutely impossible to be Chandler’s opponents!

Unless? Supreme God?

Meliodas’s eyes became more and more indifferent, although he still did not know the specific course of the matter, but in his opinion, the participation of the Supreme God was indispensable!


Without even informing his subordinates, Meliodas directly chose to leave the base camp of the Demon God Clan!

In Meliodas’s opinion, the opponent has completely lost face, so he has no reason to sit and wait here!

Just see, who has more means, right?


The dispatch of the Demon God Race Meliodas, at the same time Elizabeth also took her own personal guard, the tacit understanding between the two sides seemed a little rare!

All this was seen by Qin Feng, who had been thinking about them, if it was not necessary, Qin Feng was still unwilling to contact the two, but everything backfired!

The more unwilling to happen, at this moment a series of things began to happen.

“Your Highness, you can’t move forward!” As Elizabeth’s bodyguard, Guliana was well aware of her duties, and coupled with the recent actions of the Demon God Clan, she was really unwilling to take risks.

Elizabeth glanced at Guliana, and she could see the other party’s concerns from the other party’s firm eyes!

In the end, Elizabeth chose to compromise.

After all, not every luck is so good, this time for his own safety, Liudeschel even sent angels to protect himself!

It’s a slight pity that she didn’t find the news of the goblin king last time, which is Elizabeth’s biggest loss, but she didn’t show it!

She believes that before the final big battle comes, the other party will definitely come.

“It’s all here, so don’t think about leaving so soon!” Some deep voices sounded at this moment.

Meliodas also slowly fell from the sky at this moment!

The striking mark on his forehead immediately exposed Meliodas’s identity.

Ten Commandments!

Coupled with the other party’s identity as the commander of the Demon God Clan, before Elizabeth could react, Guliana on this side had already blocked Elizabeth’s body!

Even, she knew very well that Meliodas was not a simple opponent!

“Good luck, the first time I came out, the target appeared!” Meliodas’s gaze quickly swept over Elizabeth and Gulena!

The disgusting breath on Elizabeth’s body was immediately noticed by Meliodas!

It seems, the Goddess?

How much time it would take to determine Elizabeth’s identity, and then his eyes were set on Gulena!

Battle Angel, that nice armor on your body?

The magic power is directly released, Meliodas is not even too lazy to think about those messy things, the importance of Elizabeth can almost be determined from the breath, then the following is to take people away!

Or in other words, kill it directly.


Before Meliodas could make a move, Guliana seemed to have sensed Meliodas’s purpose, and almost shot directly in the blink of an eye.

One step ahead, this face Meliodas is a little interested!

Opponents like Liudecher have never been like this, and this little guard is a little interesting.

The magic power flowed slowly, and Meliodas was like a big furnace at this moment, and the face of Gulienna, who had originally shot, had a distinct change!

It is very powerful, and even reveals an unimaginable breath.

Worthy of the Ten Commandments, Guliana couldn’t help but glance at Elizabeth, she was very clear about her fate, if Elizabeth died, then she would be meaningless!

Even if it is death, it must be shot.

If Meliodas knew what Gulena was thinking now, he would definitely praise it, feeling that the stronger one would draw the sword, which is not something that a small battle angel would do!

The weapon on the waist has been pulled out again, and at the same time, Gu Liena once again strikes strongly without even the most basic contrast!

Maybe she knew, but she knew better what her mission was, and she had to give herself a chance at this moment!

At the very least, give Elizabeth plenty of time to escape.

There are some things that have to be done.

Between the light shining, the blood was sprinkled in the sky.

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