Just a thought, just a so-called concern, Gerudlis didn’t even know how much time Qin Feng spent here!

But Melascula is dead!

Yes, Melaschora is still dead in the real-life situation?

No one knows better than the Ten Commandments how they exist, and Melaschora actually has more hole cards than others!

Even among the Ten Commandments, Melaschora’s hole cards are among the best.

Still dead.

Or was it blown out of the head by a punch from your opponent?

Can’t control their emotions, even here can’t control their body as if, escape!

The same choice as Melaschora, escape.

There is nothing else on Jerudris now in his mind except to escape.

But before he could make a move here, a figure directly blocked in front of Gerudlis!

Qin Feng.

Now looking at Qin Feng’s eyes, Gerudlis finally understood the other party’s feelings, it was a disregard for death and disdain for himself!

He finally understood why this happened, and the other party never cared.

It seems that these people who are not opponents are all dying people, so why care?

All of a sudden, Gerudlis understood what Qin Feng really thought, but even if he thought of something here, he couldn’t change something!

For example, Qin Feng had already put him on the death list.

Looking at Qin Feng, Gerudlis found for the first time that he didn’t have such pressure even if he was facing his father?

Looking back at Melaschora’s corpse again, his breath changed.

Even Qin Feng found that Jerudlis’s magic power here actually began to rise, which seemed completely different from his somewhat fearful performance before!

“I am the son of the Demon God King!” Jerudlis almost roared and spoke!

With these words, Jerudlis’s hair stood upside down, and on his body, magic seemed to fill his whole body without the slightest warning!

In this regard, Qin Feng nodded.

He had already guessed the state of Gerudlith at the moment, probably because he saw the death of Melaschora and wanted to make a dying blow here, right?

It’s just a pity that these are just futile!

Qin Feng didn’t even say much about what was happening now, his way was simple and clear.

Speak directly with your own fists.


The fists of the two people actually collided at this moment, Qin Feng glanced at Gerudlis with some surprise, if it was before, the other party would definitely not be able to resist his fist!

It seems that there is indeed a great creation before life and death!

The face changes again, even if it is a big creation?

One punch was unsuccessful, and Qin Feng’s next wave had arrived!

Countless fists seemed to bombard directly at Gerudlis’s body as if they were dead, and with this explosive attack generated here, Qin Feng’s fist was almost invisible!

Only the fist shadow is left swinging wildly!

Jerudlith was still able to keep up with Qin Feng’s speed in the early stage, but now, as the opponent’s strength is increasing, it is becoming more and more difficult!


Finally, Jerudelis on this side could no longer keep up with the speed of his opponent, and the strong force bombarded his chest directly!

Feeling the pain in his chest, Gerudlis’s eyes were already red!

Before, with the power of one breath, he burst out with unimaginable huge power, but now, under Qin Feng’s continuous attacks, that qi was directly dispersed!

Looking at Melasqiula’s corpse again, it was like a death warning, and it was pressed on Qin Feng’s heart.

The matter is not over yet.

“I don’t believe you’re really that powerful!” Taking a deep breath, there was a light on Gerudlis’s body once again, “I’d rather see if you can withstand me like this!” ”

Familiar light, familiar power, Qin Feng, who saw this scene, laughed out loud!

The power that almost all high-ranking demon gods will use, Yin Du La!

Only, this is the first one? Except for Melasqiula, who had just been headshot by his own punch, Qin Feng seemed to have seen good words, right?

Seeing Jerudlis’s somewhat confident eyes, Qin Feng really didn’t want to hit the other party directly at this moment, telling the other party that his physical strength was made step by step by the Yin Dula of you high-ranking demon gods!

The six hearts were shattered one by one in Jerudlis’s body, and the destruction of almost every heart at this moment would bring a devastating power boost to Jerudlis!

And the breath of Jerudlis, too, is steadily improving in relation to this.

Qin Feng was a little unanxious at this moment, before, because he seemed to be too fast, when he killed Gerudlis for the first time, he didn’t seem to have been like this?

So now, let’s see what kind of power this son of the Demon God King can erupt?

The wait was not long, and after a long time, Gerudlis had already controlled all the power that burst out, and the next second he even saw a smile on his somewhat serious face!

Qin Feng even looked at his opponent again, and I don’t know if it was too much magic, after Yin Dula, Jerudlis’s hair became much longer, all over his shoulders!

But more important is his forehead, originally those magic patterns on his forehead were clearly visible, but now these damn magic patterns are intricate!

But compared to Menspit’s words, Gerudlis seems to have a little more will?

There is no trace of being controlled by the furious force at all!

Perhaps this is the privilege of the son of the Demon God King?

Before Qin Feng could continue to look further, a pair of black wings appeared behind Jerudlis, completely made of magic power!

In the next second, launch a direct attack.

Calm down, Qin Feng once again found that Gerudlis seemed to be calmer and calmer, and under this power, he became more silent and calmer!

If I have to say it, it seems that I have completely changed someone.

However, Qin Feng didn’t care much about this, but how to change, strength is the final way to speak!

Since you have already made a move, then I naturally have no possibility of evasion!

Behind Gerudlis, another change has occurred, and the magic seems to be constructing something?

Qin Feng didn’t want to think too much, if this was the case, then it was better to speak directly with his fists!

In the blink of an eye, the two sides are in a fight!

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